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Ban bomb by maphack detector
SOUNDWAVESDate: Monday, 04-Mar-2013, 9:23 AM | Message # 61
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24/7 you log on battlenet and waiting your friend listed people such as me, cou, nihob, taurus, osetinas and so on.
if your friends(?) log on, you start whispering or joinning same game and start shit talking. ofc you change your acc and ip at every single game.
how insane you are?
I don't know how much social security and hospital are good in czech but you should see a psychiatrist.

Anyway I realized that talking with insane stalker is not good for my health.
once again, go see a doctor.


I can't ban map hackers ip but it's possible. I will talk with ultra.

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Monday, 04-Mar-2013, 11:30 AM
Osetinas7171Date: Monday, 04-Mar-2013, 9:42 AM | Message # 62
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agreed but how he can arrive to hospital when he live in  dirty village
Adam_CZDate: Monday, 04-Mar-2013, 11:31 AM | Message # 63
Robotic Ninja
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I can't ban map hackers ip but it's possible. I will talk with ultra.
What are you talking about? You banned my IP.... so you can ban IP. If you can ban my IP why you can not ban IP of maphackers? You are really stupid....

Osetinas: Dirty village? Compare my country and your country please, where is better economic, where is more unemployed people.... and stap talk about "dirty village". You are poor unemployed boy (or how you have too much time for play 24 hours a day?) I play a lot, but I have job too and work 8 hours every day. And you?
FireHartDate: Monday, 04-Mar-2013, 11:49 AM | Message # 64
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This is getting personal but really just calm it take into account that Adam_CZ, nobody wants you here and would you kindly leave

Osetinas7171Date: Monday, 04-Mar-2013, 11:51 AM | Message # 65
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you are shame for your country =/
listen to firehart he post true

Message edited by Osetinas7171 - Monday, 04-Mar-2013, 11:55 AM
2DaYuDiEDate: Monday, 04-Mar-2013, 12:33 PM | Message # 66
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on ENT, maphack or other 3rd party programs = perma IP ban & username ban
@adam: u can change the ban type on ghost bots, but that means that ALL bans are ip bans... atm this is not the case and sound CANT ip-ban, only ultra can (or someone else who has ftp acess to the bot)

lspiderlDate: Monday, 04-Mar-2013, 2:05 PM | Message # 67
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this thread is for discusion of the tool and reporting replays only keep all other arguing and debates out of it

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
FirNesSDate: Monday, 04-Mar-2013, 5:33 PM | Message # 68
Robotic Ninja
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Sorry about this post, I'm taking yours in consideration spider, but srsly I can't not react.
So adam, you say that Osetinas stays 24/7 on his comp playing Warcraft, that's a fact, he plays a lot yeah. And what about you? I don't play that much but everytime I play I see you. So actually you blame someone for playing a lot but you even play more.
Apart from the time you play, Ose plays to have fun, and just to play CHF. You, you desperately try to "troll" people, you insult everyone, you ruin games not getting hero or feeding some teams. So you don't even play.

Because f*ck logic.

Added (2013-03-04, 6:33 PM)
I just wanna add it's the last thing I'm gonna say about adam, because it's useless to add anything. He won't change his behaviour and more we'll react more he'll desperately try to troll people, so I think we should just shut our mouthes and leave him alone. smile

Message edited by FirNesS - Monday, 04-Mar-2013, 5:33 PM
Adam_CZDate: Wednesday, 06-Mar-2013, 9:04 AM | Message # 69
Robotic Ninja
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SOUNDWAVES tell me please why are you kicking and banning your clanmates? For example you kicked out of EFB player Hearts 26 or trollingyou.... But it was not me. I just used their nicknames. Because you banned my IP... There are only 2 ways how i can play on EFB-Bot:

Create every game new nick and play with proxy = very lags and almost every game dropped


Create nickname EFB members on Europe or East and play with their reserved accounts... in this time i have 24 accounts EFB members with reserved who have account only on West, but they forget create nick on Europe and East. If i dont wanna lags with proxy i must play with these accounts like was Hearts26 or trollingyou. You banned these 2 but I still have 22.... you will BAN them too? Answer please. I will not stop play this game only because I have problem with you and you are Shaman on this bot, do you understand?

