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WC3 Theme Maker v1.0 - Forum

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Forum moderator: Vexslasher  
WC3 Theme Maker v1.0
VexslasherDate: Thursday, 28-Jan-2016, 2:23 PM | Message # 1
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WC3 Theme Maker v1.0

Provides very easy to use theme making so you can easily create your very own cool theme for Warcraft 3 with hardly any effort.
You can also easily compress themes quickly to .zip format for sharing them online so that everyone can tryout the theme you made.

Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 to run if you need to download this click here.
Download Options
Download From MediaFire as a .exe - MediaFire as a .zip | Zippyshare as a .exe - Zippyshare as a .zip | TinyUpload as a .exe - TinyUpload as a .zip

Preview Screens

VexslasherDate: Thursday, 28-Jan-2016, 2:26 PM | Message # 2
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Here is a few themes you can download if you want, they are not needed but if you want them feel free to add them if your not sure how to add
them check the Help Tab in the program.

Download Lion Theme

Download Death Rider Theme

Download Werewolf Theme

Download Night Elf Theme

Download Illidan Theme

Download Illidan 2 Theme

katriel7Date: Thursday, 28-Jan-2016, 3:21 PM | Message # 3
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omg awesome i had one before  thanks for it biggrin

I'm not the better but some day i will rape you!!
eckone87Date: Thursday, 28-Jan-2016, 9:16 PM | Message # 4
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so sick thx!
O_o]-PrincipVDate: Thursday, 28-Jan-2016, 9:23 PM | Message # 5
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excellent  victory

Call Me Messi I was The ex Best Player
Web-GhostDate: Friday, 29-Jan-2016, 4:23 AM | Message # 6
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Vexslasher, does this software works for gif imgages?, i dont like an image not moving

VexslasherDate: Friday, 29-Jan-2016, 6:03 PM | Message # 7
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Quote katriel7 ()
omg awesome i had one before thanks for it biggrin
Yeah my older one was really just a sector though this ones for making them and also selecting them so it's much better.

glad you guys like it.

Quote Web-Ghost ()
Vexslasher, does this software works for gif imgages?, i dont like an image not moving
Only still images are supported it could be possible to make one with 3d models however there is currently no program out that can open the models that have been used for them so I can only delete models or make them bigger or re-position them for all the models in the campaign screens etc, I don't really care for any of those screen much I modified a few of them removing rocks and things and changing the effects but the models themselves are not high enough quality for my liking. If you want to switch your main screen to one of the other screens from campaign or beta you can use RU Theme Wizard also if you wanted to change the colors of the buttons and the logo you could do that with my program and then change the background part with the RU themes then it would be moving and still would be something not many people would even know is possible to do so sorta custom. The way you use that RU program is after you clicked one then you put that archive into your wc3 folder. I'm not saying that tool is better because if I thought it was better I wouldn't have bothering making my program but if you really want something moving you could have those old ones.

VexslasherDate: Thursday, 24-Mar-2016, 3:11 PM | Message # 8
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I added more download options and the zippyshare links are updates thanks for letting me know they expired hopefully they wont expire again but if they do just let me know. Also now you can download the program as either a .exe or a .zip and now have 3 different hosts instead of just 2 so hopefully everyone will be able to have a site that works for them to download it from.

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