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WC3-4Life / Custom Hero Footies!!! - Forum

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Forum moderator: Vexslasher
-Kobas-Date: Monday, 18-Oct-2010, 5:32 AM | Message # 1
Legacy Staff
Group: Site Management
Messages: 248
Awards: 0
Reputation: 452
Status: Offline bot is a public hosting bot meaning you can simply come to channel and create a dota game without any kind of access request.
Complete list of the bot commands can be found here

Creating a DotA ladder game:

* Step 1 - Join channel on server EuroBattle or FawkzBNET or RGC
* Step 2 - Type /w !gopub or !gopriv to create a DotA game
* Step 3 - Join the lobby and enjoy your game

Creating any other (custom map) game:

* Step 1 - Join channel on server EuroBattle or FawkzBNET or RGC
* Step 2 - Type /w .map to load any map from this map list.
If the map is not in the list you can upload it from EpicWar via map upload page.
* Step 3 - Type /w .gopub or .gopriv to create a game you loaded
* Step 4 - Join the lobby and enjoy your game

Uploading your custom map on bot:

* Step 1 - Visit the EpicWar web page of the map you want to upload.
* Step 2 - Copy/paste the EpicWar map ID from the url into the input box on the custom map upload page like shown on the image in the attachment, fill up captcha verification and hit the upload button.
* Step 3 - When the upload process is completed you can use .map command to load that map

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