There is not way really, you banned map hackers 7 days ago but it was ban only for 7 days, this people are playing again now i see them (olympique or MvTvDr...) btw you didnt ban their IP but you banned my IP why? When was MvTvDr banned him play with nick Matadorpro... we both know you didnt ban me for base kill but for personal problems. If you will ban me for broken rules, you will ban me for one week or month, but definitely not for "forever". I told you we can make deal (for example ban me for one month, i will promise you i will not join Bnet one month and after you will unban me + i will give you now password for 24 members EFB on Europe on East) but you dont wanna listen, its personal. So you are stupid.

Also is very funny how every game you type command ( ! from ) and when you see somebody is from CZ you kick him.... 3 days ago I was playing with proxy and my IP was in USA... in this game was some guy from CZ and you kicked him because you thought it was me.... Who need visit doctor, me or you?

FirneSS: I play many times its true, but no 24/7... How i can play 24/7 when i am every day 8 hours in work? I dont have PC in work.... But Osetinas play definitely more time than me.... I work every weak different time (one weak i am in work from 06:00 to 14:00 and other weak from 14:00 to 22:00).... last weak i was working from 14:00 to 22:00 and i was playing morning and see Osetinas every morning, this week i work 6:00 to 14:00 and see him afternoo... how its possible? But yes, I play a lot (maybe 5 hours a day)

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Wednesday, 06-Mar-2013, 9:27 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 06-Mar-2013, 10:42 AM | Message # 70
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Adam_CZ)
SOUNDWAVES tell me please why are you kicking and banning your clanmates? For example you kicked out of EFB player Hearts 26 or trollingyou.... But it was not me. I just used their nicknames. Because you banned my IP... There are only 2 ways how i can play on EFB-Bot:Create every game new nick and play with proxy = very lags and almost every game dropped


Create nickname EFB members on Europe or East and play with their reserved accounts... in this time i have 24 accounts EFB members with reserved who have account only on West, but they forget create nick on Europe and East. If i dont wanna lags with proxy i must play with these accounts like was Hearts26 or trollingyou. You banned these 2 but I still have 22.... you will BAN them too? Answer please. I will not stop play this game only because I have problem with you and you are Shaman on this bot, do you understand?

There is not way really, you banned map hackers 7 days ago but it was ban only for 7 days, this people are playing again now i see them (olympique or MvTvDr...) btw you didnt ban their IP but you banned my IP why? When was MvTvDr banned him play with nick Matadorpro... we both know you didnt ban me for base kill but for personal problems. If you will ban me for broken rules, you will ban me for one week or month, but definitely not for "forever". I told you we can make deal (for example ban me for one month, i will promise you i will not join Bnet one month and after you will unban me + i will give you now password for 24 members EFB on Europe on East) but you dont wanna listen, its personal. So you are stupid.

Also is very funny how every game you type command ( ! from ) and when you see somebody is from CZ you kick him.... 3 days ago I was playing with proxy and my IP was in USA... in this game was some guy from CZ and you kicked him because you thought it was me.... Who need visit doctor, me or you?

FirneSS: I play many times its true, but no 24/7... How i can play 24/7 when i am every day 8 hours in work? I dont have PC in work.... But Osetinas play definitely more time than me.... I work every weak different time (one weak i am in work from 06:00 to 14:00 and other weak from 14:00 to 22:00).... last weak i was working from 14:00 to 22:00 and i was playing morning and see Osetinas every morning, this week i work 6:00 to 14:00 and see him afternoo... how its possible? But yes, I play a lot (maybe 5 hours a day)

2 words: No comments -.-

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Wednesday, 06-Mar-2013, 10:46 AM
DragonWarriorDate: Friday, 08-Mar-2013, 1:05 PM | Message # 71
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srry i invented maphack

"It's not how many hours you put into it, but what you put into the hours."-Micheal Jordan
"Be the change you wish to seek in the world"-Ghandi
FireHartDate: Saturday, 09-Mar-2013, 8:42 AM | Message # 72
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No point on writing a book for one post cause no one reads it

FirNesSDate: Saturday, 09-Mar-2013, 8:56 AM | Message # 73
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (FireHart)
No point on writing a book for one post cause no one reads it
You gave me an idea! We should write a book about adam.

FireHartDate: Saturday, 09-Mar-2013, 10:18 AM | Message # 74
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