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Who knows Map Making?? - Forum

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Who knows Map Making??
l3lackownageDate: Thursday, 14-Jan-2016, 2:02 PM | Message # 1
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Everyone talks about bond not releasing the new footies and all that, but is he the only one that can do that? can someone who knows map making work out the glitches and maybe make some changes and get it up and running? just trying to see.  I mean footies is still fun, I just wish there could be maybe 1 time a month an update, like just a new hero or remove something or add something that would keep it interesting and keep people coming back.  if its the same month after month it kindof gets old sad
Bio-AssAUltDate: Thursday, 14-Jan-2016, 2:13 PM | Message # 2
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I assisted with the map creation and editing of Dota. I am more than capable of fixing these issues, again... the map is protected and bond is the only one who can deprotect it and allow someone else to edit it.
l3lackownageDate: Thursday, 14-Jan-2016, 2:29 PM | Message # 3
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So you could edit spells and heros?! items? that would be super cool.  We need to hunt down bond on facebook or something in real life and tell him there is alot of gamers waiting on him.
Bio-AssAUltDate: Thursday, 14-Jan-2016, 2:55 PM | Message # 4
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He's aware, we have been discussing things.
l3lackownageDate: Thursday, 14-Jan-2016, 3:02 PM | Message # 5
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tokz_jadDate: Friday, 15-Jan-2016, 6:20 PM | Message # 6
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Deprotecting map is not main problem but being allowed to deprotect map is. Just ask bond if we have permission maybe
he's not on very much but if he is on send him a message I will help with fixing current version but not making new 4.1.
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