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Direct modes
hassanrizvi10Date: Sunday, 08-Feb-2015, 10:29 AM | Message # 1
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In my opinion direct modes like -ars mode, -6vs6 mode, and -ssd modes which can be done by using codes should be removed or prohibited to do after mass as it's like a abuse

RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 08-Feb-2015, 2:58 PM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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Quote hassanrizvi10 ()
prohibited to do after mass as it's like a abuse
All of them are with the exception of 6v6 mode which apparently can be done any time.

And to be honest,
those -mode codes were meant for players that have actual experience with games (550 wins+).
In general, by the time you get around 550 wins, you should have come to fully understand the game and not be a douche.

The only problem with this logic is that players have found ways to exploit the win codes and thus the immature are having fun abusing those modes.
Those modes were supposed to be one of the prizes for being a veteran in CHF and actually saving EVERY code 1 by 1 (which by the way is SUPER painful).
Too bad there are too many who takes shortcuts now. And yes, I do have a cheated code too but my practical code is still enough for me to get the same heroes -.- (I just prefer the look of a 1001 wins on stats Xd)

Anyways, this mode will be completely removed in 4.1 so no worries.
Apparently the chf community is a bit too immature on what they should be abusing and what they should not (including ofc, the debug mode).

Web-GhostDate: Sunday, 08-Feb-2015, 11:26 PM | Message # 3
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i earned my 59x codes and than i stop collecting them

lspiderlDate: Sunday, 08-Feb-2015, 11:28 PM | Message # 4
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every time I get a few hundred I get bored and stop playing lol  and then loose my code

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
Web-GhostDate: Sunday, 08-Feb-2015, 11:39 PM | Message # 5
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Quote lspiderl ()
every time I get a few hundred I get bored and stop playing lol  and then loose my code
biggrin noob biggrin

hassanrizvi10Date: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 3:03 AM | Message # 6
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
those -mode codes were meant for players that have actual experience with games (550 wins+).
In general, by the time you get around 550 wins, you should have come to fully understand the game and not be a douche.

I know that people with 550 codes can do it but many people hack code to do it

genkiamericaDate: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 3:23 AM | Message # 7
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This is just as much a problem with "veteran players" (those with legitimate codes) as it is with players with a hacked code.  In fact maybe it is more of a problem with players who save codes and stick with one main account, because they care so much about wins and ELO that they use mode forcing to try to gain unfair advantages.  I often see alts with hacked codes using their codes to do -ars and -ssd or even -ars mode, but i rarely see them doing "mode abuse" like -6vs6 mode 40 minutes into the game.  That is more likely the behavior of someone on a main account who wants a win no matter what for their precious stats/elo.

Look at Uranos.  He has a legit win code over 550.  Every time he is red he abuses modes with his code.  If team 2 is alive and one of the bottom teams is dead and he is losing, he will without fail, type -6vs6 mode to force a 6vs3 game.

Message edited by genkiamerica - Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 3:27 AM
hassanrizvi10Date: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 12:39 PM | Message # 8
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Uranos is biggest noob

RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 12:39 PM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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Quote genkiamerica ()
This is just as much a problem with "veteran players" (those with legitimate codes) as it is with players with a hacked code. In fact maybe it is more of a problem with players who save codes and stick with one main account, because they care so much about wins and ELO that they use mode forcing to try to gain unfair advantages. I often see alts with hacked codes using their codes to do -ars and -ssd or even -ars mode, but i rarely see them doing "mode abuse" like -6vs6 mode 40 minutes into the game. That is more likely the behavior of someone on a main account who wants a win no matter what for their precious stats/elo.
The thing is genia...
this idea was implemented LONG before the idea of ELO.

4.0a was out before the ELO started. In other words, Bond's map never accounted for ELO abusers.

So ya, originally the concept was nice but has changed with "ELO"

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