TangerineSky | Date: Friday, 19-Jul-2013, 6:40 AM | Message # 1 |
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| https://soundcloud.com/hot-chocolates/blame-it-on-my-a-d-d
This is for all the misfits who never fit in with the cool kids...
The world is asleep, but it is still spinning! All I can do is wonder how I could have ever thought time would have slowed down for me...
I'm sitting here with my mind blown, wondering what love really is. Like the very first time I told a girl I loved her, it felt pretty crazy, I was so happy, and I knew I'd do anything for her and I let her know that... Since then I've felt that same crazy bond twice but I didnt dare say it... Let alone show it. It's pretty clear that the first time I said "I love you" it wasn't really love, because that "love" ended with both of us wishing the other person would kill themselves... but then within an hour of wishing death on her I'd realize I still care about her and then still pray for her...
So what is love...? The word weirds me out so much, and people throw it around like its nothing. I love my mother but when it comes to her asking me to do something suddenly it's like, "f*** you!" But a cute amazing girl that I have this "love" for doesn't even have to ask, I'm already on that shit, Ive already done everything that might make you happy, because when she's happy, Im even happier. Then once I've given all I can give and that bitch runs away, I feel completely used up. I feel as if I'm on the comedown of crazy acid and ecstasy trip, like it was only for the moment and my seratonin is fucked. There is a saying that anything in this world can be turned into heroin, and it is so true... because these angels are so addicting.
It's oh so remarkable that everything can be going so great for me in my life today, but when I ask myself if I'm happy at the end of the day, the answer is still always. . . No. Like, why man? It's like I have the key to feeling good about myself but I can't find the lock!
My mindstate is f'd right now, if you can't tell. Enjoy this gaze into my mind.
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FirNesS | Date: Friday, 19-Jul-2013, 7:47 AM | Message # 2 |
Robotic Ninja
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TangerineSky | Date: Sunday, 21-Jul-2013, 2:40 PM | Message # 3 |
Group: Friends
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| Im workin with a new rapper. Tracks to come!
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