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Custom Hotkeys for CHF (Download)
gokkunjackDate: Thursday, 29-Aug-2019, 8:29 AM | Message # 1
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For all of you who like to set their own hotkeys:
The file includes most spells, creeps, buildings and item shops.
Written by Gagamel>

Message edited by gokkunjack - Thursday, 29-Aug-2019, 8:33 AM
DooMsDate: Tuesday, 03-Sep-2019, 4:56 PM | Message # 2
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Nobody cares about u tard
Bond009Date: Sunday, 08-Sep-2019, 2:15 PM | Message # 3
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Pho- would be happy to see this custom hotkeys

PLusDate: Thursday, 12-Sep-2019, 4:18 AM | Message # 4
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mastervip #1
APF-PrimeDate: Monday, 16-Sep-2019, 4:00 PM | Message # 5
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BonD THis keys its works in CHF 4.1?
gokkunjackDate: Tuesday, 17-Sep-2019, 2:04 AM | Message # 6
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Is it ok if i answer your question for bond?
I wrote those keys like 2 years ago for the 4.0 version of chf.
However most of the spell id's remainded the same in 4.1 so far it seems like all hero spells are still working.
I only realised some id changes with a few creep spells (rats and priest where some spells changed their ids and are not working in 4.1).
To use the keys correctly make sure that you dont set 2 spells for the same hotkey for your hero.
For the current version of wc3 it might be nescessary for you to place the customkeys.txt file in your x86_64 (for windows 64 bit) or in your x86 (for windows 32 bit) folder. Then start warcraft from the exe in this folder and make sure in the checkbox for custom hotkeys in your gameplay options is checked. Then it will work.

Edit: feel free to report any keys not working. I might upload an updated version sometime in the future.

Added (17-Sep-2019, 2:06 AM)
Quote Bond009 ()
Pho- would be happy to see this custom hotkeys

Met the guy yesterday, he seems like a funny dude with a weird sense of humor just like me. Is that why you was referring to him?

Message edited by gokkunjack - Tuesday, 17-Sep-2019, 4:27 AM
DooMsDate: Friday, 20-Sep-2019, 5:51 AM | Message # 7
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@gokkunjack alias cacamel, you have custom keys and you still find the way to lose in 1v1 ,it's hard to play for you right ? Oh sry I mean for a blind man ?
Bond009Date: Friday, 20-Sep-2019, 6:25 PM | Message # 8
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Quote gokkunjack ()
Met the guy yesterday, he seems like a funny dude with a weird sense of humor just like me. Is that why you was referring to him?

No i just think Pho- is a funny guy, fun to play with. a lot of game energy lol

I can provide the new spell ID's if ya need them.

gokkunjackDate: Saturday, 21-Sep-2019, 11:28 AM | Message # 9
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Quote Bond009 ()
I can provide the new spell ID's if ya need them.

Thanks for the offer. I got a very fast method to spot them, so you dont need to spend time on that. I am more likely interested in which spells actually had a change in the ID so i can update the customkeyes.txt. So if you have certain spells in mind that changed ID's from 4.0 to 4.1 feel free to share. But i think like 98% of my file already works.

E: May it be that there are different 4.1 versions out there with different ID's? LOL

Added (21-Sep-2019, 3:46 PM)
update for 4.1

Message edited by gokkunjack - Saturday, 21-Sep-2019, 3:15 PM
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