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WC3-4Life / Custom Hero Footies!!!

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Forum moderator: Bio-AssAUlt, Bond009, Random260, Cou  
joelakoskinenDate: Monday, 25-Mar-2019, 8:16 PM | Message # 16
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Is this the right forum to reach a developer about Custom Hero Footies - Custom game for Warcraft 3?

Can you please do us a favor and try to balance one part of custom hero footies?

The most annoying strategy - is when people do that "teleport / replace move" that swaps spots with someone. and he swaps your spot right into his base by the THREE buildings he makes that trap you.

These builds HP are way too high, even with Excalibur I cannot DPS them down fast enough.
He also can use the ability on me even when I am in avatar mode.

It is imbalanced and unintended for the game strategy.

Please do not allow them to swap players into those 3 boxes. 

Solution: Limit the team to only 1 or 2 of those boxes at a time - Total. Do not let them get the 3rd to complete  the triangle trap.
You know which box i mean? its the 350 gold SHOP you buy from the recipe store, that you can build.

Place 3 of them together to create a prison for an enemy player, and you can put him there with a move that is trainable.

This strategy is the most broken and annoying strategy in the game.

IF this is the wrong location can you please forward this request to a developer?

Thank you,
Joel Koskinen
FirNesSDate: Tuesday, 26-Mar-2019, 6:47 AM | Message # 17
Robotic Ninja
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Lol I like your investment, but the game owner doesn't have time to deal with this, and this is not the spell that would require fixes the most. wink

Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 26-Mar-2019, 9:06 AM | Message # 18
Head Administrator
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Quote joelakoskinen ()
Is this the right forum to reach a developer about Custom Hero Footies - Custom game for Warcraft 3?

yes, atm idk when will  bond009 releases the new version of chf

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