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What do you think about the Israel vs Palestinian conflict? - Page 2 - Forum

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What do you think about the Israel vs Palestinian conflict?
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Tuesday, 22-Jul-2014, 10:22 PM | Message # 16
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PLO is an acronym short for Palestinian Liberation Oranization. To call them anything short of terrorist would be wrong. They have murdered tens of thousands of people in violent attacks in the middle east and elsewhere, mostly against Jews. The sites that are reporting the death tolls for the Palestinians in Gaza are in favor of this organizations existence and mission. They are biased against the Jews. You need to wait for one of the unbiased reliable sources to report a breakdown of military-civilian casualties. Until then, you cannot trust any numbers put out. It is definitely not 600 civilians dead though. 600 is the total, not the civilian count. At least a portion of that is armed forces. So while you demand proof, tell me realistically that out of 600 total dead, 0 are soldiers. The news sites that are reporting these stats are in favor of the PLO and therefore are biased in the way that they report their information. If the forum rule about violence is lifted, don't forget that also lets me post all the anti-Semitic acts of violence that the Palestinians of Gaza have committed against the Jewish in Israel.

Quote Wikipedia on Gaza
In 1994, Israel granted the right of self-governance to Gaza through the Palestinian Authority. Prior to this, Gaza had been subject to military occupation, most recently by Israel (1967–94) and by Egypt (1958–67), and earlier by Syria when Gaza had been part of the Ottoman Empire. Since 2007, the Gaza Strip has been de-facto governed by Hamas, a Palestinian group claiming to be the representatives of the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian people. In 2012, the United Nations General Assembly "accorded Palestine non-Member Observer State status in the United Nations".[2] Gaza forms a part of the Palestinian territory defined in the Oslo Agreements and UNSC Resolution 1860.

So no, the Israelis have been better for the Palestinians than even other Muslim groups, and the Palestinians still fight and try to eradicate them.  Now that the Israeli government decides to finally fight back after trying to reach peace with them, they get attacked by news sources for human rights. Where were all of you when the Muslims and Palestinians blew up the Twin Towers? Where were you in the Spanish and British train bombings calling for their heads? Don't even begin to give me that sh1t. The fact that this is even debatable is despicable.

@Web-Ghost: Hamas is also a terrorist organization. The Palestinian government is also evil. Stop trying to say that the Palestinians are innocent. The Israelis gave the long enough. Lets take away the fact that they are nations, and replace it with people. Say you had been trying to reach out and make peace with a long lost brother for the last 20 years, but all they want to do is create trouble. Now lets say they start sabotaging your personal life.  Say they decide that you don't need your new house and so they burn it down. They think that you don't deserve your children so they kill them. Now say you ask them to stop and they say no. Now what do you do? You go after them with great enough force  to destroy them utterly. My favorite book cannot put it better: 

“In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think it's impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. And then, in that very moment when I love them –"
"You beat them." For a moment she was not afraid of his understanding.
"No, you don't understand. I destroy them. I make it impossible for them to ever hurt me again. I grind them and grind them until they don't exist." -Ender's Game.

Added (22-Jul-2014, 10:22 PM)

Quote Monster () i guess BBC is pro muslim

i guess huffintonpost is pro muslim
BBC and Huff Post are both pro Muslim, CNN gets their info from those sources. 
Quote Monster ()
and the death tolls are fake and written by pro muslim sites?
No, the civilian toll is misrepresented. Who do you think is reporting the death toll in Gaza, the Israelis or the Palestinians?
Quote Monster ()
Palestine was originally occupied by the Jews in the 7th century. They left and the Arabs occupied it for over 1300 years. It's not the jew's land anymore. That's like me coming to your house (that your ancestors have been living in for hundreds of years) and saying, "sorry bro someone of my lineage lived here thousands of years ago so this is now my house and im kicking u out pce jajajaja"
It is like if I had been kicked out of my house and put into slavery, then when I come back to reclaim it, the inhabitant tries to blow me to pieces. The Jews have been in some kind of suppression and genocide since the Babylonians, through the Romans, through the Muslim/Palestinian involvement, and through the Germans, when it was finally given back to them, what was rightfully theirs. It is not as if they just got up out of their house and left, it is more like someone went into their house, shoved a shotgun in their face, and said get out, this is mine now.
ic3dt3aDate: Tuesday, 22-Jul-2014, 10:32 PM | Message # 17
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killerbeans, anything you post in this thread should be disregarded as you are deemed a religious radical.
RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 22-Jul-2014, 10:55 PM | Message # 18
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Oh yess,


all pro muslim. Oh yes Killerbeans. So which news isn't?

Kilerbeans, no offense but despite your long post
Your long post are usually all retarded (actually, all your posts are retarded in my point of view and should be disregarded)

and Xmon, don't try making sense with chf players. It's never gonna happen.

Anyways, all I can say is it is cause of Israel the conflict started but seriously....its becoming a little too much now.
I wish both sides would end war....
but then again, it's wars that makes other countries prosper ...xD <= Won't be surprised if USA is supporting this war on purpose for $$$

MonsterDate: Tuesday, 22-Jul-2014, 10:58 PM | Message # 19
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Wow killerbeans, you're blinded by your hate. I feel bad for you. I cba to reason with an autist.


Message edited by Monster - Tuesday, 22-Jul-2014, 11:00 PM
RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 22-Jul-2014, 11:00 PM | Message # 20
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Biggest issue is..

Is it alright to reclaim a land that was lost foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
If that's the case, native indians shoulda claimed your land back again Xkillerbeans. GTFO out of California. It's not your land.

