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Delete Stats/ELO
NexsuSDate: Friday, 16-May-2014, 8:00 AM | Message # 1
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Please, Random or Cou. Delete Stats/ELO of my acc nexsus in useast

attackers2012Date: Friday, 16-May-2014, 9:20 PM | Message # 2
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Yes, I have a problem too. when play in garena or some where I in lobby its show my stats of Euro but I Don't play with euro b net anymore.
I play on garena i don't have good stats but my euro b net stats are good. Can u refresh my all stats or tell me why it show my euro b net stats althought I play from garena. I don't play in euro b net cause I abused a admin so he banned me LOL.
Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 4:16 AM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
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I want delete my ELO too please. Make account Adam_CZ 0 wins and 0 lose and 1000 ELO. I was best player CHF with 2400 and now only 1500 its really shame. Anyway 2-3 weeks later i will come back to prove who is best player again.

Btw let me introduce you my two czech cousin: and they are my real cousins and they asked me teach them CHF so we practice on LAN sometimes. Two weeks later they will play together with me.

They both will have vacations and i hope you will not be surprised if they will change their flags on website because they will be travelling (vacation).

Everything is legal and there is not anything against rules (i asked Cou already 1-2 weeks ago).
FirNesSDate: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 4:40 AM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
I want delete my ELO too please. Make account Adam_CZ 0 wins and 0 lose and 1000 ELO. I was best player CHF with 2400 and now only 1500 its really shame. Anyway 2-3 weeks later i will come back to prove who is best player again.

You sincerely consider yourself as the best chf player?

Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 6:09 AM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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Yes i am best player CHF. I lost just ONE chf game and trust me... it was impossible win. I was with rogerlucas and edu.reme vs full stacked team (Cou-Roystom-JST4X) i was raping them easy even with my noob allies but Roystom got second hero with interchange and donation.... really sad stackers.
kietriversDate: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 6:51 AM | Message # 6
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Yes i am best player CHF

hahahaha, here he is back with his bs again

Dragon-HawkDate: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 7:41 AM | Message # 7
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
I was best player CHF with 2400 and now only 1500 its really shame.

AL_GIDate: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 11:18 AM | Message # 8
Zombie Pirate
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
i am best player CHF

This is why you leave when you see me in a game

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

Priest-Of-SinDate: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 11:59 AM | Message # 9
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Yes i am best player CHF. I lost just ONE chf game and trust me
you have to battle RoyGOD for this title.

Quote Adam_CZ ()
I was with rogerlucas and edu.reme vs full stacked team (Cou-Roystom-JST4X) i was raping them easy even with my noob allies but Roystom got second hero with interchange and donation.... really sad stackers.
god dam this stacked team....well i quess if you play them right now you will win easy....right?
oh boy...oh boy,you are the best noob (oh sorry i meant pro) player in this whole wide are my idol...wel not quite,i would have you on my list but i have no place for you because of royGOD and xmon....anyway i will have you on my list after you beat royGOD.

Quote Adam_CZ ()
Btw let me introduce you my two czech cousin: and they are my real cousins and they asked me teach them CHF so we practice on LAN sometimes. Two weeks later they will play together with me. They both will have vacations and i hope you will not be surprised if they will change their flags on website because they will be travelling (vacation).

Everything is legal and there is not anything against rules (i asked Cou already 1-2 weeks ago).
and the battle for elo will start in 1.2.3.......10 - GO GO im sure will be all legit

ic3dt3aDate: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 12:00 PM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
They both will have vacations and i hope you will not be surprised if they will change their flags on website because they will be travelling (vacation).

already setting up his alt allies, nice.

the only person that actually had the least losses was cyray, but that was because of using cheesy, xmon, and jstax as his personal b!tch boys.

anyways, roy doesnt play without his boyfriends either. the game is full of alts stacking, im pretty much done with it. been nice playing with some of you guys. enjoy
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 1:09 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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Quote ic3dt3a ()
the only person that actually had the least losses was cyray, but that was because of using cheesy, xmon, and jstax as his personal b!tch boys.

anyways, roy doesnt play without his boyfriends either. the game is full of alts stacking, im pretty much done with it. been nice playing with some of you guys. enjoy

U know, every since ELO and ever since everyone started caring about stacking for ELO
and the fact that the game is getting old and WC3 is dying and that the game owner dgaf

I don't have the interest of CHF that I used to.
Actually, I am de-interested in CHF nowadays because I'm afraid of stackers and alts and maphackers...

How pathetic chf is

NexsuSDate: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 4:48 PM | Message # 12
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Why ruin my post?

TangerineSkyDate: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 7:37 PM | Message # 13
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I have never lost at anything in my life. I am the best player, and human.

attackers2012Date: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 9:16 PM | Message # 14
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this post is for removing  players stats . Don't change topic lol . Wherever Adam write something the ppl start to
create new topic from there LOL
BajsHoranDate: Saturday, 17-May-2014, 11:26 PM | Message # 15
Group: Game Mod
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yes... cou i allrdy told to my fake brother lost 900 games on bashora account... i must have my stat and elo back smile right no is 2221-12
with 6744 elo

Added (17-May-2014, 11:25 PM)
cou 2012.09          626 506 54 cou lost 86 games that didnt count? biggrin

Added (17-May-2014, 11:26 PM)
66 misslciks

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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