nah just go to ... where pirates, uh bay..
and get the "crossover 12 mac"
then you get like two apps i think and maybe some other junk, and ones crossover and the other is crossover trial extender. When you initally run crossover it's on the 7 day trial or something. But then you just need to force quit it so the application isn't running (command Q) and run the crossover trial extender.
If it works it will say something like "patched successfully"
If you get some weird message from the crossover trial extender like it failed to patch then you open it in with the applescript editor (if it doesn't work one of the options will be "open" and you just click that)
And you will see
something like
set theOutputFolder to path to preferences folder as string
set thePListPath to POSIX path of (theOutputFolder & "com.codeweavers.CrossOver.plist")
tell application "System Events"
tell property list file thePListPath
tell contents
set value of property list item "FirstRunDate" to date "Sunday, April 20, 2042 at 4:20:20 PM"
end tell
end tell
end tell
(that's the edited one above)
So you should have something extra in yours i think it's something like
"set value of property list item "FirstRunDate" to date" so it's identical to the other line but it's missing something. You just gotta remove that and it should work fine.
(screenshot and post errors or script if you don't know what to do)Added (27-Nov-2013, 6:02 PM)
Quote Luxury (

Oh god...Just install Boot Camp, and fuck the Mac.
yeah but that cost loads too..