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Alone with noobs in team vs good guys in others team. - Forum

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Alone with noobs in team vs good guys in others team.
artiDate: Thursday, 09-Apr-2015, 1:28 AM | Message # 1
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How many % win this game. And tell ideas for skills combo if you alone with noobs. Others guys have aoe,tech, golem build,druids xd . I know % wins not much(  but tell. Maybe who know. Im not noob, but game is be realy hard. And tell plz ideas when guys have 1900 gold with afk player, then buy in shop all auras  befor mass.

Message edited by arti - Thursday, 09-Apr-2015, 1:31 AM
FirNesSDate: Thursday, 09-Apr-2015, 4:14 AM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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When you're kinda 1v3, don't go for a micro build. Don't try to dominate the middle: just feed off the worst team in the game. I believe you should go 2 aoes, death tower + ww/divine/blink (blink is mostly good if your hero does already have one). 
If you have extra gold at start cause one of your mate left, the best thing to buy is a jammy. You have to dispell the attack bonus of all your enemies in the mass. Just put the dispell on your enemies' foots. But care, don't touch yours, otherwise it's a waste. 
Then priest is kinda good if you also use it after mass for invisibility (if you have divine shield it allows you to go to other bases without being seen by the stacked team) and for the spell shield -this one is really super op.
Death wards are also a most, and they need 3 shots to be killed.

I could have written something more complete and more precise, but I don't have time, sorry. I'm sure that Rosa could do this for you. smile

artiDate: Thursday, 09-Apr-2015, 5:06 AM | Message # 3
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if team two heroes + 1900 (buy all auras in shop ) not jamie and hard tech mass tp etc vengeance. rats dont silence auras xd If im alone i aoes have every time. but bills auras realy hard you have 4 lvl they 8-9 + aoe and hard tech and you with noobs xd ./ calling god?
Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 09-Apr-2015, 9:22 AM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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3 average players with good teamwork > 1 pro player with 2 noob allies  (90% games)
BajsHoranDate: Thursday, 09-Apr-2015, 9:29 AM | Message # 5
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u dont know anything about this game smile if u dont have a stacked team or even if its 1 vs 1 or like any kind of fair balanced game.... U MUST RUN... then when ur stacked team faces someone that trys to play solo for challenge... u MUST pool 10k in 10 min and trashtalk alot calling the soloplayers noob and so on....

Then and only then ur a real pro... and dont forget to rage hard if u loose calling everyone maphackers... maby throw something in about someones mom to make it more classy....

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
artiDate: Friday, 10-Apr-2015, 8:45 PM | Message # 6
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adam, who pro players? who use golems po cd ? If pro  is t first tactic > feed noobs with aoe spels, golems.newt and uncholy for creeps> up more lvl 9 -10 then 11 and last attack normal guys. I think if pro stack first attack come with footmens and creeps go to normal team with canons who use rats , jamies,wizards . pro lose first attack and they come to mid xd, kill all noobs who dont know why im lose. Last chance only noob-feeding. I know many tactic how play vs golems, but if you alone and i dont normal with tech how devils rebel .
RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 10-Apr-2015, 11:15 PM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
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Pro players would be players like me.

And honestly, in a 2 hero game, it's anything goes but by default you should go 

(if you really really care about win)
AOE build with mass level tomes and shockwaves
1. Frost Nova
2. Cold Strike or Chain Lightning or Forked Lightning
3. Blink or Unholy or Banish (no banish if chain lightning)
4. Transmute or torrential tribute or death tower or mindrape

Of course ideally, you want to check everyone's spells
Like for examples, if everyone is going bolts, get cold strike (to steal herokills)
If there is d arrower, just go full AOE all out.
And so on.

This game is made very possible to win
3 decent players vs 1 pro + 2 noob players.
The pro just has to play and hope the game favors him lawlz

That being said, if you are versing poolers with 2 heros, you have pretty much no hope. Even at my level, I cringe when I see this and just leave game for next one.
Stats aren't important. If you see a stupid game, just leave. ELO is not life :3

Adam_CZDate: Friday, 10-Apr-2015, 11:50 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Pro players would be players like me.

