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BUG: Arrows lvl 6 - Forum

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Forum moderator: Bond009  
BUG: Arrows lvl 6
feeltreeDate: Sunday, 17-Jul-2016, 5:41 AM | Message # 1
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how can it be, that arrows lvl 6 makes now more abbos instead of 1, like it have to BUG again

none shall harms the wild
Web-GhostDate: Sunday, 17-Jul-2016, 6:13 AM | Message # 2
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Quote feeltree ()
how can it be, that arrows lvl 6 makes now more abbos instead of 1, like it have to BUG again
more details please

RyanC010Date: Sunday, 17-Jul-2016, 12:33 PM | Message # 3
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He doesn't like the fact that black arrow makes 4 abominations instead of 1, web.
feeltreeDate: Saturday, 30-Jul-2016, 2:26 AM | Message # 4
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yae...and i rly dont remember when it starts to be like that...i gues it was after bliz-patch?!?

He doesn't like the fact that black arrow makes 4 abominations instead of 1, web.

how did it happend???????????????????????

and itz not only that i dont like this fakt...

that spell! was even strong enough with 1 abbo, and the lotz of gouls on lvl 5
but now ... itz 4 times stronger...
so why u didnt make the mana of jammy 4 times more or the
despelldmg 4 times higher or the price lower...

u cant just make 1 strong spell, more stronger without any other changes

Added (28-Jul-2016, 2:15 PM)
what was the reason to make it 4 times (!!!) stronger??
and is there any way to fix it - means,  put it back to 1 abbo???

what was the Problem with 1 abbo?
Arrows was always strong enough...i cant see any problem with that spell, like it was

Added (30-Jul-2016, 2:26 AM)
REALLY....WHO THE dUCK DID THIS SHIT???????????????????????


what will be next? Double dmg of Flamestrike or 3times more hero-image

why dont you think abaout flamearrows of priestes?

none shall harms the wild

Message edited by feeltree - Saturday, 30-Jul-2016, 4:50 AM
Adam_CZDate: Monday, 01-Aug-2016, 12:06 PM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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its very hard dispell those arrows lvl 6 units... you need arcane tower of terror
Web-GhostDate: Monday, 01-Aug-2016, 2:46 PM | Message # 6
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i informed bond 
ty for the report

l3lackownageDate: Tuesday, 02-Aug-2016, 12:29 PM | Message # 7
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you have Bonds ear?
feeltreeDate: Saturday, 08-Oct-2016, 1:30 PM | Message # 8
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nothing happens

still bugshit

3 abbos on lvl 6

= 1400Hp x 4 >5600 HP with one Kill

compared to lvl 3 Ulti Inferno ???HP

And  Abbos have even Upgrates

What is the meaning of this ???o
Is there SOmeone who can explain that?

Who did it, and why?

none shall harms the wild

Message edited by feeltree - Saturday, 08-Oct-2016, 1:37 PM
RyanC010Date: Saturday, 08-Oct-2016, 2:32 PM | Message # 9
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Quote feeltree ()
nothing happensstill bugshit

3 abbos on lvl 6

= 1400Hp x 4 >5600 HP with one Kill

compared to lvl 3 Ulti Inferno ???HP

And  Abbos have even Upgrates

What is the meaning of this ???o
Is there SOmeone who can explain that?

Who did it, and why?
How about you just get a couple jammies/jozas and dispel them like a normal person? Or get a tower of terror to do the same thing. It really isn't that hard. Or just kill the hero that has dark arrow and boom no more abboms, problem solved.
feeltreeDate: Sunday, 09-Oct-2016, 3:57 AM | Message # 10
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Quote RyanC010 ()
How about you just get a couple jammies/jozas and dispel them like a normal person?


ok, u think, u are a normal person?

so how about this?

a normal person will pay 550 Gold for 1 Jammy

1 Jammy has 500 Mana

it means, he can cast despell about 8 times in a row

it hurts 400 hp in a big area, but not as big to despell the hole base

to despell 1400 hp, a normal person needs to use 4 times despell to kill these abbos
in this area....this means...half of jammys mana is gone.

So he can despell 2nd time abbos in these small/big area...but then  u need 2nd Jammy

= again 550 gold....+next jammy = 550 Gold again...

next Jammy is ready 20 seconds later 

but....the enemy is still using arrows....this means...normaly....still spawns Abbos
with just little a spell what cost him just a little mana...

but....a normal person have also teammates

and...a normal person can use spells like stun...or flamestrike....this means

normaly a jammy can go down really fast....

normaly....normal persons have also own units

and normaly....they use them to atack enemys base...

this means...there are not only these abbos in my base....there are also enemys units and
maybe 2 other heros

it means...the base is full of stuff

and u try to tell me....hey u unnormal guy....just use jammy and kill his hero


u are funny

normal...they could have transmute
or just rats to mute jammy

and still

hes is spamming abbos 
one abbo 1400 hp

on kill = 4 abbos
3 kills = 12 abbos = 15 000 Hp

compare: 1 Inferno lvl 2 =
3500 hp  

and still: Jammy cost 550 Gold

Do jammy have 2000 Mana?
Why not? i pay 550 Gold and fight against mass HP + units

Jammy upgrate cost me + 650 Gold

+ i will need some worker to repair the base
so i still have to pay + 300 minimum 

so i need about 3000 gold  just to defend one big attack.

this unreal

none shall harms the wild
RyanC010Date: Sunday, 09-Oct-2016, 10:29 AM | Message # 11
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First off I can't believe I just read all that. Secondly, there are towers of terror that are able to dispel... Typically when I see someone with dark arrow I rush a tower of terror so that stuff doesn't happen. A tower has 8000 mana, very easy to dispel abboms. Also, you would probably only need 3-4 jammies to keep out mass aboms from your base, just keep pet on them so they can regain their mana, meanwhile you focus your aoe/hk or whatever on his hero. You're welcome  wink
smalbuck101Date: Sunday, 09-Oct-2016, 10:47 AM | Message # 12
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>wtf i kant use dark arrow
gg no re
feeltreeDate: Wednesday, 14-Dec-2016, 7:01 AM | Message # 13
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still 4 Abbospawn

I think Bond009 is dead or even just braindead

no other reason i can imagin

Added (14-Dec-2016, 7:01 AM)

none shall harms the wild
RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 14-Dec-2016, 2:17 PM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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I just can't take feeltree seriously.

I mean


like this you know.

Hey FeelTree



make sense 
you know.

hurr hurr hurr

feeltreeDate: Thursday, 15-Dec-2016, 6:56 AM | Message # 15
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
I just can't take feeltree seriously.

just do it...whats the matter

look at urself woman ... look at ur signature ... are u serious? NO just NO

the one who put 3more abbos on arrows lvl 6, cant take get seriouse ... NEVER
just think about the fact
everyone, who spend some time, to think about it, will find some real *uck

none shall harms the wild

Message edited by feeltree - Thursday, 15-Dec-2016, 6:57 AM
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