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AllstarJones - game mod app - Forum

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Forum moderator: Bond009, Cou, Random260, Bio-AssAUlt  
AllstarJones - game mod app
AllstarJonesDate: Tuesday, 13-Jan-2015, 0:00 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 281
Awards: 0
Reputation: 238
Status: Offline
WC3 Username (list any and all aliases):  
Answer: AllStarJones, Footies.Fusion

Realms Played On:  
Answer: East 

Your real name:  
Answer: Andrew Jones

Your age:  
Answer: 17 

Your date of birth:  
Answer: feb 18 1997

Country you live in:  
Answer: Canada

Please tell us more about you (in good detail):  
Answer: I live in Canada, im a student at korah collgiate, but has been recently removed for the semester do to depression, needed to get things worked out, will return next semester, im very active and am a multi sport ahtlete, also a pro gamer (MLG COD) been getting back into wc3 of a lil retirement, missed chf, and the enjoyment

What is your availability to be online:  
Answer: everyday 

Relevant experience in a position like this:  
Answer: yes

Any administration/moderation experience?  
Answer: yes

Do you have Teamspeak 3; have you ever used it?  
Answer: never have used, but willing if needed

What are your current CHF stats on all accounts:  
CHF games: 199CHF W/L:165/34 (82.91%)CHF score:1818.32 (30) 

Have you been a CHF Bot Admin previously? If so, how and when did you lose it?  
Answer: yes, and long time player/donater, lost jan 1st

Have you applied for this position before? If so, when? If denied, why?  
Answer: never heard anything back 

How can you benefit this community if given moderator status?  
Answer: i can start to make the game more balanced, really loving the !SP, also allowing people to play with friends, i have been on a journy to get people from old footies games to join the chf community, i think bringing there memebers to the chf community and letting them play with pros or there friends would make there experience better and grow the community

Your closing statement:  
Answer: long the the chf community, and the people in it

Do you confirm that all information given in this application is 100% true and non-misleading?  
Answer: Yes

Added (13-Jan-2015, 0:00 AM)
the stats isnt true its like 360- 210/150 558 elo

Often imitated Never Duplicated
i-connectDate: Tuesday, 13-Jan-2015, 0:19 AM | Message # 2
Lead Administrator
Group: Users
Messages: 233
Awards: 0
Reputation: 1169
Status: Offline
Spider said we not accepting applications at the moment. We letting this calm down a bit as there has been a lot of applications been sent lately. Sorry for the inconviences.

Message edited by i-connect - Tuesday, 13-Jan-2015, 0:20 AM
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