Quote mehrquack (
![Link to the quoted text](http://s44.ucoz.net/img/fr/ic/10/lastpost.gif)
"#any admin not warning before banning will be banned:1day or may lose admin power"
its not a rule yet
secondly ever heard of scouting i do that if its ftd mode and tell them to cancel the tower if i am late i give them an offer if the guy is nice and is sorry i will tell him to leave the game now and no ban but if the guy is abusive and goes crazy i tell him to leave and his ban will last for an hour or more but if the guy is 100% stupid and does not listen 2 or 3days ban!
btw do you wanna now the best way to win ftd vh?Added (05-Jan-2015, 2:57 PM)
mehrquack, btw i really hate people like you first there is no need to make a new thread second it was on requesting i mean are you color blind? + if you say yes i know some friends who are color blind and they can tell the difference between blue and red
next time read the statement to 100%