Guys CHF is back and I'm Back! :D
Bond009 | Date: Wednesday, 03-Apr-2019, 7:32 PM | Message # 1 |
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| I've been playing a lot again on weekends and after work sometimes. You guys should come join in on some games. I miss you guys and the old players. Bajs where u at? I heard you playing 5.4 and 5.5 now.. lol no need for that now CHF is getting strong again just with people hosting it again.
I see there is a lot of glitches in 4.1 with the new bnet patches, I'm going to spend some time fixing that and applying the patches i made to 4.0c to that.
WE NEED TO GET THIS SHIT READY FOR REFORGED So if you're not back already COME BACK SOON! I've already seen a lot of familiar names and Joining the clan again on USEAST.
Also we're getting a lot of inhouse games going on weekends and after work around 6-10pm (eastern time -5) Stop in for a scrimmage.  And don't PM me on here because my inbox is full and this site has a limited one, just email me. and let me know who you are if you're a new member needing to be approved.
P.S. I would like everyone that still plays to come to USEast and join CLAN HPMM again, clans can now hold 255 players. It would be nice to have everyone in 1 place so we can see whos on and get inhouses going faster.
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ÜberGeek | Date: Thursday, 04-Apr-2019, 2:47 AM | Message # 2 |
Mr. Löwenstein
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| Everyone who joins CLAN HPMM gets a free M-CHF-GA hat!
I am Über, the craziest Über ever.
FTL forever
Onwards comrades!
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l3etuce | Date: Thursday, 04-Apr-2019, 4:06 PM | Message # 3 |
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| Welcome back !
I love green leetuce
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Bond009 | Date: Sunday, 14-Apr-2019, 3:55 PM | Message # 4 |
 Overall Site Owner
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| In case everyone doesn't already know as well. Anyone on bnet can host now, you dont need to port forward or anything. You can host from any realm and it will be seen across all bnet realms like bots did.
I'm a bit surprised i don't see CHF more on the game list, i know i host it a fair amount and dooms did a lot and a few others. But for as active and popular as CHF was i don't see it on the list as much as i would have expected. Sadly i even see 5.4 or 5.5 hosted more it seems.. Bots are gone for now but doesn't mean games are. They fill pretty fast still, host more and people will come back to it! I do miss the bots too though a lot.. Normal hosting also has a few bot commands but not too many, it has !swap and !closeall !openall and a few others.
Also I have been going into the 5.5 and 5.4 game lobby's to tell them about CHF (a lot of them have never tried it) I've gotten a few people to come over to the light one being Pho- and he's tried to being some over as well.
But I heard some of them complain about CHF and some of the things they pointed out were from older versions with glitches and abuse. Please don't host anything other than 4.0c at the moment. They are getting bad opinions of the game from 4.0a hacked version floating around and also 4.1 has some bug with the new bnet patches i need to fix, and it crashes from Nukes and Starfall of the Gods. If you do host 4.1 beta let everyone know of that issue and that its a beta in case there is new people from 5.5/5.4. Sometimes first impressions is all they give it and try it once and if that happens they wont come back. Need to grow the player base again.
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FirNesS | Date: Monday, 15-Apr-2019, 7:13 AM | Message # 5 |
Robotic Ninja
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| Problem is, how do you convince new players to come playing when they're getting smashed by people using op strats like creeping? What can a new player do against a golemer?
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Vexslasher | Date: Monday, 15-Apr-2019, 11:45 AM | Message # 6 |
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| Well it's likely they would lose if they are coming from frenzy because to win in that game everyone is forced to pool to one player, for their team to stand a chance. Where in chf pool doesn't make much difference except at mass. I have only played frenzy once since this new update and I really don't like it compared to chf, so not sure why people are playing it still they must be players from clear back before chf times like ur thinking.
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XXkillerbeansXX | Date: Monday, 15-Apr-2019, 9:04 PM | Message # 7 |
Zombie Pirate
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| Personally been playing more 5.4 than CHF because CHF balance is way wack RN and games take wayy too long. There are too many ways to stop winning teams as long as the player knows you can use them.
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DooMs | Date: Monday, 15-Apr-2019, 11:25 PM | Message # 8 |
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| Stop lol, the creeps are very easy to counter, except if u are 1v3 , you have all your chances. They are not so strong, its about the guy who controls them.
