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i cant load my code + my admin removed????? - Forum

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i cant load my code + my admin removed?????
kietriversDate: Friday, 16-May-2014, 12:53 PM | Message # 1
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hey guys,

so, today I've reached that numbers of wins that the bot thinks I used cheat engine......loaded the code and got the red message saying "use a more believable number -_-". So, even though I've saved my code legitimately all these time, I cant save any code that has higher wins than 1500?  shok

also, why is my admin being removed??????? mellow

ic3dt3aDate: Friday, 16-May-2014, 1:59 PM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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1500 is max
attackers2012Date: Friday, 16-May-2014, 9:13 PM | Message # 3
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Status: Offline          Random removed your admin in this thread cause u play with alts to up elo.

Message edited by attackers2012 - Friday, 16-May-2014, 9:14 PM
kietriversDate: Sunday, 18-May-2014, 3:34 AM | Message # 4
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Quote attackers2012 ()
Random removed your admin in this thread cause u play with alts to up elo.

dude, I DIDN'T play with alts to up my elo - simply because i didnt need to. Cou thinks I did that and removed 800-900 ELOs from me - unfair shit cos there were no investigation, the decision were simply made from Adam's bs "proofs". I didn't mind about this cos Im willing to sacrifice that ELO to see Adam loses #1 (cos we all know he doesn't deserves it). And as for me, I can get back to 1st page and reach high rank again easily alone. (went from >100 to #16 atm cool )

Also, that's not a good reason to remove my admin. I think these guys not doing a good job as judges - they need to see people's opinion about me and how I play + how I am with CHF community, the only guy that made me dislike in CHF IS ADAM_CZ. other than that, I'm good with everyone - so admin removal is simply unfair and unjust!!!!   rtfm

Adam_CZDate: Sunday, 18-May-2014, 3:54 AM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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You are liar if you said that you didnt play with "alts". You played 10 games together with Mishailu (-500 elo account) and we all know it was Gigasus. I was playing with them too (Gigasus and Frungy played with me under -elo accounts maybe more games than with you) but i agree with you... there was not reason delete admin because there is not any rule about this.

But why you get admin? Did you donate 20$ like other admins????
gigasus91Date: Sunday, 18-May-2014, 4:37 AM | Message # 6
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he donated 21 $ not 20 $.
AL_GIDate: Sunday, 18-May-2014, 8:50 AM | Message # 7
Zombie Pirate
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
there was not reason delete admin

You are saying that, only because if they give back his admin, they will have to give you back too
So kietrivers sacrifice his admin for the community,

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

Adam_CZDate: Sunday, 18-May-2014, 9:03 AM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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I am telling this because its true. Do you remember when you votekicked Roystom only because he was winning and you didnt want lose ELO ? He posted this replay but you said something like "you cant remove my admin because it was not admin abuse - whoever want can start votekick and you dont need admin power for this".

And yes its true i agree with you (you really dont need admin power for type  "!votekick nickname"

And now answer me: do you need admin power for ask friend play together with you under low elo account? smile
AL_GIDate: Sunday, 18-May-2014, 10:49 AM | Message # 9
Zombie Pirate
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True, I did something wrong, but the people in the game still typed !yes smile

In your case, it's different, because you ruin a lot of games and elo boost is not allowed

Added (18-May-2014, 10:49 AM)
An admin is suppose to be a model. In my case, I only started the votekick, the people that were in the game did the rest, so you can't ban them all for typing !yes

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

Adam_CZDate: Sunday, 18-May-2014, 11:08 AM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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I did not ruin games. There is still many people who think I was losing games on purpose for create -500 ELO account. But I explained them 100x times I got these accounts from real players. These players had low elo because they are noobs and bad players like for example edu.reme or rogerlucas (not because lose games on purpose).

Quote AL_GI ()
In your case, it's different, because you ruin a lot of games and elo boost is not allowed

Who said its not allowed? I checked official bot rules and there is not any rule about this. But i can see votekick abuse is not allowed.
AL_GIDate: Sunday, 18-May-2014, 11:24 AM | Message # 11
Zombie Pirate
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I didn't abuse votekick, I used it 1 time, abuse is when you use it multiple times

Added (18-May-2014, 11:24 AM)

Quote Adam_CZ ()
I checked official bot rules and there is not any rule about this

Ok so don't say that you are the best chf player, because you use boost, and I am sure that its not allowed, just ask Cou

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)


Message edited by AL_GI - Sunday, 18-May-2014, 11:20 AM
Adam_CZDate: Sunday, 18-May-2014, 12:06 PM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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I dont need ask him... Cou and Random already said its not allowed. But why they didnt make rule about this? And yes... i am not best player CHF but with some luck i can win vs all... its just stupid game. Even roger can beat Cou or Roystom.
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