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GReEn HouSe Productions. (my beats) - Page 2 - Forum

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GReEn HouSe Productions. (my beats)
FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 10-Oct-2012, 2:37 PM | Message # 16
Robotic Ninja
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I think he won't be against it, but well I also think that he may not go on this site untill a long time and he may not even see this topic, so you should just use his songs, mentionning the titles and the author somewhere in your map, or idk.

TangerineSkyDate: Wednesday, 10-Oct-2012, 7:43 PM | Message # 17
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Haha! YES, vex... of course ya can biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

Just give me some credit where its due!!

Added (2012-10-10, 8:43 PM)
I believe I have downloads enabled on soundcloud

VexslasherDate: Wednesday, 10-Oct-2012, 9:07 PM | Message # 18
Site Manager
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Thanks Tang smile

How would you like your name to appear in the credits do you want it as Green House Productions?

I'll let you know when I have it finished or demo ready it's going be at least a few months, gunna try to have it out on the new console (coming around 2013) as a android game. But the Windows and Mac versions might come out before then because I have to make it a little differently for the android cuz of controls being different. I have just started pretty much me and my brother just been writing up story ideas and characters and stuff they will do, haven't done any of the coding yet, so still have a ton of work to do.. I think our ideas are going to be great we are leaning towards a 2 plat-former right now with lots of game play unlike any other game.

TangerineSkyDate: Wednesday, 10-Oct-2012, 9:18 PM | Message # 19
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Greenhouse Productions, with the url to that soundcloud should be good enough.
I'll put some more tracks up here soon. i have alot

a_chinese_kidDate: Thursday, 11-Oct-2012, 10:39 AM | Message # 20
Robotic Ninja
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haha thats awesome this is the first step tang.. soon.. soon we shall rule the sound clouds! then comes the itunez! muahaha
TangerineSkyDate: Monday, 22-Oct-2012, 3:10 PM | Message # 21
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I wouldnt go to itunes. I'd rather all my music be free. if people want to give me money, they can but im not worried about it. UNLESS IM DOING SHOWS hahaah $$$$$$$$$

VexslasherDate: Tuesday, 05-May-2015, 3:35 PM | Message # 22
Site Manager
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hey tang I pm'd you message me back when you can.

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