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Quick Game/Forum Changes - Forum

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Forum moderator: Vexslasher  
Quick Game/Forum Changes
RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 09-Jan-2015, 5:51 PM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 2113
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On phone so...

1. Advertise CHF ucoz website on clanhpmm bot
We can autoannounce about register at chfucoz every r4 seconds
2. Allow new sign up members to post without needing validation
3. Remove swap powers from admin
4. Add more admins. IDC if there is too much admins. If they cant swap then they cant admin abuse anyways
(need more admins for ban/unban)
(few players cant cover hundreds of games daily)
5. Allow reasonable insults at head admins or anyone basically (freedom of speech *dont abuse) on public
*PM is very ineffective and we all know it.
6. Insult if made must be mature and if it really is to head admins, just at least put it on spoilers
7. If you really want to curse or you lack the vocabulary skills to have no other words, put them on SPOILERS and change the letters to like f0ck or smthng idk
8. Have fun and think every member of chf forum as family. If you hate a player, you can hate all you want on the epic trollbox or on battlenet
9. Game and forum relationship may be different. Cause we all play for fun^^
ex. you can hate player on forum but be happy to play with them on bot. some ppl are just like that. plz understand their mental stabilities (me and jeckyll hyde xD)
10. Don't cheap your rep levels. Even if you didnt do it, dont. That to players seem like power abuse.
11. Head admins can also insult at players but again SPOILERS and avoid it and make it mature

12. If any comment or thread is directed to a player positively or negatively, it should be allowed as long as:
The post is reasonable or is something that can be mildly understood. Like if you want to talk about how RosarioVampireZ the admin (im using my name for ex) is blatantly abusing powers
You CAN post it as long as there is some reasoning involved or evidence

13. Quick posts like "QQ"
try to be on spoilers please.
I know it's not anything bad like Cheezy's stuff but like
the post takes so much space for nothing lol
(and also if u do this, at least remove ur signature on that post. I dont half a page scrolling wasted over a term "QQ" lol)

14. We are family.
We hate rage troll flame argue QQ etc but end of day
we are all here to enjoy chf and its awesome community
a community which to me defines much of my childhood lol

Added (09-Jan-2015, 5:51 PM)
It would be great if the first few ideas are implemented
it would make more ppl know of chf community lol

Web-GhostDate: Friday, 09-Jan-2015, 6:09 PM | Message # 2
Head Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1639
Awards: 1
Reputation: 3611
Status: Offline
Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Advertise CHF ucoz website on clanhpmm bot
or youtube (dont ask why smile  )

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