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Forum moderator: Bond009  
Stoping 2 Hero in CHF
Should i add this to 4.1 so no more 2 hero every again?
1. Yes add it! [ 8 ] [42.11%]
2. No lets try new XP rate balance first [ 9 ] [47.37%]
3. Undecided [ 2 ] [10.53%]
Answers total: 19
Bond009Date: Tuesday, 17-Feb-2015, 8:53 PM | Message # 1
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I thought of a way to make it so there can no longer be 2 hero teams anymore, but i already kinda made it more balanced as far as hero xp gain rate anyway.. But what i can do it just lock the players screen to the tavern area until they buy their first hero. So they are forced to spend that 1900 gold on a hero at start..

idk if thats the best thing to do or not because it limits possibilities and strats but idk.. what do you guys think.

Adam_CZDate: Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 10:06 AM | Message # 31
Robotic Ninja
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There is not one "best" player... there is some "TOP 10" and all these players are almost same level and they can win vs each other... its like for example with soccer there is not "best country" or "best team" there is atleast  10 countries in same level (Brasil, Argentina, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands...) and all these soccer teams can win vs each other. You understand?
RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 10:09 AM | Message # 32
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Adam, open the spoilers. It's for you.

Bond, if you already balanced it, there is no need for the "get stuck on the map" system at start. smile
Now the only problem is...poolers and purposeful afkers -.-

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 10:13 AM
genkiamericaDate: Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 11:44 AM | Message # 33
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Actually frost nova is definitely the weakest AoE spell in CHF

As one of the better frost nova players on the bot I'll try to explain why I think it can be a strong skill.

Frost nova indeed has lower damage and is thus not a good stand alone AOE.  For instance in UIM mode it is very weak because there is always a huge mass and you want strong stand alone AOE which can constantly clear mass (such as flamestrike-carrion swarm).  The weaknesses of frost nova become obvious in this game mode.

However, frost nova is still good despite lower damage due to instant casting time.  A skilled frost nova player is not looking to clear mass alone.  You must focus on stealing kills from enemy players to use nova effectively.  It is extremely easy for a nova player to steal kills from an impale-flamestrike player for instance.  They impale, they start flame, then you nova just as units approach red.  I even manage to steal kills from chain-carrion players with nova; many times i nova a group of red units at the exact same time they cast carrion swarm or chain lightning (nova hits first).  The instant casting time also means it is a better skill for stealing hero kills than spells like chain lightning and carrion swarm.

Since perfect timing is important for playing nova it is most effective with a hero with a very short casting animation.
RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 12:40 PM | Message # 34
Robotic Ninja
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Quote genkiamerica ()
one of the better frost nova players on the bot
btw Genkia, the forum is dominated majorly by top players or veterans xDD

Frost nova like you said is good cause of that.

Ehh, just something to take note in summary overall:
Frost Nova:
1. It has free "SLOW". This can literally crush any rush early game
2. It does A LOT of damage to a single target so you can use it as a SEMI herokilling spell
3. It is the BEST level 1 aoe in game overall. Damage is similar to the other AOEs like swarm and stuffs and has A HUGE AOE of slowness for level 1 (ofc, cold strike is better but thats a different story..xD)
4. It helps you dominate early game. Frost nova early game is better than most AOE and it is INSTANT. You can literally kill anything and the enemy can't counter it like teleporting, blinking, etc.
5. It's like... smile blue and we all know blue = overpowered

Adam_CZDate: Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 12:51 PM | Message # 35
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
It does A LOT of damage to a single target so you can use it as a SEMI herokilling spell

if i remember good nova is 400 damage and 170 target damage? so damage to single target is 570 (in level 6) i think thats still less than forket lighting or chain lighting... and for example forket lighting give 580 damage to all 16 targets while Nova give 570 only to 1 target and other target only 400 dmg... this is really weak.
genkiamericaDate: Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 1:43 PM | Message # 36
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
the forum is dominated majorly by top players or veterans

I am not a veteran but I think I am a top player here too wink
Adam_CZDate: Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 2:03 PM | Message # 37
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you are not bad player but you dont have any main account (you are always hidding on some alt like iiillliiilliii) so you are unknown for many players and this is reason why is very hard appraise your skills
genkiamericaDate: Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 2:32 PM | Message # 38
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Chf is a team game.  I think my team has a chance of winning vs any other top team.  That's all I mean. 

