Sanjay | Date: Tuesday, 28-May-2013, 6:34 AM | Message # 1 |
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| Bond, i know you are sucking at map making these days but it would be a great help if you balance the game by banning adam for ever. This guy slept me at mass and i remember, I was the one trying to help adam get away from those hates and turn into a positive side. Because of that i was stripped off from shaman position of clan EFB. The guy is totally a no lifer, From now on, we all should sleep this guy at mass whenever he buys a hero so that he gets to know how it feels when you are slept at mass. Added (2013-05-28, 7:34 AM) --------------------------------------------- My revenge, adam slept at mass. I know its a lil unfair to sleep him that way lol
Message edited by Sanjay - Tuesday, 28-May-2013, 6:22 AM |
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Alex[STAR] | Date: Tuesday, 28-May-2013, 6:40 AM | Message # 2 |
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| Quote (Sanjay) Bond, i know you are sucking at map making these days Good way to gain his sympathy to your cause my friend.
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Tuesday, 28-May-2013, 7:11 AM | Message # 3 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Well, I did already tell you all Adamek_Retard will do anything to destroy CHF ROFL
Dude, he is the best catalyst to lose players :3 He is the DIRECT definition of RETARD
hahahahahha I feel bad for Czech. How do retards like him ever get to live? xD
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lspiderl | Date: Tuesday, 28-May-2013, 2:16 PM | Message # 4 |
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| Adam is gone from the forums so lets not make threads dedicated to attacking him when he isn't here to defend himself
I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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FirNesS | Date: Tuesday, 28-May-2013, 2:31 PM | Message # 5 |
Robotic Ninja
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| Quote (lspiderl) Adam is gone from the forums so lets not make threads dedicated to attacking him when he isn't here to defend himself Considering his behaviour I don't think that anyone cares about his "human rights" or anything. Oh and I don't think think that the map itself can ban any player, it just has to deal with bots and Battlenet, not the map itself.
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Sanjay | Date: Tuesday, 28-May-2013, 2:50 PM | Message # 6 |
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| Adam really needs to get banned. It doesn't matter to adam at all if he's banned from forums.. as long as he plays chf, it will be a nightmare for his opponents cuz he sleeps them.
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lspiderl | Date: Tuesday, 28-May-2013, 4:34 PM | Message # 7 |
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| Quote (Sanjay) Adam really needs to get banned. It doesn't matter to adam at all if he's banned from forums.. as long as he plays chf, it will be a nightmare for his opponents cuz he sleeps them what a player does in game is irrelevant to the forums
a player sucking in game or being jerk in game is no reason or banishment from the map
Adams past actions of spoofing people to get bot control and messing with the bots IS reason to ban him on bots but that up to the individual bot owners
I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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a_chinese_kid | Date: Tuesday, 28-May-2013, 4:51 PM | Message # 8 |
Robotic Ninja
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| the solution to balancing. From my great grandfathers grandson I bestow this upon you bond. Please use it wisely
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ic3dt3a | Date: Tuesday, 28-May-2013, 5:54 PM | Message # 9 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| awww, QQ. u cant balance the game by getting rid of a player
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2DaYuDiE | Date: Wednesday, 29-May-2013, 5:50 AM | Message # 10 |
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| Quote (FirNesS) Oh and I don't think think that the map itself can ban any player u can name-ban players from a map
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FirNesS | Date: Wednesday, 29-May-2013, 1:15 PM | Message # 11 |
Robotic Ninja
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| Quote (2DaYuDiE) u can name-ban players from a map Didn't he already spoof/use alts over 100 times? Banning a name is purely useless
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2DaYuDiE | Date: Wednesday, 29-May-2013, 2:28 PM | Message # 12 |
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| Quote (FirNesS) Didn't he already spoof/use alts over 100 times? Banning a name is purely useless and chf won't get updated anyways
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FirNesS | Date: Wednesday, 29-May-2013, 4:32 PM | Message # 13 |
Robotic Ninja
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| Quote (2DaYuDiE) and chf won't get updated anyways tongue Probably not
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