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t33vs1er | Date: Tuesday, 16-Apr-2019, 7:17 AM | Message # 9 |
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| Quote DooMs (  ) Stop lol, the creeps are very easy to counter, except if u are 1v3 , you have all your chances. They are not so strong, its about the guy who controls them.
Yes - you do not want to be microing creeps vs a good techer who has newts and fiends teched 5-1 or more. Rock golem falls in 3 (!) attack waves from the fiends. Newts? They can get lassoed and they die.... Wizard? Don't get me started... I want to ask people again what is op with mercs... because the people don't understand the pain of losing 550 gold to a fucking transmute lol.
AGAIN.... creeps are OP early game, and weak late game. In other words they are balanced.
Is tech imbalanced? Many would surely think so too, if you face a 200 apm + player who knows very well how to tech.
Let's nerf everything... but then something will still remain OP right? 
Added (16-Apr-2019, 7:19 AM) ---------------------------------------------
Quote FirNesS (  ) Problem is, how do you convince new players to come playing when they're getting smashed by people using op strats like creeping? What can a new player do against a golemer?
Since you are asking such a good question, let me follow up with others:
How will they avoid not getting smashed by pro HK who just pop their heros left and right... How will they not get owned by a 200+ apm techer? How will they feel when they get rekt by a guy using tomes with aoe.... and having 5 level above them at ALL times.
Oh things got a bit complicated.
And to answer the question: they can tech to counter creeps.
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ic3dt3a | Date: Thursday, 16-May-2019, 5:07 PM | Message # 10 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| its not just the creeps, its the build that goes with creeping that makes it difficult to come back, unless youre party can work together and eliminate them slowly. bby that time the person, usually teamed with someone else, has enough to out tech and buy more or already out levels you.
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FirNesS | Date: Tuesday, 21-May-2019, 4:40 PM | Message # 11 |
Robotic Ninja
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| If a creeper gets a good mass and/or gets pooled a bit by his mates (not mass pool, even 500g), he can easily dominate the mid area. Therefor it's easy to be lvl 10 when everyone else is barely 6. How do you kill creeps when you are so much behind lol Teching takes quite some time and is so easily countered by AOE (one lvl 7 hero with 2 AoEs can take out a full archers team). I know you're gonna say once again that it's AoEs that should be nerfed but that won't solve the creep problem imo.
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t33vs1er | Date: Friday, 24-May-2019, 1:14 PM | Message # 12 |
Group: Clan Members
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| Quote FirNesS (  ) If a creeper gets a good mass and/or gets pooled a bit by his mates (not mass pool, even 500g), he can easily dominate the mid area. Therefor it's easy to be lvl 10 when everyone else is barely 6. How do you kill creeps when you are so much behind lolTeching takes quite some time and is so easily countered by AOE (one lvl 7 hero with 2 AoEs can take out a full archers team). I know you're gonna say once again that it's AoEs that should be nerfed but that won't solve the creep problem imo.
1. focus his priest 2 focus his wizard = - 1000 gold, + gold for you + no ability to rush (means no level 10 when you are level 6).
You can also: 3. Focus the hero of the creeper - you will know it is him based on unholy aura
Or... 4. If you have aoe you can harrass the creeper while he rushes... (should always be done) Focus the creepers units and not the defensive team's. You can harras with heroes. I also recommend to rat the creeper and his team non stop (good luck rushing). Drop a tower while he rushes, or use talons to cyclone his whole team his mercs and maybe kill a hero or two and he will be fucked. Torrential tribute his ass... or mindrape....
If the creeper fails the rush, he is more or less fucked.
and of course... 5. Farm elsewhere and dodge the creeper and get high level and then focus him down. If you are affraid he will attack your base get rats and jammy and towers.
and lastly my go-to way: 6. Just fucking tech and get 2 newts....
I tech most games and I have not yet lost to a single creeper. I eat even the good ones for breakfast. Those creeps do look scary when one is noob playing aoe, but when you tech with fiends and 3x control group... you just steamroll lol.
If you play aoe, you will for once in your life have a harder game, but harras, focus hero and use rats and you will be good.
I forgot to mention lizzard 
EDIT: Level 7 would never counter my teching... even if i have archers. But nerf aoe and people can tech - golems and creeps won't be a problem.
Message edited by t33vs1er - Friday, 24-May-2019, 1:16 PM |
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