Custom Hero Footies Stats PRO v2.4
Vexslasher | Date: Monday, 23-Dec-2013, 10:32 AM | Message # 1 |
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Download Past users can no longer directly download from the about tab due to my file host completely switching it's providers they lost all my files. I have updated the above link to the new location.
Alternative Download Options ZippyShare - MediaFire - FileSwap - FileDropper - BigUpload - ShareSend - YourFileLink - DataFileHost - SendSpace - MegaFileUpload

Hot Keys END = Saves clipboard text to the program list at the bottom. (This is not used when auto features are on.) Page Down = Loads the stats code at the start of the game, also zooms to 2500 if you have that setting on. (This is not used when auto features are on.) Pause = enters -repick, don't hit enter before doing this, it doesn't need the chat window open. Insert / Ins = this will paste custom hero footies 3.5b# as default, however you can change it in the settings tab if a newer version comes out. F8 = Quick Screen Shot, without paint or image programs needed.
hot keys guide normal keyboard

hot keys guide laptop keyboard
Change Log For v2.4
- Fixed the problem with it almost never deleting the temporary files needed for gamecapturex when using the auto features.
- Made a new program CHFSP Rescue v1.0 to go along with CHFSP that when you have the auto feature on it will restore CHFSP whenever it crashes
- CHFSP Rescue v1.0 also will instantly close a CHFSP if it stops responding so that you can instantly have a new healthy running CHFSP
- The auto close game capture option in the auto tab now also closes warcraft3 since it was impossible to close gamecapture while it was injected
- Changed the updater to something more basic since we seem to stick with this forum and my file hosts seem to die off
- Updated to the newest frameworks 4.5 now
- Made a few slight visual changes to the auto page
All Past Change Logs Click Here
Requirements Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 - Is required to run the program on your computer, running without may cause errors. 7-Zip - Is Required to open the archive before running, or any archive extractor that can open a .rar file would work. WinRAR etc. GameCaptureX- Is Required for the auto feature to work however it is included within my program and will turn on when needed automatically.
Fixes For Some Common Issues Change the capability to xp sp2 for it to stop floodingSet the privilege level of this program to administrator to fix error opening/closingHow to run my program on some newer macsNorton Insight Protection blocking my program because fewer then 25 Norton users have downloaded this file?Fix GameCaptureX for Windows 7Fix My Programs Auto Features in Windows 7
Known Issues These are known issues that I will try to fix in upcoming versions. Program Sometimes Crashes After Saving. (just check on it often to make sure it's running properly. or run "CHFSP Rescue" along side my program.) Program closes warcraft3 when closed? This is required to close gamecapture I'm trying to find a better solution but for now just don't close my program while your in a game.
How to run CHFSP Save and Load Stats (No Hotkeys Needed) Right now the best way to use the program is in the fully automatic mode, to make sure your in this mode go to the "Auto" tab and make sure all of the items are "On" then just in case the program crashes from overloading the gamecapture transfer data limits just run "CHFSP Rescue" along side my program then when ever my program has any problems it will restore it to a working process. If you choose you can just run the "CHFSP Rescue" every time since it will turn on my program on it's own. If you run into problems with it saying "Invalid window handle, exiting" then press "OK" a few times that just means it didn't have enough time to inject into warcraft when warcraft was starting up. That error is part of GameCapture so I can't fix that but if you never want to see that again then just have Warcraft 3 running before running my program in auto mode.
Questions, Suggestions, Comments, Concerns post them here ;)
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Vexslasher | Date: Wednesday, 25-Dec-2013, 8:49 AM | Message # 2 |
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| I added another picture of the CHFSP Rescue that actually shows it doing the important part. And it will almost always have saved before that crash. So this is pretty good fix for now but it does make you have to run 2 programs which is sorta a pain but still much easier then writing anything down or typing it out.
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Vexslasher | Date: Monday, 10-Feb-2014, 6:56 PM | Message # 3 |
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| Added a little how to run auto mode guide near the bottom cuz I been noticing a lot of the users are still using the hotkeys for some reason I tried to cover how I use it pretty well in that guide if anyone has questions tho feel free to ask. Also to anyone who is wondering where to get the Rescue program just download my program with the top link it's included with it now.
I also added 10 different alternative download hosts in case one doesn't work you have plenty to choose from now.
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AL_GI | Date: Monday, 10-Feb-2014, 8:11 PM | Message # 4 |
 Zombie Pirate
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| You cannot add a program to change hotkeys for spells ?
Call me "GOD”
︻芫══一 (—_—)
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Vexslasher | Date: Monday, 10-Feb-2014, 8:28 PM | Message # 5 |
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| Quote AL_GI (  ) You cannot add a program to change hotkeys for spells ?
Soundwaves has a post about it here
xXHarDCorEXx posted how to do that on our older forum the program is called Keycraft you can download it from one of these sites I think Keycraft 2.01 this sites not English but the file is English Keycraft 1.10 this ones an older version I don't know if either of those are the latest version of that program but it can do what ur wanting I'm pretty sure.
Quote Mr.Sexy you can also manually change your hotkeys by editing the customkeys.txt file in your mpq root smile.gif, although i think this might change ones based on a buttons location, and for games that custom keys were already defined, and for custom spells maybe
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arti | Date: Tuesday, 23-Jun-2015, 3:44 AM | Message # 6 |
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| VirtualallocEx failure next im press ok and program write DDl Injection failed 0 when im start program in Wc3 . What is that? help plz who write this program.
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lotrrotk | Date: Wednesday, 24-Jun-2015, 2:53 AM | Message # 7 |
 Zombie Pirate
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| Quote arti (  ) help plz who write this program. This program is 2 years old
Go rage ban love child -This guy that loved me
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Vexslasher | Date: Friday, 05-Feb-2016, 2:01 PM | Message # 8 |
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| I just noticed a flaw in my requirements it appears that the actual program is still on framework 4.0 you can get that from here and it looks like the rescue part is using 4.5.1 you can get that one from here so no part of them from what I can see was actually needing 4.5 I wasn't as informed back then I wouldn't make this mistake today but back then I just didn't really know as much. I think that the program itself should work for xp users but I haven't actually tested it to make sure it's 4.0 because I don't have a xp machine atm but in my solution explorer it's saying it's 4.0.
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Kaelth_ | Date: Friday, 05-Feb-2016, 3:27 PM | Message # 9 |
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| this is hack codes ?
• leandryiuz •
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Vexslasher | Date: Friday, 05-Feb-2016, 5:17 PM | Message # 10 |
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| Quote Kaelth_ (  ) this is hack codes ? No it just automatically saves and loads your codes you hear a confirmation sound when it's saving. You don't have to press any keys it just does all the work as long as the auto features are set to on.
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