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Admins Anonymous
a_chinese_kidDate: Saturday, 29-Mar-2014, 1:09 PM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 3952
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Hey guys so it's come to my attention that we have a disease in this community. I am opening up this program to help us all over come our addictions.

I invite you all to participate with me. You can all make new accounts to join or use your regular, this is a safe place where we do not judge smile

To start, I'd like to say that.. I a.chinese.kid am an admin abuser. I've been doing AA for the past few months and I think i've grown a lot.

When I first received admin, I was just a kid, you know peer pressured into it. I was in the clan CHFG and tried to rise up the ranks.. of course however, if you didn't participate in the small fun like, dropping kids who are playing maulers, or swapping kids onto your team who are good, you couldn't rise up the ranks. In order to receive Shaman, I had to abuse. My first abuse was on a young guy named Arctty, back in the day he was just a good player and I needed teamates. So I consistently swapped him onto my team regardless of his opinion. I threatened bans and even kicks if he didn't join me.

Of course back then there weren't as many ways to report, so I got away with what I could. I'd like to say a formal apology to Arctty, I'm sorry I abused. I shouldn't have objectified you and forced you into playing with me.

Next I'd like to apologize to Bond009. I would often kick him from my team because he hadn't quite reached my skill level.

In legion I would avoid playing with him, as well as in Uther Party. I am terribly sorry for what I have done, I know even sometimes.. I would put Shadow on my team and you on another. I almost broke apart your family with my actions, and I know the repercussions will take long to solve or even never be fixed.

There are others that I wish I could confront for my actions, however I think the situation will just get worse.

I'm Nick. And I'm an Admin Abuser, I've been clean for 87 days. Thank you.

Message edited by a_chinese_kid - Sunday, 30-Mar-2014, 8:12 PM
TicklemonsterDate: Sunday, 30-Mar-2014, 1:34 AM | Message # 2
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 172
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Reputation: 811
Status: Offline


Adam_CZ "wildjap is the worsest player chf ever"

[-FTL-]RoyStoM "you never win me or win team ftl jajajajaj i god for game"

Message edited by Ticklemonster - Sunday, 30-Mar-2014, 10:12 PM
TangerineSkyDate: Sunday, 30-Mar-2014, 2:22 AM | Message # 3
Group: Friends
Messages: 538
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My name is TangerineSky, and I'm an admin abuser. I first off want to say how grateful I am for having such a supportive group of friends who have helped me through this. One thing many do not realize about this disease is that we are diseased for life. We can, however recover, and learn to tame our addiction. I have been clean from admin abusing for over a year now. At one point I had to ask Bond009 to ween me off my admin. I simply couldn't handle the responsibility without destroying the games of others. 

Here at AA, we give out tokens for periods of sobriety from admin abuse. I would like to show you my one year tag.

I worked hard for this, and still am. Recovery just DOES NOT STOP. If you know anyone who's life is being affected due to admin abuse, please do not hesitate to wisper me. I am standing by 24/7 in CLAN HPMM channel to give help to those who seek it. 

  • "The road to recovery is a simple journey for confused people with a complicated disease"


ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 30-Mar-2014, 10:56 AM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
Group: Investor
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you guys need to stop trying to antagonize adam
TangerineSkyDate: Sunday, 30-Mar-2014, 6:17 PM | Message # 5
Group: Friends
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Adam's name was not used once in this. Here we go again bringing adam into EVERY thread

ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 30-Mar-2014, 7:57 PM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
Group: Investor
Messages: 2347
Awards: 1
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Quote TangerineSky ()
Adam's name was not used once in this. Here we go again bringing adam into EVERY thread

this can only be about adam
a_chinese_kidDate: Sunday, 30-Mar-2014, 8:11 PM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 3952
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Reputation: 3157
Status: Offline
This isn't about anyone, this is a home for all Admin Abusers. I encourage people have had previous problems, people currently struggling, and even those who haven't necessarily been reported, but think they may have a problem, to join. Everyone benefits from new members.

Please feel free to share your experiences, if you're nervous I would advise you to make a new account and join.

Sharing your experiences strengthen yourself and other members :).

Proud members can put their days clean and their membership under their names if they like. Thank you.
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 31-Mar-2014, 0:11 AM | Message # 8
Zombie Pirate
Group: Users
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Well, I come back and this is the only thread that isn't "SOUND IS SO BAD" "ROSA IS SO BAD" "NIHOB BAD" "ROYSTOM EL NOOB" so I think I'll try. 

