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TangerineSkyDate: Wednesday, 09-Nov-2016, 4:09 PM | Message # 1
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Well, what do you think will happen? How do other countries view trump and the future of the U.S.?

Message edited by TangerineSky - Wednesday, 09-Nov-2016, 4:11 PM
lotrrotkDate: Wednesday, 09-Nov-2016, 4:20 PM | Message # 2
Zombie Pirate
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I think Trump will make America great again 

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
l3etuceDate: Wednesday, 09-Nov-2016, 5:21 PM | Message # 3
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Build that wall

I love green leetuce
RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 09-Nov-2016, 8:21 PM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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Like almost every other president US had.

Might be a bit more loony than President Bush but in everyday life, pretty much nothing.
There's always some political crap or Congress that makes sure nothing productive ever happens.

So ya, for the everyday layman, more or less nothing.
Now, time to move on.

smalbuck101Date: Thursday, 10-Nov-2016, 1:26 AM | Message # 5
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all i hear is female voices
its all the LGBT communities who are upset.

Literally had people on social media saying, "If you voted for Trump, you're racist, want to hurt me, and to delete me."

Posted something saying I voted for trump and that doesn't immediately change who I am and suddenly make me a racist/sexist/etc. and had 3 people who are/were lesbians/pansexuals/femenists whatever you want to call them, message + delete me. All 3 being girls I've known 4+ years
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Thursday, 10-Nov-2016, 8:38 PM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
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I don't think he'll do as much as the shit he says he will. 

It's mainly the people who opposed him and their rage that's scary. (butthurt Hillary supporters)
And of course the hate groups who see him as a savior that is also scary. (KKK, neo-nazis, etc.)

Hopefully he does reduce the problem of outsourcing. The US needs jobs returned once more. And if they keep punishing the rich, the rich will simply keep on doing that good ol outsource.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
BajsHoranDate: Thursday, 10-Nov-2016, 9:54 PM | Message # 7
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How was this guy even a candidate? I take this as proof of most stupid country on earth smile In before # Snookie from Jersey SHore for president 2020...

Added (10-Nov-2016, 9:42 PM)
fk handicaps fk imigrants fk women ( im rich so alowed to molest them in public ) put Hillary in jail. what else is good about this guy? I men lmao Even Maddona offering free bj.s to everyone not voting for trump didnt cut it. U guys are a joke smile

Added (10-Nov-2016, 9:54 PM)
lets ban all musllims from america cause of world trade center... that means all muslims hate america and have no concern for human life what so ever.... But lets never mention how many inocent people USA killed during fake oil wars cause  and american life is in no way comparable to a muslim persons life... GG trump well playd

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
l3lackownageDate: Friday, 11-Nov-2016, 7:19 AM | Message # 8
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Did u vote then?

Message edited by l3lackownage - Friday, 11-Nov-2016, 7:20 AM
AL_GIDate: Friday, 11-Nov-2016, 7:58 AM | Message # 9
Zombie Pirate
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Bernie Sanders was the man of the situation..

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Friday, 11-Nov-2016, 7:40 PM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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Quote BajsHoran ()
lets ban all musllims from america cause of world trade center. fk handicaps fk imigrants fk women ( im rich so alowed to molest them in public ) put Hillary in jail. what else is good about this guy? I men lmao Even Maddona offering free bj.s to everyone not voting for trump didnt cut it. U guys are a joke
 The immigration plan is to halt incoming for the time being until there is a better system to filter out illegals and actual ISIS affiliated Muslims. If we just opened borders like a flood gate, USA will become the next Sweden. 

His views on women... First of all he allowed a female to run his presidential campaign... secondly he has a wife... thirdly he has daughters... all of children are pretty bright people. That has to be a contributing factor of his fathering skills... Something he said 11 years ago about women makes him who he is today? Not really sure how that makes any sense. 

Dude if you actually read the 100 things he wants to do as a primary action, alot of it has to do with corruption. He doesn't want any politician the chance to become a lobbyist for 5 years out of service, he wants to have a limited time of reign for all people of congress (meaning corrupt influence will diminish because they can't stay as a politician their entire career), ban funding from foreign lobbyists, 

He intends to throw out the bullshit common core education which makes most of the US RETARDED AS HELL. This will also encourage schools to stop teaching american kids to stop thinking it's okay to be a weakling who has no power or responsibility over his actions. 

The only crappy thing we really have on him is that he says mean things and stuff, is that he... says like things to hurt feelings and stuff, and... end planned parenthood? I mean IDK about you but a couple who isn't responsible to raise a child yet should not do it. And the government should not be involved. The only thing I can actually disagree and think is dangerous about Trump are his views on climate change. Of course recently he's starting to get more information and is learning more about the facts on it so I'm sure his views will change. 

His language isn't delicate, but who cares. This is one of the first guys in decades that realizes that punishing the rich will not make them pay, it will only encourage outsourcing jobs. Jobs that Americans need 

I do still wish that different candidates were picked

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
l3etuceDate: Saturday, 12-Nov-2016, 9:31 AM | Message # 11
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stay away from the Media . !!!!!

I love green leetuce
FirNesSDate: Sunday, 13-Nov-2016, 7:38 AM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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what if I tell you I don't give a single f*ck about this guy? I mean yeah he's a douche but he will just be as useless as other presidents
People are voting for him not because they like him but because he's different from the usual candidates for presidencial, he doesn't fit in the system you know. People want to show they're tired of this shitty system full of politicals who serve their own interest instead of the people's, and they don't even know what the real life is made of. The former french president didn't even know about the most popular classified ad site, and a Minister said that a "pain au chocolat" cost 15 cents when it does actually cost about 1 euro and a few cents. My point is that all these people don't give a single f*ck about the people, they are here for power and money and that's it. Get ready for the second French revolution, it will come. It might even happen in other countries.

l3lackownageDate: Monday, 14-Nov-2016, 7:26 AM | Message # 13
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insignificant people talking about what they cant change ^^ myself included. if u want to matter then go big or go home, otherwise just a drop in the bucket :/
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