So admin is just getting handed out freely now?
RyanC010 | Date: Monday, 10-Oct-2016, 10:50 AM | Message # 1 |
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| Player "dooms." player "dan-" player "ihavenocluesaid"
These 3 players just popped up as an admin. I have only seen dan- ask for admin on this forum and make an admin request. But "dooms" and "ihavenocluesaid" never even made an account on this forum nor did they make a request for admin..... it was simply just handed to them.. Who are even the admins adding them without informing anybody?
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feeltree | Date: Monday, 10-Oct-2016, 11:15 AM | Message # 2 |
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| dooms remove me from redspot
none shall harms the wild
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l3etuce | Date: Monday, 10-Oct-2016, 11:52 AM | Message # 3 |
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| I remember you gota submit an app here in the forum and let the HPMM community decide whether you they like you as ad admin or not . Ill say remove their admin and have them do the normal process . Unless Bond gave them admin .
Sup Bio
I love green leetuce
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FirNesS | Date: Monday, 10-Oct-2016, 1:48 PM | Message # 4 |
Robotic Ninja
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| Are they perma admin or were they granted the owner command just for one game?
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smalbuck101 | Date: Monday, 10-Oct-2016, 6:08 PM | Message # 5 |
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| doom is bad doe
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RyanC010 | Date: Monday, 17-Oct-2016, 4:21 PM | Message # 6 |
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| Quote FirNesS (  ) Are they perma admin or were they granted the owner command just for one game? they were made permanent admins.Added (17-Oct-2016, 4:21 PM) --------------------------------------------- Dooms is literally just abusing his admin.. He spams chat box to get muted then swaps people to his team or him to others team to stack in games.. Remove this f!@#@#$ idiots admin
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l3etuce | Date: Monday, 17-Oct-2016, 4:32 PM | Message # 7 |
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| We are waiting for khan- or web to get back . We can halt/remove his admin once theyre back . So far we couldnt do anything about it .
Web get your Az$$$ up here
I love green leetuce
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RyanC010 | Date: Monday, 17-Oct-2016, 5:31 PM | Message # 8 |
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| He literally banned me now and the reason is "leaving" LOL this kid.. omfg where is web when you need him. I've seen and been in games with this loser where he leaves before start. Are you serious? This is getting ridiculously out of hand.
Message edited by RyanC010 - Monday, 17-Oct-2016, 5:33 PM |
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BajsHoran | Date: Monday, 17-Oct-2016, 9:43 PM | Message # 9 |
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| I have been playing very little. Wasnt dooms banned for abuse just before he got admin? Maby it was the guy he was always playing with, cant remember. Dan have been admin quite some time tho and noclueshesaid used to be an admin before. I doubt the later 2 have a lot of complaints if they didnt change their ways since before. Perhaps Dooms is not fit to be admin, but I have not seen enough games to be a good judge of that.
Put a link to the game he banned u Ryan. Easier for root to check it out then
Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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RyanC010 | Date: Tuesday, 18-Oct-2016, 4:14 PM | Message # 10 |
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| And here's all the games where he left early. The same reason he banned me.
Quote BajsHoran (  ) Put a link to the game he banned u He didn't ban me while in game, I was offline, and then when I tried to join a game it said I was banned by him.
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b3p | Date: Wednesday, 19-Oct-2016, 12:56 PM | Message # 11 |
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Fiery_WA | Date: Tuesday, 25-Oct-2016, 12:03 PM | Message # 12 |
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| Quote b3p (  ) MAKE ME ADMIN PLZ Get in line!! lol ..... Whomever is appointing admin atm needs their head read...... I have never seen so much admin abuse!
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RyanC010 | Date: Friday, 20-Jan-2017, 1:28 PM | Message # 13 |
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| Who is still adding admins?? There's maybe 1 new admin every week? Even Uranos was an admin last week, this is a massive joke.
iag nynjah pro. (hoodz) not sure why he has 2 accounts admin?
Now I don't know if any of these people donated or anything but can whoever's adding them actually freaking tell the community?
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MrDark_Devil | Date: Friday, 20-Jan-2017, 2:37 PM | Message # 14 |
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| I'm the best xd
gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
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l3etuce | Date: Friday, 20-Jan-2017, 7:16 PM | Message # 15 |
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| I see that there are so many admins now a days . I guess I need to summon web or khan about this .
I love green leetuce
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