My name is KillerBeans and I am an admin abuser. I felt this experience last time I logged onto the game, and the experience lasted for 1 hour. I just went into a fit of rage and kicked 9 people in lobby by closing slots. After that, I just left them closed and hacked into the bot. A recent experience involving my close personal friend HatoUPPPP has brought me to a firm understanding of the importance of clean admin on bots. He told me about how when he used to play footmen frenzy v5.4 in the glory days of release, sbeckham14(my alt), would just swap and abuse everyone in the game. He would kick if he was going to lose, and only win. Everyone told him he was a god and looked up to him, but on the inside he knew he was a big d1ck. Please help cleanse my addiction.
TicklemonsterDate: Monday, 31-Mar-2014, 2:24 AM | Message # 9
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 172
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Reputation: 811
Status: Offline
My name is TickleMonster, i was a huge admin abuser and i can honestly say that the power drove me insane.. i didnt realise what i was doing and how it was affecting other players.. I used to have a great friend shk0905 and we used to love playing games together.. unfortunately one game i was solo player vsing him and a stacked team, the abuse took over me and i kicked one of my best friends, after this he never spoke to me again and its something i will never forget. After this i promised myself i needed help, i talked to ISUK. who removed my admin on the bot so that i could no longer abuse, i am happy to say that it has been a long 9 month haul and its taking a long time to get easier but i am 9 months clean, ive wanted to donate money to get my admin back but i know its the wrong decision. Im so glad to see others trying to get better, and everyone needs the support! And i still need a lot :/


Adam_CZ "wildjap is the worsest player chf ever"

[-FTL-]RoyStoM "you never win me or win team ftl jajajajaj i god for game"
TangerineSkyDate: Monday, 31-Mar-2014, 3:42 PM | Message # 10
Group: Friends
Messages: 538
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Reputation: 2068
Status: Offline
I spent every dollar I have on admin. I lived in a box when the internet cafe was closed, but as long as I could abuse admin at least once a day, I thought I was happy.

AL_GIDate: Tuesday, 01-Apr-2014, 7:34 AM | Message # 11
Zombie Pirate
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 1476
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Quote XXkillerbeansXX ()
I just went into a fit of rage and kicked 9 people in lobby by closing slots.

You can't close slots
Quote TangerineSky ()
I spent every dollar I have on admin. I lived in a box when the internet cafe was closed, but as long as I could abuse admin at least once a day, I thought I was happy


Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

TicklemonsterDate: Tuesday, 01-Apr-2014, 7:24 PM | Message # 12
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 172
Awards: 0
Reputation: 811
Status: Offline
Quote AL_GI ()
You can't close slots
Someone get this kid off the forum?


Adam_CZ "wildjap is the worsest player chf ever"

[-FTL-]RoyStoM "you never win me or win team ftl jajajajaj i god for game"
AL_GIDate: Tuesday, 01-Apr-2014, 7:43 PM | Message # 13
Zombie Pirate
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 1476
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3354
Status: Offline
Quote Ticklemonster ()
Someone get this kid off the forum?

Lol, who do you think you are, I am saying that he can't close slots(it's true) they removed this command.
If you have anything to saying, don't say anything.
You don't even know who I am and your are saying that I should be kicked of the forum..

Added (01-Apr-2014, 7:43 PM)
Sorry again a_chinese_kid for disturbing your thread

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

TrixxareforkidsDate: Tuesday, 01-Apr-2014, 7:45 PM | Message # 14
Zombie Pirate
Group: Investor
Messages: 1162
Awards: 3
Reputation: 2355
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I like AL_GI. I think his posts are good and helpful

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
TicklemonsterDate: Tuesday, 01-Apr-2014, 7:57 PM | Message # 15
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 172
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Reputation: 811
Status: Offline
lol me too im not doubting it smile
Quote AL_GI ()
Lol, who do you think you are
Don't you know? im king of CHF. I god for game. Me beat roygod easy jajajajaj

Added (01-Apr-2014, 7:57 PM)

Quote AL_GI ()
can't close slots(it's true) they removed this command.
only old players will know :/


Adam_CZ "wildjap is the worsest player chf ever"

[-FTL-]RoyStoM "you never win me or win team ftl jajajajaj i god for game"
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