You are overrated in your mind. I can for example say "I am pro chess player and i can rape Kasparov very easy" but we all know thats bullshit.
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 11-Apr-2015, 1:09 PM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
You are overrated in your mind. I can for example say "I am pro chess player and i can rape Kasparov very easy" but we all know thats bullshit.
Hi. Aren't you the kid who lost to me level 17 vs level 2?
How can even a 1v1 game be 17 vs 2?
Makes more sense if it was level 7 vs level 2 but level 17 vs level 2?!?!
You even used thor right after mass.

Clearly, you lack some logic. You put yourself on the same plane as me yet you have yet to win any legitimate games.
7-0? If this is considered 50 50 by anyone's standard, let me relearn some math as a math major.
Oh btw, this is why I don't support you for game mod. You are an idiot yourself and I do not think game mod should be as dumb mutt as you.

Oh well, you might hate me but can't deny,
I got style :3
And being pro at CHF has no relation to being pro chess player. Chess tournies are pretty legit and are extremely hard. CHF? It's a dying game in which 99% of pubs don't even fully understand the correct game mechanics.... I know your logic is flawed cause your analogies are straight out bad.
Please, I think pretty much everyone in forums know that I am on a different plane in terms of sheer skills at CHF. You can disagree all you want but this bot knows the sad truth sad

GagamelDate: Saturday, 11-Apr-2015, 1:26 PM | Message # 10
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Hi. Aren't you the kid who lost to me level 17 vs level 2?How can even a 1v1 game be 17 vs 2?
Makes more sense if it was level 7 vs level 2 but level 17 vs level 2?!?!
You even used thor right after mass. be the best you have to beat the best and not edu.reme, lucasroger or adam_cz. So i agree with adam_cz when he says you re overrated in your mind.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 11-Apr-2015, 2:20 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Gagamel () be the best you have to beat the best and not edu.reme, lucasroger or adam_cz. So i agree with adam_cz when he says you re overrated in your mind.
The thing is.. I am one of the best.
How can I beat myself? Now that's a question to ask.

And overrated in my mind. Hmm..
If overrated means being one of the best players in game and being one of the few veterans that still play, ya, I am overrated.
Anyways, Adam just hates me cause I always beat him with troll builds. I don't know why he fantasizes about Roystorm so much when Roystorm does not have a single win from me either. Probably cause they are around the same intelligence level lawlz.

GagamelDate: Saturday, 11-Apr-2015, 5:10 PM | Message # 12
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
The thing is.. I am one of the best.

Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
And overrated in my mind.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
ic3dt3aDate: Saturday, 11-Apr-2015, 6:21 PM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
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selective quoting is an improper, and weak, form of argument. please try again.
Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 11-Apr-2015, 7:09 PM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Hi. Aren't you the kid who lost to me level 17 vs level 2?How can even a 1v1 game be 17 vs 2?

it was SSD and in that mode you can reach level 20 after mass without any skills... you picked frost nova, cold strike and banish (best HK build in game) while i picked shockwave and bears...

Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
You even used thor right after mass.

yes but you had ankh... if you didnt have ankh i was same level like you... just item 700 gold saved you but this dont prove any skills but only good luck

1v1 is just for fun but i won vs you like 8-10 real games 3v3v3v3 on ClanHPMM Bot and as Gagamel said winning vs me dont prove anything

you are not "pro" or "one of best" because you cant win vs Roystom or Cou and you dont have their skills... you cant micro golems, newts or tech units like them

you cant reach even 50% win rate (you playing 50% games bad on purpose? then you should be banned for ruining games)

but dont worry we all know you are 50:50 only because you are just average player
GagamelDate: Saturday, 11-Apr-2015, 7:24 PM | Message # 15
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Quote ic3dt3a ()
selective quoting is an improper, and weak, form of argument. please try again.

Oh urchin, i wasn t even arguing. I just pointed out the coherence of those 2 quotes. Thats something different from taking quotes out of the context on purpose.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob

Message edited by Gagamel - Saturday, 11-Apr-2015, 7:27 PM
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