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alexanderho Admin Abuse
ic3dt3aDate: Friday, 20-Feb-2015, 9:29 PM | Message # 46
Robotic Ninja
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Quote heyi19931225 ()
I have stated my purpose and intention of swapping myself to red in previous post and i dont want to repeat that agin.

so the sole purpose of u swapping yourself to my team was to stack, thank you for not admitting to it straightforwardly.
JaneFox2666Date: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 0:52 AM | Message # 47
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Hey Alex,

I dont get why you attacking me. I told everybody in here how you managed our last games.

At first: i never saw you asking anybody if you could swap. Show me the screens of the three named games and I will apologise.

Second: for me and many other Players it seems not like you swap yourself to red because you want more democraty. It seems like a simple try of stacking your teams.

Third: dont tell me im stacking. Check my stats and my game history. I play with some friends and with pubs. And most of the time i lose. Thats because i want fair games and rather leave the game then destroying it with 6v6 mode all the time.

At least: im really into discussing this topic on a normal way. Im not without failure. If you got some good arguments i (and most of the guys here) will follow this arguments and accept them. But you behave childish atM. get into a discussion, accept other guys opionions, dont feel hard attacked if not everybody agrees with you.

Im lookIng forward to hear from you,
heyi19931225Date: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 1:07 AM | Message # 48
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To jane and ic3dta, I am tired of typing more. (actually I think I have typed enough)
I told you I haved asked them before i swap, if you want evidence, go ask those red players yourself since you have screenshot. I dont want to waste more time solving your problem.
I won't reply more on this thread. If you think I am doing something wrong, that's your problem because I won't agree with you.
I have a life, and it doesn't seem productive spending time arguing with your people.
feeltreeDate: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 5:52 AM | Message # 49
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Quote JaneFox2666
Besonders fockr ist wirklich ein cooler Typ mit dem man auch mal so 2-3 lustige Runden spielen kann. Ich will dir da nicht zu nahe treten, aber vielleicht wäre es cool, wenn du etwas die Schärfe aus der Diskussion nimmst. Nur als Idee

Das was du über CHF-Spiel mit einem Partner schreibst
ist ihm doch völlig fremd...

Er ist ein Cheater, ein Hacker...
Das ist so wie, einem vom Skatspielen mit Freunden zu erzählen, für dem Karten, nur Karten mit
Zahlen, Buchstaben und bunten Bildchen sind, die man zerreißen und anbrennen kann...
oder wie einem Fischübers Fahrradfahren zu berichten...
der wird einem mit goßen Augen anstarren und *blubb*blubb* machen...
so wie sein Post zu deinem ja bestens zur Schau stellt, dass ers gar nicht begreift, um was es geht...
dafür bissl Honig schmieren...und so tun als ob...

none shall harms the wild
JaneFox2666Date: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 6:53 AM | Message # 50
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i have a 12 year old nephew who behave exact the same way. if we dont let him pick the first figure in monopoly he gets very angry, offensive and stops talking to us.

You know whats my problem here? I do not think you're age 12 .

So, how could we possible solve this problem? Wait till a head-admin comes here and clears the situation? Maybe that wont happen, because this is a "free ride" for every admin to abuse his/her power.

I would really appreciate, if you would consider this case again. We dont want you to force in any direction, maybe you got an other idea how to solve that?

Let me repeat one thing: I really want to solve that problem with you, not without you. And solving problems dont work, if one part just sit in the corner and pointing fingers at all others and tell them to shut up. smile

I hope we here from you,

Added (21-Feb-2015, 6:53 AM)
And Alex, could you please tell us why you banned these three guys?


GagamelDate: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 12:00 PM | Message # 51
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Jane, what do you want to hear from him? He already told you his opinion on the last page. You told your point of view and he told his point of view. And there is no big problem remainging anyway. Yes he swapped but he did it not for abuse. Case closed. So acutally telling everyone to shut up now (ok he maybe could be more polite than that) is exatly what works now, if everyone else has now the greatness to move on and be quiet there is no problem anymore, that needs to be discussed. Of course you can do it like adam_cz now and stalk him for weeks and posting every single game he has played. But this wont make either you a better person nor him. And after all it would be only a waste of your time.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
JaneFox2666Date: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 1:17 PM | Message # 52
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Hey Gagamel

thats not the worste point of view. Maybe you are right. But try to understand my situation: Alex keeps going on with this tour and nobodys seems to stop him. He use the voting and democtry-thing als excuse for his abuse.

But maybe you are right. Lets wait what one of the head admins will tell us and keep calm until that. smile

heyi19931225Date: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 1:24 PM | Message # 53
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Quote JaneFox2666 ()
And Alex, could you please tell us why you banned these three guys?
I said I wont reply about the swap issue.
But to those Ban:
These people were spamming like a spamming bot, I remember one of them were typing advertisements and two others were typing long and meaningless and capitalized words successively.
farmer_ witnessed all those stuff. actually these people still kept spamming after I banned them, so he suggested a votekick to solve the problem.
If you want to verify, go ask him.
BTW I have no responsibility to explain my behavior to you, so consider this post as an act of kindness.

Added (21-Feb-2015, 1:24 PM)
Oh, I suddenly found out that your examply is pretty similiar to american politics:
when some people want to be the president, and there can be only one president obviously, they would call for a vote to solve this issue.
And if somebody said "no", even a vote won't give your behavior legitimacy, they would become very angry.
Is that Frank Underwood in House of Cards? Are you saying that what happened in DC is like your 12 year old nephew's kids game?
If you are trying to be cynical about US politics, that is a good one, lol.

Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 1:31 PM | Message # 54
Robotic Ninja
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next time if you will ban somebody please dont forget type REASON why you banned him because its very important (!ban nickname reason) banning somebody without typing reason is abuse.
heyi19931225Date: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 1:47 PM | Message # 55
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Thank you, I will take care of that next time.
feeltreeDate: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 3:23 PM | Message # 56
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you use admin to make sure wins - and this is abusing the admin rights.

just stop doing that way

janes words are absolutly right in this case


these bans:

anyway, it looks like gagamelactions

none shall harms the wild

Message edited by feeltree - Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 3:31 PM
ic3dt3aDate: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 3:35 PM | Message # 57
Robotic Ninja
Group: Investor
Messages: 2347
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Quote JaneFox2666 ()
He use the voting and democtry-thing als excuse for his abuse.

he still hasnt responded to my questioning him on claiming that i TKed thetrueparty; i havent played with this guy on my team in over a year.
Web-GhostDate: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015, 3:46 PM | Message # 58
Head Administrator
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heyi19931225, please follow the rules for ban, next time when you ban tell a reason and
here they are 

 if you have any problem pm me

feeltreeDate: Monday, 23-Feb-2015, 5:23 AM | Message # 59
Group: Users
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Quote Gagamel
Jane, what do you want to hear from him? He already told you his opinion on the last page. You told your point of view and he told his point of view. And there is no big problem remainging anyway. Yes he swapped but he did it not for abuse. Case closed.

Mensch Junge...begreif doch mal...Du bist ein Hacker/Cheater ....*C*H*E*A*T*E*R* !!
auf deiner Stirn steht groß:  Lügner, Versager, hinterfotziger Gauner, falscher Fufziger, Halsabschneider
Und dann versuchst du seriös rüber zukommen, dass man dich ernst nehmen kö
Das was du ernsthaft verdienst, ist ein ordentlicher Tritt in deine Engeweide, dass dir deine
Scheiße aus allen Löchern rausquillt...damit es dir besser geht.

none shall harms the wild
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