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Just pwned both top1 top2 players - Page 2 - Forum

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Just pwned both top1 top2 players
AL_GIDate: Tuesday, 21-Jan-2014, 6:25 PM | Message # 16
Zombie Pirate
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Omg nexuss it just a game wink

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

wilzDate: Tuesday, 21-Jan-2014, 8:12 PM | Message # 17
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hahaha fucking no kidding...all these mexicans play with mass pool asap to get +10 attack on dyrads.  and nothing but target the solo no stacker.  seriously turn pool off or limit to 500 or as i said again tax that shit 50%.  so annoying when someone talks shit and think theyre good because they got pooled $20k.
Adam_CZDate: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2014, 6:31 PM | Message # 18
Robotic Ninja
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Quote BajsHoran ()
lol... nice replay adam smile now we know if u 1 time play unstacked vs mega pubs u can actually win by urself in 2 hours... great job son... i rly underestimaded ur skills smile

i was testing new build
AL_GIDate: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2014, 11:04 PM | Message # 19
Zombie Pirate
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
i was testing new build

Always same excuse -.-

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

O_o]-PrincipVDate: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2014, 11:17 PM | Message # 20
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I met vetealamierda (elo rank 2) in a lobby. He challenged me 1v1 with 2pub so I accepted it.
It was easy game to me so I asked him if he want again. And yes we did again.

At second match. nexsus(elo rank 1) joined game and he wanted 1v1v1 with 2 pub allies.

here is summary

A lot of little pussies bragging their wins against me by mass pool. But these pussies don't know what is soloing.
My legit 1v1 rule is simple. just pool off and no allies creeps shopping for you.

I had 2 bloody shitty pub allies with shitty build. On the other hand their allies had decent build. especially FF in t4, mind rape in t3 kept annoyed me. But no problem.
Just pwned rank 1 and rank 2 players at the same time and showed them who is true king is.
New generation pros still couldn't pass over the legendary tier castle.

I really love long game. Cause it really pisses off when you lose.
Enjoy my 3 NUKES, 3 PENGUINS.

Yes SOUNDWAVES  the top 1 and 2 are joke , they only play with his allies , them don't have much experience playing without boyfriends or pool but you need a real player for example Me  bb2

Call Me Messi I was The ex Best Player
AL_GIDate: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2014, 11:57 PM | Message # 21
Zombie Pirate
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LoL vetealamierda and Nexsus are easy

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 23-Jan-2014, 3:41 AM | Message # 22
Robotic Ninja
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Nexsus is funny sometimes. I remember one game (it was maybe 1 week ago) where Nexsus was playing vs ameen_sam and golden_dick (players from garena) and they beat him very easy in 15-20 minutes. He was hidden in base and whole game was only repeating "I am losing but i have APM 280, I am losing but i have APM 280".

But dont forget Nexsus beat JST4X in 1v1 game:

And Vetealamierda is very good, he always play only with hero but he is very fast and good micro.
wilzDate: Thursday, 23-Jan-2014, 12:04 PM | Message # 23
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wish we play these newbies with old stacked team.  me cou stooge, xmon cheesy legal, stax talk, sound biki knur, liz and them euros, not the bond team cuz that was easy.
SecreT-Name-Date: Thursday, 23-Jan-2014, 12:13 PM | Message # 24
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wilz is not sexy
NexsuSDate: Thursday, 23-Jan-2014, 1:07 PM | Message # 25
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
where Nexsus was playing vs ameen_sam and golden_dick (players from garena) and they beat him very easy in 15-20 minutes.
OMG! were 2 vs 1 ..... 

soundwaves, at least for 13 minutes

gigasus91Date: Thursday, 23-Jan-2014, 2:13 PM | Message # 26
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Quote NexsuS ()
OMG! were 2 vs 1 ..... soundwaves, at least for 13 minutes

lal full stack vs soundwaves and shinki ajajaja

And nex lol you camped in base the whole game and after that i checked my apm and yours , mine was 118 and yours 227 or smth like that wtf.
FireHartDate: Thursday, 23-Jan-2014, 2:19 PM | Message # 27
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Everyone has their bad games, just some have one more often than others

Message edited by FireHart - Thursday, 23-Jan-2014, 2:22 PM
NexsuSDate: Thursday, 23-Jan-2014, 2:28 PM | Message # 28
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Quote gigasus91 ()
And nex lol you camped in base the whole game and after that i checked my apm and yours , mine was 118 and yours 227 or smth like that wtf.

                                         check thi


Message edited by NexsuS - Thursday, 23-Jan-2014, 2:29 PM
gigasus91Date: Thursday, 23-Jan-2014, 2:45 PM | Message # 29
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your apm is just spam br0.

If i show the replay of our game 2v1 where u camped in base the whole game + apm's we can see that you did nothing actually.
BajsHoranDate: Thursday, 23-Jan-2014, 3:35 PM | Message # 30
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lol a player that has 1 build and sometime change vengence for chimeareas isnt top 2 player smile player who qq hard when its ars game 1 time. then gets dono in game and still need to play bill and halpmeh on ars for x mute and bill with ank and focus potion, its not a top 2 player... and i still remember same top 2 player leaving a pool off game me and tk.. owned vete nexus and walter and 2 leave  to have peng gold when we have allrdy nightterror and 1 last base to kill. to sum it up. good player but top 2 lol no no no. footy reborn have more skill in his left nut

Added (23-Jan-2014, 3:35 PM)
and half ur apm is ask asking for pool biggrin lmao

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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