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Read Before Posting - Forum

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Forum moderator: Bond009  
Read Before Posting
Vampirism_FireDate: Thursday, 04-Nov-2010, 11:48 AM | Message # 1
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 388
Awards: 2
Reputation: 115
Status: Offline
Welcome to the Custom Hero Footies Official Site!
This Forum provides you a place to talk about your ideas and others' for Balancing existing game content. Community forums work at it's best when the participants treat their fellow posters with respect and courtesy. Therefore, we ask that you take the time to read through the Site Rules before posting.

Site Rules

There are a few specific issues, however, which should be observed.

1. Flaming: Deliberately hostile or insulting messages are not allowed.

2. Spam: Uploading irrelevant or meaningless material is not allowed.

3. Off Topic: When you post in a thread, it should be about the thread subject, or a reply to another on-topic post in the thread. You can always make a new thread for a different subject.
*A bit off topic is normally not a problem with me but try not to totally divert the focus of the thread.

4. Double Posting: Double posting is posting two consecutive posts. You should have a reason to do so.
*I commonly edit my posts to make sure that the information is up-to-date and also to save threadspace. Usually if the edit is significant and not pre-mentioned it is polite to type "Edit:" before your added information.

5. Bumping: Posting in a thread solely to change the way it is listed is almost never constructive. People might be less annoyed if two days have passed since the last post.

6. Thread subject must be informative and reflect the core of the problem to the maximum.
*Make sure you provive plenty of information on your Balancing Proposal so that others can better understand and reply to it.

7. Before you create a new thread, make sure that you create it in the forum of the proper subject area and that this question hasn’t been discussed before.
*Before you post a new Balancing Proposal, look through the Forum to see the problem has already been mentioned. Available for users only
8. Creation of identical threads in different sections and posting of similar messages in different threads is prohibited.

Signature by: Vexslasher
There Is No Such Thing As A "Final" Version.
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