As for gauging or comparing players in terms of individual skill...well...I try to stay away from that.  We all know what happens when people try to do that.  One of the reasons I don't stick to one main is so I can play good competitive games with top players without getting dragged into that drama.
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 2:38 PM | Message # 39
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Same exp
 Manipulate the gold given. 


I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
genkiamericaDate: Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 3:01 PM | Message # 40
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The problem with 2 hero is because they get two advantages, extra gold and extra experience.  Removing both of those advantages would put 2 hero players at a serious disadvantage, but removing one of those advantages should increase balance.

Also, 2 hero is really only extremely overpowered if the 2 hero team goes 4x AOE spells because it snowballs out of control as they hit lvl 4, 6, 7, 10, 13, 16 before the other players.  It's really unfair for instance if a 2 hero team goes flame/carrion/ww/dt and chain/forked/ww/dt...and on top of that buy deadly and jammy and rat during where the 2 hero team does not pick aoe spells can actually go quite poorly for them though.  I've seen good players with 2 hero go 1 UK 1 HK and get wrecked by full teams who went 3 UK because they end up with 2 lvl 5 vs 3 lvl 6 due to lack of UK.
F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 3:19 PM | Message # 41
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Quote genkiamerica ()
The problem with 2 hero is because they get two advantages, extra gold and extra experience. Removing both of those advantages would put 2 hero players at a serious disadvantage, but removing one of those advantages should increase balance.


They gonna do the complete opposite, in next version heroes will be autoloose.

This extra cash 1600 gold at least enable to lvl up way to fast with items / creep.

And also remember that in 4.1 bond made CD during mass for jammy. So if he make this same rate XP thing, the team with 2 heroes can't even dispel with jammy because CD.

A lot of people aren't thinking of the effects of what has already been nerfed, etc..

Added (20-Feb-2015, 3:19 PM)

Quote genkiamerica ()
I've seen good players with 2 hero go 1 UK 1 HK and get wrecked by full teams who went 3 UK because they end up with 2 lvl 5 vs 3 lvl 6 due to lack of UK.
Also true

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

ic3dt3aDate: Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 5:14 PM | Message # 42
Robotic Ninja
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Quote genkiamerica ()
I've seen good players with 2 hero go 1 UK 1 HK and get wrecked by full teams who went 3 UK because they end up with 2 lvl 5 vs 3 lvl 6 due to lack of UK.

their dead heroes can't receive xp xD

Added (20-Feb-2015, 5:14 PM)
hmm, what about converting the leaver's gold into some sort of amulet with more hp and like 5-10% magic resistance(to counter the hk spels from other teams focusing?)
genkiamericaDate: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 1:23 PM | Message # 43
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I think it would be nice if I could control 2-3 heroes when my allies leave or disconnect at start.  However, there are some annoying glitches which discourage playing multiple heroes by yourself.

Just now I had a game where my ally picked hero then left.  So I picked skills and used my allies hero. I did very well with his hero but at lvl 13 he died once, and I couldn't revive him.  This glitch (being unable to revive ally heroes when they disc/leave) strongly discourages people from trying to play with 2-3 heroes if their ally disconnects, and encourages 1-2 hero starts instead. 

Why should I play with more heroes if there is a chance I won't be able to revive them.  wacko
Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 1:57 PM | Message # 44
Robotic Ninja
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Yeah this is bug... if your ally leave and his hero is in spell area you can use -wood color and pick spells for him, but if he will die you CANT revive him. Also you cant upgrade his towers. Bond said he already fixed this bug in 4.1 but i think new version never will come out.
RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 22-Feb-2015, 10:19 AM | Message # 45
Robotic Ninja
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I hope the new exp thing to balance heros don't mess up with heros' exp in general

2 hero exp = 3 hero exp = 4 hero exp = 5 hero exp = .... = nth hero exp
Cause that would be rigged xD
And I would totally never tech then :3

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