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im sorry - Forum

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Forum moderator: Bond009, Cou, Bio-AssAUlt, Random260  
im sorry
devil_scorpio2003Date: Friday, 20-Nov-2015, 11:20 AM | Message # 1
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I realize my behavior has been offensive to some members and certain members have really gone out of their way to catch me abusing. I do apologize for rage muting as well as rage swapping. It was not noble of me and will hurt the games community and as an admin I need to remain neutral and not let emotions get in the way. Most of the allegations against me besides the rage muting and swapping are petty. However some of your complaints are also valid and I must apologize. I hope I can develop a better relationship with every single one of you in the future.
Your Sincerely, Reza Cage (angrymax)

Message edited by devil_scorpio2003 - Friday, 20-Nov-2015, 11:20 AM
Web-GhostDate: Friday, 20-Nov-2015, 12:00 PM | Message # 2
Head Administrator
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its ok, we all make mistakes, lets give this guy another chance ?

GondiakDate: Friday, 20-Nov-2015, 12:21 PM | Message # 3
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No problem only some players cry for you not all
MubzDate: Friday, 20-Nov-2015, 12:43 PM | Message # 4
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everyone diserves a  2nd chance... Showtime's behavior has changed drastically now so i think he should be forgiven. 

Peace in the Middle East
FirNesSDate: Friday, 20-Nov-2015, 12:46 PM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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I appreciate your apologies. Let's say I had been waiting for them for a pretty long time now.
Well Rival. I know that you ain't a bad person. I'm even pretty sure you can be a good admin. Yet you've kind of ruined your potential by acting immature and by abusing numerous times in game. I can see here that you are willing to change and I'm sure that when you will recover your admin rights you won't abuse anymore. But to my mind you still need to lose them for a month. I tryed to warn you so many times, you did never listen to me. All you did was flaming me, being more and more immature. The staff is currently discussing about you, and we did not come to an agreement yet. But my request is to take your admin away for one month. 
Why? Because even though your post seems to be honest, I'm pretty sure that some people told you to write it and that you did not think about writing it yourself. And even if I'm wrong about this, I believe that the only way for you to understand your mistakes is to receive kind of a punishment. It's dumb, yes it is. But if we don't do that, you will not abuse for a while, and then you'll be like "well it's only a swap it's okay" and you will slowly restart abusing again. 
It's no big deal. I'm pretty sure you can afford a month without admin. The game is still the same. You can still play with your friends. Just do like us, wait for the next game when the current one is full. 

By the way Reza. When you're in such a bad position as you are right now, do not PM me with a so immature message. It's pointless, it doesn't hurt my feelings because I actually don't give a f*ck, and you are ony giving me one more reason to take your admin away. I truly think that you actually need to grow up. It's not only about abuse. It's about flame. How many times did you flame me in game when I was not even answering to you? Dude I did never have any personal hate against you, I'm only doing my job. What's happening now is your fault, don't blame me for that. If you kill someone and the judge puts you in jail, will you hate this judge for doing it?

Adam_CZDate: Friday, 20-Nov-2015, 12:54 PM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
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I agree with Web-Ghost. He deserve last chance. Maybe he will become good admin.
dfrc30Date: Friday, 20-Nov-2015, 4:53 PM | Message # 7
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lotrrotkDate: Monday, 27-Feb-2017, 12:49 PM | Message # 8
Zombie Pirate
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Remember this drama

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
FirNesSDate: Monday, 27-Feb-2017, 1:09 PM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
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lol bro i was too nice with this guy he was a fckin douche for real
I don't understand why people wanted to save his ass. Oh right, MONEY  newrus

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