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Ok New Poll for Game Mods - Page 4 - Forum

Forum moderator: Bond009, Random260, Cou, Bio-AssAUlt  
Ok New Poll for Game Mods
Who would make for a good mod admin?
1. F00ty_R3b0rn [ 8 ] [25.00%]
2. Sylelebelle_FR [ 6 ] [18.75%]
3. Adam_CZ [ 12 ] [37.50%]
4. AL GI [ 3 ] [9.38%]
5. Ic3dt3a [ 3 ] [9.38%]
6. Gagamel [ 6 ] [18.75%]
7. Cheesy-Gordia [ 4 ] [12.50%]
8. Firness [ 4 ] [12.50%]
9. Osetinass [ 2 ] [6.25%]
10. Mr_Dark [ 1 ] [3.12%]
Answers total: 32
GagamelDate: Wednesday, 08-Apr-2015, 5:32 AM | Message # 46
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I am not like b3p and i dont abuse for elo or stats like him. So maybe you dont like my methods but can you deny that the outcome was bad?

So what did i do? I stopped b3p, i stopped mindreaper, i stopped noisenessless, from abusing admins and i got maphackers busted, too like dan-.....

of course i also give credits to those people who helped me like bond009, cou, web-ghost and janefox.

Maybe i let you know that the real reason why firness is mad at me is because i got his boyfriend b3p busted for his abuse. So he needs to trashtalk me by making up lies. I dont need to make more accounts to vote for myself to get more votes than him. Admins can check who voted if you dont trust me, LOL.

People like you and fireness try to make it look like i dont have any supporters here. But the truth is right now i got the same ammount of votes like both of you together and adam got the double ammount of it. biggrin

So thank you for everyone who supports me because they know i can do a good job.

#Haters gonna hate.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob

Message edited by Gagamel - Wednesday, 08-Apr-2015, 5:39 AM
Adam_CZDate: Wednesday, 08-Apr-2015, 9:14 AM | Message # 47
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Osetinass ()
So current admins why adam isnt admin? Or tell when he will be cuz he got most votes. So where is decision?

i will send PM to Bond/Cou and i will ask them... i hope they will answer
GagamelDate: Wednesday, 08-Apr-2015, 9:27 AM | Message # 48
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Adam relax, right now nobody got his admin yet. So i guess the poll is still open to vote.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 08-Apr-2015, 12:54 PM | Message # 49
Robotic Ninja
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Quote ic3dt3a ()
lmfao this was the case wiuth b3p

b3p was spamming and using maphack
just because he/she had the tools to detect mh and decided to "change behaviour" they gave b3p admin.(i will now refer to b3p as a he)
it was later removed because some1 reported him and he made a post in which he wanted ppl to back him. i refused to and he spammed me for a while. he then claimed it was someone else spamming us, but why would any1 else spam(select users) us randomly? QQwaves made a post about b3p spamming him when he lost to him.

YOU decided, without any fuckin knowledge of what was going on, to back b3p JUST because he was a frenchie(as bajs also pointed out)


What's the link with gagamel? Even if I made a mistake, why would it excuse gagamel? Let's say I was wrong. I recognize my mistake. gagamel still can't apply to be a mod
Anyway even Bond told me it was just a joke, you ain't even taken seriously cacamel, qq

Added (08-Apr-2015, 12:54 PM)

Quote Gagamel ()
I am not like b3p and i dont abuse for elo or stats like him.

The fact that someone acted worse than you in the past doesn't excuse you in any way. This is not an argument.

GagamelDate: Wednesday, 08-Apr-2015, 2:12 PM | Message # 50
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Quote FirNesS ()
The fact that someone acted worse than you in the past doesn't excuse you in any way. This is not an argument.

You may not have recognized but this poll is acutally about who should become a game mod, and for this the reasons why someone wants to be gamemod acutally matter. You were the one who compared me with b3p. And my argument is that you cant compare me with b3p because we have different goals. B3ps goal was to get elo but my goal is to make this game more playable and enjoyable. No need for excuses what happend in the past is the past.
Quote FirNesS ()
Anyway even Bond told me it was just a joke, you ain't even taken seriously cacamel, qq

I guess bond is old enough to speak for himself, but in private he told me differently. wink

I dont know whats your problem with me, are you angry because i won a game against you? Are you jealous because i got more votes than you? Are you on your period?.... Anyway i could care less. Feel free to cry as much as you desire about me. I have to admit its quite entertaining.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 08-Apr-2015, 3:01 PM | Message # 51
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
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Quote Gagamel ()
You were the one who compared me with b3p
Lies, I didn't. Screen it for me, I'm interested in your bullshit.

Quote Gagamel ()
I dont know whats your problem with me, are you angry because i won a game against you?
What game? Oh tell me, you were on your 4853rd alt? Dude you're so good, you've managed to beat a master there. Congrats.

Quote Gagamel ()
Are you jealous because i got more votes than you?
Yeah right, precisely when your votes either come from your several accs on the forum or from the worst retards of the forum. They actually worth nothing, and you won't ever get admin by a legit way anyway.
Quoted from Bond "Plus i only put gagamels name in there for the lolz.. no one is gonna make him a admin", how sad.

Anyway I should stop talking to you, it's completely pointless, I don't even why I'm arguing. You have a shameful behaviour and you know it. I'd just note that I'm pretty much impressed. You did manage to put some people on your side when you've actually done nothing that could bring you some merit. Congrats, you're one of the best shit talkers of the internet. You're at least good in this, that's still something. Keep qqing after me plz, I'll read your messages. But won't ever answer to you again, bbye smile

GagamelDate: Wednesday, 08-Apr-2015, 3:20 PM | Message # 52
Group: Users
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Quote FirNesS ()
Lies, I didn't. Screen it for me, I'm interested in your bullshit.

 oh it was ic3dtea, sorry for me you look both the same. My bad

Quote FirNesS ()
But won't ever answer to you again, bbye smile

Oh, no does that mean that i just lost a hater?

Quote FirNesS ()
actually done nothing that could bring you some merit

If you were informed about what i talked to a lot of people here in private you wouldn t say that. Unless its not one of your usual hateposts.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
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