Oh my... Well I like Rowing Rugby Girls Chocolate Technology WC3-Dota,chf,castle fight,bships,hero siege,HLW... A LOT. WOW/Guild Wars Money Friends Family Travelling
I like LIFE!!!! #CHFbecamedsucks
Adam_CZ "wildjap is the worsest player chf ever"
[-FTL-]RoyStoM "you never win me or win team ftl jajajajaj i god for game"
i like... 1.money 2.girls 3.my family 4.my friends 5. WC3- CHF and YOU Td, Diablo III,TOTAL WAR (all off them). 6.Football,Boxing,UFC,Formula 1 and K1 IM NOT TOTALLY USELESS.....I CAN BE USED AS A BAD EXAMPLE
1. ItSoVeR9000 <33333333 2. Hashoryuken <33333333 3. LizZ[STAR] <333333333 4. GameOver3000 <333333333 "It's not how many hours you put into it, but what you put into the hours."-Micheal Jordan "Be the change you wish to seek in the world"-Ghandi