Same crap.
Basically, if you lose your land, then YOU LOSE YOUR LAND. Hello? U cant just reclaim a land saying OMFG 100000000000000000000000000000000 years ago my ancestor Dinosaur Jack peed on this land so IT'S MINE!
No thats pure retard.

Israel should be thankful the UN without permission took away other countries' land.
I understand Israel defended against the enemy neighbors after given the land but trying to EXPAND now? Isn't that too much?
This is why every neighboring countries hate Israel. They don't know when to stop and seriously, I think everyone should just stop by now.

Btw, I support Israel. My best friend is Israeli :P

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Tuesday, 22-Jul-2014, 11:01 PM
CouDate: Wednesday, 23-Jul-2014, 3:40 AM | Message # 21
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It's been an interesting topic with smart discussion. Don't ruin it with 5 year old insults. It's one of the reasons why people don't want to contribute to intellectual discussion if it turns into another one-sided flame war. 

Keep it to factual discussion with possible heated debate, and keep personal insults aside.

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XXkillerbeansXXDate: Wednesday, 23-Jul-2014, 4:50 AM | Message # 22
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Is it alright to reclaim a land that was lost foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. If that's the case, native indians shoulda claimed your land back again Xkillerbeans. GTFO out of California. It's not your land.
For the amount of Native Americans left, they inhabit a greater size square footage-wise per person than most people do in the normally inhabited urban areas. 
Quote ic3dt3a ()
killerbeans, anything you post in this thread should be disregarded as you are deemed a religious radical.
I already understand that impression; however, that does not detract from what I have to say. I believe the arguments that I have provided are based enough on factual context and not religious text or my own personal religious beliefs that it may be read with value and understanding.
Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Huffington BBC

all pro muslim
CNN is not. BBC is controlled by the British(clearly) who have recently(last 3 years) felt a large influx of Muslims. If they were not pro-Muslim, than they would not continue to exist as a large portion of the population is now Muslim.

I will admit I have a personal dislike of Huffington and so I didn't actually research this one, kind of just made a blanket statement.

CNN, Huffington, and BBC are all getting their news from the new organizations inside Gaza though, which is why the death toll will be misrepresented in who actually dies.

I'll post more tomorrow. Really tired now.
PLusDate: Wednesday, 23-Jul-2014, 5:14 AM | Message # 23
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I agree with xmon.

Message edited by PLus - Wednesday, 23-Jul-2014, 5:28 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 23-Jul-2014, 6:50 AM | Message # 24
Robotic Ninja
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Quote XXkillerbeansXX ()
which is why the death toll will be misrepresented in who actually dies.
To me, everyone who dies is a human. I don't know about you but the fact that both sides are suffering losses only mean one thing.
This war needs to really stop.
What's the difference between an 13 year old in army (illegally...) and a 13 or even 83 year old citizen dying for no apparent reason? Is one more justifiable than the other? To me, it seems both sides are at fault.
Don't gimme BS of how Israel is 100000000000000000000% innocent. Oh b1tch please. Israel gets one of the most support from the US with mass $$$$$$ for weapons
Also, Israel is one of the VERY few countries to have nuclear weapons. Damn, for a so called innocent nation, that sure is some heavy stuff there.

Quote XXkillerbeansXX ()
I didn't actually research this one, kind of just made a blanket statement.

okay all ur facts are from a blanket statement. good job. Keep spreading your opinion and making it sound like facts.

Quote XXkillerbeansXX ()
For the amount of Native Americans left, they inhabit a greater size square footage-wise per person than most people do in the normally inhabited urban areas.
 So? Does size matter? Heck, if you really cared about that, why not give Native Indians at least CALIFORNIA itself to them? Oh yea! to you, nonono no can do right? Isn't this hypocritical?

Quote XXkillerbeansXX ()
factual context and not religious text or my own personal religious beliefs that it may be read with value and understanding.
Uh huh...what was that about blanket statement?

Anyways, despite this useless long thread to bring flame to Killer, seriously, both sides are at heavy fault. They both distort the news, they both lie, they both...u know what?
I think they are both  stereotypical politicians (in forms of

stoogeDate: Wednesday, 23-Jul-2014, 8:37 AM | Message # 25
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There was never a country called Israel, and no im not saying it cuz im muslim.
have a listen to this dude George Galloway he pretty much sums it up and gives you the whole history of the occupation and brutality in a very brief reply to an English jewish dude.

Also even the educated and peace minded jews not just from israel but from all over the world do not agree with israeli govt, which is a zionist govt.
And if you were to actually research about zionism you will see they are most likey atheist not even jewish.

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mehrquackDate: Wednesday, 23-Jul-2014, 10:28 AM | Message # 26
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So guys , in my opinion it is great problem that the western media is generlly ruled jewish racist loobys . Especially in germany there is no outs againt Israel.
1. The most israelis have no dna based right to life in this specific country . Nearly all of them are europeans.
2. Israeli goverment consits of racists . A few years i able to prove my statement with the confirmation of an jewish eyewitness (effected by nazis ) who visited germany in order to inform students



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lspiderlDate: Wednesday, 23-Jul-2014, 10:36 AM | Message # 27
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The isrealies didn't LEAVE there land and come back later they were gathered up and ENSLAVED  for centuries and when
they came back someone else had moved on in .  theres a BIG difference

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
MonsterDate: Wednesday, 23-Jul-2014, 11:21 AM | Message # 28
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Ok by that logic USA belongs to the N.Americans.


Message edited by Monster - Wednesday, 23-Jul-2014, 12:50 PM
Adam_CZDate: Wednesday, 23-Jul-2014, 12:51 PM | Message # 29
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Czech republic is best.
PLusDate: Wednesday, 23-Jul-2014, 2:13 PM | Message # 30
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Czech republic is best.
elo is life bro
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