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Forum moderator: Bond009, Cou, Random260, Bio-AssAUlt  
NZ-Fockr Game mod app
Web-GhostDate: Thursday, 15-Jan-2015, 4:17 AM | Message # 16
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Quote nzfockr ()
Lol web-ghost you are the worst.Two games I played with you,you swap yourself to red then once game starts you vote ftd very hard,ars and then leave in 5 mins because you suck. Like why create a gay game that will be boring as fuck then leave early. Go be a troll somewhere else.
people should be banned for leaving games before a game starts(i.e leaving while count down is going but the game still starts) this gives that team a big advantage as the two players left get 700 ea + more xp.
people that are afk before mass should be banned.
firstly when i am in team 1 I swap myself to red "only when i am in team 1" 
2nd i did not leave in 5min i neva do that we had no uk or hk skills while t4 had blizzard/
btw people who are afk should not be banned unless they are afk everytime in the start like in the first 5 games
after mass afk is ok

nzfockrDate: Thursday, 15-Jan-2015, 4:55 AM | Message # 17
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Quote Web-Ghost ()
firstly when i am in team 1 I swap myself to red "only when i am in team 1"  2nd i did not leave in 5min i neva do that we had no uk or hk skills while t4 had blizzard/
btw people who are afk should not be banned unless they are afk everytime in the start like in the first 5 games
after mass afk is ok
Lol well I don't come here to lie so you are obviously just talking shit because i was in lobby when you was in team 2 and moved yourself to red just to troll and jerk off. I don't care if you were red to start with but to use your power just to troll is pretty lame.
but yes constant afk noobs or people that get no hero more than 2-3 games should be banned.
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 15-Jan-2015, 5:34 AM | Message # 18
Robotic Ninja
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Quote nzfockr ()
Lol well I don't come here to lie so you are obviously just talking shit because i was in lobby when you was in team 2 and moved yourself to red just to troll and jerk off. I don't care if you were red to start with but to use your power just to troll is pretty lame.but yes constant afk noobs or people that get no hero more than 2-3 games should be banned.
I love the fact that these comments are escalating really quick.
So a bit please?

And for your information, pretty much all the active current admins/roots is guilty of this too.
In fact, out of all the current admins, I would actually claim that our root admin, "Bio-Assault" does the most swapping without permission from others. <Thus me questioning Random260's skill to discern truly noble players from 'toxic' ones>

But then again, that is different matters right? In fact, the fact that there is swap powers in the first place will always mean pretty much everyone who has access to it would use it and never claim about it.

And for more information, is it not ironic that these threads and flames have only been created recently when players realized they could have free powers in game? "Game mod" is not something that is an entitlement. Please understand that.
There are reasons why I currently do not agree with the current head administrator system. One of them is cause of the feel of "entitlement" to things that really isn't theirs.

Anyways, nzfockr, you claim that you deserve game moderator because you pretty much visit forums. Well the fact is, everyone else on forum does the exact same thing.
Also, compared to most forum members here, you are really new. You have 11 messages and 26 reputation unlike regular members like me who have thousands on both.
Usually in any game, game mod tends to be veterans (experienced players) who can discern maphackers from non-maphackers and seriously, you really are not one of them.
Of course you will argue back this notion with "But look at Bio-Assault. He got the highest power in his first day of CHF." Well the thing is, you are not him. And yes, we all do agree that Random made a huge mistake with this sudden change instead of a gradual one but more guess what!, you are not Random260.

btw nzfockr, stick to the topic.
This thread is about you getting game mod. It really looks bad on the thread if you start flaming. Loses credibility you see.

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Thursday, 15-Jan-2015, 5:49 AM
nzfockrDate: Thursday, 15-Jan-2015, 5:55 AM | Message # 19
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Hey Rosario.

Yes I am guilty for going off topic but I am sure I raise some valid points.
I don't claim that I deserve admin for one second but in saying that why should someone be judge on how much messages they leave on forum?
Yes I am new to this page but like I stated in previous messages " I only came here to make ban requests" I post 2 request and none got dealt with, hence why I made this application.
About bio abusing swap, he only does to play with friends and most times just to do -ssd mode.I play with him alot and most games we end up losing because we play for fun.So if that is abuse then shoot me lol.
Sorry about me flaming people I don't do it with any malice or hate thats just how I roll.
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 15-Jan-2015, 6:03 AM | Message # 20
Robotic Ninja
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smile Well, if
Quote nzfockr ()
I only came here to make ban requests" I post 2 request and none got dealt with, hence why I made this application.
that is true then, you truly do have a legitimate reason to be game mod.
I hope your application works out great then. This fact must have slipped through my nose! Ouch <3

Quote nzfockr ()
About bio abusing swap, he only does to play with friends and most times just to do -ssd mode.I play with him alot and most games we end up losing because we play for fun.So if that is abuse then shoot me lol.
Ahh, I didn't know. But I always knew Bio didn't care much about ELO so ^^

Quote nzfockr ()
Sorry about me flaming people I don't do it with any malice or hate thats just how I roll.
Haha it's alright. When I first made an account, I was a total trouble maker (and for years too!)

Anyways, I fully support this player being game moderator if we currently don't have enough game moderators to check through all the ban requests.

Quote nzfockr ()
why should someone be judge on how much messages they leave on forum?
o.O I guess I'm biased. Soz sad

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Thursday, 15-Jan-2015, 6:46 AM
nzfockrDate: Thursday, 15-Jan-2015, 6:36 AM | Message # 21
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Haha thanks but I don't think there is any chance of me being mod.
Im sure most of these admins are busy dealing more important things than this stuff anyway and sure all previous admins that were abusing have just made it twice as hard for people with legit reasoning to become mod also.
Anyways have a good night/day.
AL_GIDate: Thursday, 15-Jan-2015, 7:41 AM | Message # 22
Zombie Pirate
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Well fockr is right, I always see him playing when I am playing and this is only a request for admin.
He also like to play solo, so I think he can be a good admin, but he just need to participate more on ban request smile

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sterrefasyDate: Tuesday, 08-Oct-2024, 10:13 PM | Message # 23
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You can try Hole House apk mod
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