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Chf as an independent game ?/ The future of chf - Forum

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Chf as an independent game ?/ The future of chf
mehrquackDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 5:14 AM | Message # 1
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Since warcarft 3 "the frozen throne" is a slowly dieing game we need to think about the future of an awesome game , called custom hero footies.
Chf has a great potenial and therefore it shouldnt be forgotten. With balances in the following categories :

heros(no codes for special heros ,  maybe a uniqe advantage [passiv]for heros who dont fit in the meta so well ),

abilities ( e.g donation) , matchmaking ( it should be randomly , inclulding the

influence of the player level similar to dota/smite/lol ) ,

admin influence ( should be reduced => only ban command  , only for a few trustful player) ,

better mechaincs ( which make it difficult to cheat =>the most information should be generated in the servers...) ,

a "good" ranked system ,

the ambition of creating a fair game for everyone ( the advantage shouldcome from the skill of the players...) should be represented in updates/patches

you might be able to play chf in a competitive way. In my opinion chf could be superior to dota and lol ( not smite because it is a skill shot game). I know it would be a lot of work for bond and the chf community but if we look at the success of dota we know that the try of establishing chf as an "independent" ( maybe bond
should cooperate with blizzard or vale) and successful game is a good thing....

Whats your opinion about the future of chf ?

Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"

Message edited by mehrquack - Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 6:19 AM
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 5:53 AM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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man stfu KYS fag

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
mehrquackDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 6:17 AM | Message # 3
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faggots like u who have no life ruin the game...
Edit : We need exclude players like you to make the atmosphere of chf more enjoyable

Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"

Message edited by mehrquack - Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 6:17 AM
AL_GIDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 11:47 AM | Message # 4
Zombie Pirate
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I would love to create a game like that, but idk if I have to buy the rights from warcraft or from bond

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

XXkillerbeansXXDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 12:16 PM | Message # 5
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Quote AL_GI ()
I would love to create a game like that, but idk if I have to buy the rights from warcraft or from bond
Bigger problem, how do you create this on a seperate platform, and then distribute it to enough people to make it competitive. You aren't talking about taking say, Left 4 Dead 2 and putting it on Steam where it already has a few hundred thousand people following it, you are taking a minigame from Warcraft 3 and trying to push it to a mass audience that is already absorbed with better games(no offense to bond, they just have better platforms to work with).
Web-GhostDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 12:37 PM | Message # 6
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well its not easy or cheap but for now its going to be on war3 until something like war4 comes or war3 no work

VexslasherDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 12:41 PM | Message # 7
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It could surely be a big money maker because yes it is better then Dota by far but the problem is that CHF came out at a later date missing the most populated years of Warcraft 3. So a lot of the developers out there don't even know this great game exists. I'm sure if they did they would be all in line to buy rights to it.

I mean just look at what the boring dota game has become I'm sure CHF could become recreated in ways like these.
Dota 2
Hots - beta stages

Adam_CZDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 1:48 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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Well, CHF was definitely my most favourite game ever. I was playing almost every day for maybe 2 years. But now is CHF definitely dead game. I still remember "golden" times when strong teams TDT, APF, FTL, TAS and TBP were fighting each other.

Anyway legendary players like J.ST4X, SOUNDWAVES, Cyray, Firness or F00ty left and other legendary players like for example Cou, Keep3r or Mr_Dark (I am talking about Mr_Dark not about trash player MrDarkDevil) are playing rarely 1-2 games per month.

Current CHF is actually playing just one "pro" player (Roystom) and there is few good players like Osetinas, Loverboy, Vetealamierda, Bajshoran or SyleleBelle but its not enough to keep CHF alive.

If you want revive CHF you need bring back whole teams TDT, FTL, APF, TBP and TAS but its impossible.... most of these players probably deleted W3 and they dont care anymore.

We need realize Warcraft 3 is very old game and people will keep leaving this game. Its nout about CHF 4.1 because current version is 100x better than 4.1 B5 version. Even if Bond will release 4.1 tomorrow... old players will not come back anymore - sad true.
FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 1:57 PM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Vexslasher ()
I mean just look at what the boring dota game has become I'm sure CHF could become recreated in ways like these.

This is true. It's just that wc3 is too old. If chf was existing on a game like starcraft (I'm not even sure there are personalized maps on it?), there would be more people playing. Warcraft has over 10 years, almost 12 now. That's a lot.
Chf is a great game, it would only need to be recreated. But I don't think it's doable by anyone currently playing chf or who used to play chf, it would require way too much money, time and skills.
Just wait for wc4. They needed 10 years for SC2, maybe they'll need 20 years for Wc4 ^^

Quote Adam_CZ ()
Anyway legendary players like J.ST4X, SOUNDWAVES, Cyray, Firness or F00ty

Very honored to be part of your top.

Quote Adam_CZ ()
Mr_Dark (I am talking about Mr_Dark not about trash player MrDarkDevil)

Wait, MrDarkDevil is not Mr_Dark? shok

Added (31-Dec-2014, 1:57 PM)

Quote Adam_CZ ()
We need realize Warcraft 3 is very old game and people will keep leaving this game. Its nout about CHF 4.1 because current version is 100x better than 4.1 B5 version. Even if Bond will release 4.1 tomorrow... old players will not come back anymore - sad true.

That's true. Personally I might come back sometimes to play a few games, but I won't ever be back for good

Adam_CZDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 2:21 PM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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Yes... there are two different players who use account "Mr_Dark"

1) Mr_Dark: I know him since EFB-Bot. He was playing only with Cou whole time and i still remember how Cou teach him how to use banish and shamans and later how to use golems and newts... it was in EFB-Bot maybe 2 years ago lol. He became good player and later he win (alone) few games vs TDT or APF players. He was also whole time member of TAS (Cou-MrDark-F00ty). I think he is from Lithuania country but i am not sure 100%.

2)MrDark_Devil aka I[R0D]I-Mr.Dark: player from Jordan. He also joined every team/clan (he was APF-MrDark and later FTL-Zangetsu, he also did try join teams TAS and TDT) and he was also playing many games with Bajshoran, SyleleBelle and TK. In my opinion together with Rogerlucas, Princess and Edureme saddest person in CHF history...
FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 2:53 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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Lol, I thought it was the same person. Now I understand why at the beginning DarkDevil wasn't understanding when I was like "wtf dude I haven't seen you for a while". biggrin
Mr_Dark was one of the best chf players to my mind, at least he was better than me. Best rats user I've ever seen

Message edited by FirNesS - Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 2:53 PM
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 2:59 PM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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Claims a player is good.

Supports his claim with bs realities from another dimension.

Added (31-Dec-2014, 2:59 PM)

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 3:27 PM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
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Web-GhostDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 4:17 PM | Message # 14
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
there is few good players like Osetinas, Loverboy, Vetealamierda, Bajshoran or SyleleBelle but its not enough to keep CHF alive.
btw i beat SyleleBelle 3 times in a row so am i pro ? + you forgot AccCreate(ai biggrin )

AL_GIDate: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2014, 6:50 PM | Message # 15
Zombie Pirate
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lol mr.dark is not mr_dark, damn i am surprised

Call me "GOD”

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