Quote andrewwhatucallit (
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Ofcourse good players don't play alone that is utter susicide and the burden of proof is rather difficult I am a solid player and I tested my solo ability vs stack and I had a losing win to loss ratio simply because golems and spells are so overpowered that despite whatever good skills you have you will simply be raped. The game needs nerfs on every single level for example earlier today I played a game where I had a 14.5k golem and it was unable to effectively kill a tier 4. base when penguins could do the exact same thing far quicker. SPells are able to ONE SHOT you no skill required just get high enough level and you lose.. The only counter to stack is to stack yourself but then they can golem and abuse rats which forces the other tam to abuse golems as well to create a balance so effectively their is counter abuse to counter abuse going on because the game mechanics never balanced between skill and fun. A noob can roflstomp a pro very simply but being at lvl 15 doesn't matter what u do just click a spell with forked lighting and rape . Don't get me started on uim the whole concept in itself is entirely broken and makes little sense to reward somebody for feeding units...its basically stupid proof to get gold ...why reward stupidity...for pros it then becomes a race for income and darks...Then you have problems with spells that are utterly useless and other spells which are fundamentally overpowered..I could go on and on but none of this means jack unless bond cares enough to create a new version..so get used to it.
But your level of play is quite low -.-
Having said that, yes, CHF is more based on luck and teamwork than solo skills.
If you really care about solo skills, just go play 1v1 ladder. Otherwise, don't complain much :3