spyder idea its good we can make al bases inmune for like 15 mins and no lvling plus... al op items like ring and other ones will have some cooldown not to long (15-20 mins ) and we can change some stuff like if evry 1 starts wwith tier 5 idk just think of it it would be awsome lol
What kind of mode is the "no more" mode? Is it any good?
anyway yea sounds like a crazy mode but it would need to be changed quite abit i think to have a tad of semi balance to make it kinda fun. Also i can not control item cool downs with code. So thats not an option im afraid..but that would kinda add a little balance anyway becuz u wouldnt just be able to pool for the ring right off the bat or the alter etc.. I think what most ppl would do it do this mode + ssd and just buy like 10 heros.. right away and have 10 lvl 20 heros running around per player.. lol
I think what most ppl would do it do this mode + ssd and just buy like 10 heros.. right away and have 10 lvl 20 heros running around per player.. lol
not if heros didnt gain xp then they would have to tome level all heros I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
anyway yea sounds like a crazy mode but it would need to be changed quite abit i think to have a tad of semi balance to make it kinda fun. Also i can not control item cool downs with code. So thats not an option im afraid..but that would kinda add a little balance anyway becuz u wouldnt just be able to pool for the ring right off the bat or the alter etc.. I think what most ppl would do it do this mode + ssd and just buy like 10 heros.. right away and have 10 lvl 20 heros running around per player.. lol
lmfao this is madness, first 1 to get pooled, there hero out, with ring of jeeebus wins, haha itll be more like a mode of who quicker!
Quote (qnjoyoyo/qn)uzqPooling for a Ring of JeBBus... mmmh... i'm not sure /uzq/uzquote Wow ur more pathetic then i thought,l ive played 2 games with ring of jeebus and do u know how much it pwns? it gives u 1000 to all stats, and u should see, when u hit a base t5 with darks, u take 1/5 out of it, dude ring of jeebus FTW
What the fuck are you talking about? I said that allies could pool for a ring (so it own). After i said that i'm not sure of this mode... So i'll repeat what you said: learn to read and get a life...
Pathtic bastard...
[center]Sorry if you don't understand what I'm writing, I'm French[/center]
i got ring of jeebus yesterday after hella long game it is pwnage and no all pool 30k togehter to get ring of jeebus and altar then they bk ??? fukn retarded sig in construction
What the fuck are you talking about? I said that allies could pool for a ring (so it own). After i said that i'm not sure of this mode... So i'll repeat what you said: learn to read and get a life... Pathtic bastard...
LOL well u have to be more specific, u said im not sure right after saying to get ring, u have to be more specific, so again, get a life and learn how to pronounce and write
Quote (joyoyo) What the fuck are you talking about? I said that allies could pool for a ring (so it own). After i said that i'm not sure of this mode... So i'll repeat what you said: learn to read and get a life... Pathtic bastard...
LOL well u have to be more specific, u said im not sure right after saying to get ring, u have to be more specific, so again, get a life and learn how to pronounce and write
Did you read my last comment in Joyoyo's presentation? I'm saying that i don't speak english so it's normal...
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Quote (jonathan290)
or we can just luck altar of gods and ring so ppl cant get them
And the talisman of chaos :P
[center]Sorry if you don't understand what I'm writing, I'm French[/center]