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I made a new track... - Forum

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I made a new track...
TangerineSkyDate: Sunday, 30-Dec-2012, 1:15 PM | Message # 1
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Well, after coming home from 30 day incarceration I find my best friend is having sex with my ex and basically ive been casted out of that whole circle of friends because they dont want drama or some dumb shit... but luckily it fueled this new song... I put alot of emotion and thought into this one.. listen all the way through if you have time becuse the end is very dramatic and heavy.. thankz! biggrin

follow link, like comment, you don't need an account to listen, but its easy to make one then we can interact on soundcloud smile

FireHartDate: Sunday, 30-Dec-2012, 1:29 PM | Message # 2
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Sounds cool nice one tang biggrin

slayer666Date: Sunday, 30-Dec-2012, 2:46 PM | Message # 3
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Very nice specially the chinese "asian" intro mix with guitar !! nice !!

You don't stop playing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop playing :)
TangerineSkyDate: Sunday, 30-Dec-2012, 11:08 PM | Message # 4
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thankyou :*)

ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 30-Dec-2012, 11:59 PM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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0:08- 1:04 is really good bro, liek they said, that "asian" sound flows really well. personally, i fell that 1:05- sounds more western?(i've been watching some shit on netflix, lol)
1:56-4:12, i feel like im listening back to the original track, personally i feel like u can take that "western sound" i described to make it more uniform, it like falls into place, kinda blends better? i think?
interesting how its really mellow/peacefula nd then at 3:54 it gets amped up
4:15, i expected to hear this based on your backstory of the track, like lotsa "angry" dubstep

good track bro
Osetinas7171Date: Monday, 31-Dec-2012, 0:31 AM | Message # 6
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you really maded this surprised weed helped ^^
a_chinese_kidDate: Monday, 31-Dec-2012, 0:55 AM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
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this is a sick track i really like it, haha yeah you can feel a lot more emotion through this one its just one of the songs i'll totally listening too when im just fed up i mean at the beginning i feel like just enduring kinda sh*t if you know what i mean gettin through the day ahah.

I mean its not a get pumped song but it kinda makes me wanna show peeps i wont take their sh*t ya know haha? idk it might just have to be with the way im feeling but yeah i love this song haha

yeah and i can tell this song can show how pissed you are and like betrayed haha, but yeah man nice work
TangerineSkyDate: Saturday, 05-Jan-2013, 0:48 AM | Message # 8
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sorry i never saw these comments! Yeah im glad you guys can see what i was feeling making this...i rapped a whole song over top this with some singing shit at the more melodic parts..

Ic3 the "western part" is for the rap

Ive been goin to 3 hour sessions 3 days a week on top of therapy and shit because I feel like blowing my brains out half the time, im glad you guys could feel the raw emotion i put into this one... everytime ive made a song lately i think its the best one im pumped that im gettin better xD

but to anyone i go off on or start fights with im sorry im in a bad state of mind right now. sad

0:08- 1:04 is really good bro, liek they said, that "asian" sound flows really well. personally, i fell that 1:05- sounds more western?(i've been watching some shit on netflix, lol)
1:56-4:12, i feel like im listening back to the original track, personally i feel like u can take that "western sound" i described to make it more uniform, it like falls into place, kinda blends better? i think?
interesting how its really mellow/peacefula nd then at 3:54 it gets amped up
4:15, i expected to hear this based on your backstory of the track, like lotsa "angry" dubstep

glad you liked it.... what are you sayin at 1:56? that you like the way i blended it, or it needs to be blended better? Cuz i think i agree, one part sounds like it could be blended better but i think just too much is going on with that particular part.

you really maded this surprised weed helped ^^

No weed! I'm completely sober.. I quit drugs smile

this song can show how pissed you are and like betrayed haha, but yeah man nice work

(: wink wacko dry cool dry dry dry dry sad sad sad sad cry cry cry biggrin

lspiderlDate: Saturday, 05-Jan-2013, 10:41 AM | Message # 9
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No weed! I'm completely sober.. I quit drugs


artists that need drugs to be artistic arnt true artists to begin with they are simply handicapped

a true artist can create no matter what

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
a_chinese_kidDate: Saturday, 05-Jan-2013, 1:12 PM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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The only peeps high songs appeal to are those who are high

When you write and aren't high it appeals to pretty much everyone including the high
ic3dt3aDate: Saturday, 05-Jan-2013, 4:55 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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at 1:56 i was saying that it was blended really good, but it sounds slightly off. perhaps if adjusted it a little, it would sound better?

artists that need drugs to be artistic arnt true artists to begin with they are simply handicapped

false, marijuana and other drugs help unleash your imagination/creativity. this is fact because it is, stats prove this

Message edited by ic3dt3a - Saturday, 05-Jan-2013, 4:59 PM
lspiderlDate: Saturday, 05-Jan-2013, 11:49 PM | Message # 12
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false, marijuana and other drugs help unleash your imagination/creativity. this is fact because it is, stats prove this

rofl just because a group of pot heads tell you its true does not make it so

for every creative pot head theres thousands of brilliantly creative NON drug users

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
lspiderlDate: Sunday, 06-Jan-2013, 0:01 AM | Message # 13
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I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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