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Forum moderator: Alex[STAR]  
Should Cyray be banned for abusing admin, as well as maphacking?
1. Yes [ 11 ] [44.00%]
2. No [ 6 ] [24.00%]
3. He should be put to death [ 8 ] [32.00%]
Answers total: 25
MonsterDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 4:26 AM | Message # 1
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Cyray has been abusing admin and caught for maphacking, yet nothing has been done about it. Do you think he should be banned

admin abuse:

maphack: (go to page 5 and look at nexsus post, also you can watch replay and see it)

*made at a request by adam

CouDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 7:16 AM | Message # 2
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ATM no, it's under review.

Waiting on iconnect's answer.

Secondly you'll need to explain why nexus was fog clicking too.

if you go by accordingly "Cyray sceptres without reveal" then you'll need to explain why apparently jst4x sceptered without reveal in his games too.

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
AL_GIDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 10:37 AM | Message # 3
Zombie Pirate
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Is i-connect a kind of moderator?

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 10:43 AM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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I remember when I was playing vs MrDarkDevil 1v1 and we were testing this MH "Garena Master". With this MH you can see whole map but you cant click on units under fog. So MH detector is here useless.
MrDark_DevilDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 11:11 AM | Message # 5
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sorry cyray i vote yes because i hate maphackers ,, they can watch what our next move ... 

so match hackers 90% of chf players ...

gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
SOUNDWAVESDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 11:17 AM | Message # 6
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yo, some of ppl knows that I played a lot with cyray recently.
He always shockwaves on right timing where I couldnt see feeds.
noticed that he still using m/h but I was tired of fighing against cheaters since nowadays ppl are so generous at cheaters.

anyway I watched replay of inhouse where cyray posted best game something.
I watched 2 times, 1 was unfog and 2nd was fog. tbh his movement was pretty much weired.
especially when he just ran into t1's base. there wasnt anything when it was fog. But 2nd time where unfog there was invisible players.

Actually all map hackers are awaring at fog click so it's pretty much hard to detect map hack. Also fog click program often mistakes.
+ map hackers are good at pretending as if they dont see anything.
BUT... they do mistake in urgent situation. And that's what I've seen about cyray in that inhouse game.


Rest in Peace Rookies
ArcttyDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 12:24 PM | Message # 7
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Kind of sad that xmon and his team are known maphackers and have been doing it for years, then he loses one game to cyray when he thinks he may have been map hacking and now there are 10 posts on forums due to all the buttfrustration. 

Say Cyray really has been maphacking and should be ban, shouldn't all of you guys be ban too? 

Please get on my level, Arctty #1
ic3dt3aDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 12:28 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Arctty ()
Say Cyray really has been maphacking and should be ban, shouldn't all of you guys be ban too

!voteban arctty
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 12:31 PM | Message # 9
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Quote ic3dt3a ()
!voteban arctty


I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
AL_GIDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 12:38 PM | Message # 10
Zombie Pirate
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I think if we search we will find the majority maphacking thats why your tournament isnt fair

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

SecreT-Name-Date: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 3:46 PM | Message # 11
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Quote ic3dt3a ()
!voteban arctty
MonsterDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 3:51 PM | Message # 12
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Quote Cou ()
if you go by accordingly "Cyray sceptres without reveal" then you'll need to explain why apparently jst4x sceptered without reveal in his games too.

I would love to show you that but those replays are gone. The fact of the matter is your friend can't hide from justice by calling out past games. He was caught just now and he has to answer for his wrong doings just like everyone else has.

NexsuSDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 3:55 PM | Message # 13
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Quote Monster ()
!voteban arctty

TrixxareforkidsDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 7:00 PM | Message # 14
Zombie Pirate
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Which is the real crime -- maphacking, or not releasing the latest CHF version months after it was promised?

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
MonsterDate: Saturday, 15-Feb-2014, 7:21 PM | Message # 15
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Give bond time, asking him repeatedly will only complicate the process.

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