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OsetinassDate: Wednesday, 25-Feb-2015, 10:06 PM | Message # 31
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priest where you got much arrogance and rage? Adam is good guy sometimes he annoying but he is normal like you.
BajsHoranDate: Wednesday, 25-Feb-2015, 11:27 PM | Message # 32
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i am the best (most wins)

rogerlucas has for the record 30 wins more then roystom xd

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
ÜberGeekDate: Thursday, 26-Feb-2015, 1:29 AM | Message # 33
Mr. Löwenstein
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Roy is the best no question

I am Über, the craziest Über ever.

FTL forever

Onwards comrades!
CouDate: Thursday, 26-Feb-2015, 4:04 AM | Message # 34
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Legendary Team All Starz pack:
Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 26-Feb-2015, 6:36 AM | Message # 35
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Priest-Of-Sin ()
you realy are an idiot adam ,they are not normal avarage players they are better then lots of players and far far more better then you (1000% better)

they were "pro" in EFB-Bot... i agree about this... but many players increased their skills and become good... so in total they are "only" average... and i think being average is not bad
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 26-Feb-2015, 8:27 AM | Message # 36
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()

they were "pro" in EFB-Bot...

I'm way above definite that the times with tdt and soundwaves was when chf was most competitive

It's just that now there is no competition so no incentive to play your best
And please, the new players recently are like all uim pubs lol

anyways, roystorm you on east?
I cant ever find u lol

Web-GhostDate: Thursday, 26-Feb-2015, 8:58 AM | Message # 37
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
I cant ever find u lol
use glasses

[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Thursday, 26-Feb-2015, 10:49 AM | Message # 38
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Quote ic3dt3a ()
roystom, in actuality, you are the nerd and you are raging hard. adam has repeatedly defeated you and your team. you are shit, all you can do is hide and have your friend hide for you are the one who fears humiliation at the hands of lesser players; you are no match for the common newbie who is not aware of the game. now go and rent the cybercafe for you to suck of yefer, for it seems it is he who stands above you and has carried you repeated times. you common dog

good logic and when it goes from testing?   and if he had come to losing it is not because you are good, roy + yefer autowin understand, but I do not blame it all ftl vs world to us and you victory last fall   ok stupid

Quote Cheesy-Gordia ()
Everyone Basura. FTL god of gods.
agree mi fan

Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
And for Roystorm, play on east bro. And add on friend's list "AccCreate"
I nvr seen u play so uhmm I still think you only hype xDD
now entered

Quote Osetinass ()
i call you 1x1 boxing i bet i will turn off your delusional world noob.
you're asking me this garbage and the two enter a boxing ring?    you have to ask RMK because it was always a clown

Quote Priest-Of-Sin ()
you can erase roynoob from this list,i mean even now i remember when roynoob left the game because he was afarid to battle me,also if you beat roynoob it will not make him  pro since you are a noob like edureme,rogerlucas and some others (or even worst).
have b*tch   I do not ever escape you or anyone else:   because win  very easy   ---------     Now assuming that one day i decided to get together yeferzon in the cybercafe and play together    and a scourge just appears (like you for example and ask 1 vs 1) and at the time I'm with my side yeferzon planning to play on facebook chat and talk right there and not paying attention

then think that I have scared? why not accept me January 1 vs 1 have if once closes the an*s that has already largely open

Added (26-Feb-2015, 10:49 AM)

Quote BajsHoran ()
i am the best (most wins) rogerlucas has for the record 30 wins more then roystom xd


Quote ÜberGeek ()
Roy is the best no question
is so nice admit   love

Quote Cou ()
oh cou zorry   I forget you but right now I'm putting a day when you can   


then I tired to wait for another who only bark and now is the sad truth than they are apart  "  failed " 

1-osetinas = LOSER FAILED   fearfully
2-trashlele = LOSER FAILED fearfully
5-PRIEST =  still waiting for answer
6-rosario_cz = I'll show you your biggest fear
7-QQOU  = after defeat I'll change that replay in modifying a cd for viewing on DVD and watch it over and over and over and over again
8-web-fan page = I have nothing against you is good person but at a not so I'll leave out 
OsetinassDate: Thursday, 26-Feb-2015, 10:58 AM | Message # 39
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give him reproof for nick like "trashreborn" or "bashora" or "trashlele" example we dont call him Trashstorm or Gaystom?
Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 26-Feb-2015, 11:06 AM | Message # 40
Robotic Ninja
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Quote [-FTL-]RoyStoM ()
roy + yefer autowin understand  ???

RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 26-Feb-2015, 11:39 AM | Message # 41
Robotic Ninja
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I'm just following Adam's logic on the spoiler above.

Hey Roy..You available on battlenet this weekend?

Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 26-Feb-2015, 11:51 AM | Message # 42
Robotic Ninja
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Roystom is pro... but this link just proved that saying "Roystom Yeferzon autowin" is lie. What you dont understand?
Web-GhostDate: Thursday, 26-Feb-2015, 12:16 PM | Message # 43
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Quote [-FTL-]RoyStoM ()
8-web-fan page = I have nothing against you is good person but at a not so I'll leave out
ok :)
Quote [-FTL-]RoyStoM ()
after defeat I'll change that replay in modifying a cd for viewing on DVD and watch it over and over and over and over again
need help in the modifying part?

gigasus91Date: Thursday, 26-Feb-2015, 12:18 PM | Message # 44
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Quote [-FTL-]RoyStoM ()roy + yefer autowin understand ???


Adam is TBP's son; Frungy is one of the founders, so that game was basically like this: Frungy decided to teach Adam some things 'bout golems when roystom and yeferzon showed up. So Frungy decides to take the problem into his own hands and fk roystom up with Adam's help. Problem solved.

Which also proves the "ROYSTOM + YEFERZON AUTOWIN UNDERSTAND ?????" sentence to be wrong.

bitch plz cool
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Thursday, 26-Feb-2015, 2:06 PM | Message # 45
Robotic Ninja
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all of you don't are pro.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
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