Part 1
On every CHF game, I see many pros and pubs having trouble picking spells during a normal game. Many of those players fail to realize that their spells are what results in a loss, not because of their lack of skills.
Chapter 1: Intelligence Heros
In every game, there seems to be players that get the wrong spells. JUST WRONG! So I am making this long essay to tell you my WAY of winning. ""Micro determines a win."" NO! THIS IS TOTAL BLASPHEMY! Chf is not a micro game (i can solo 2k zerglings on starcraft with 1 vulture but cant solo crap with 1 footy in chf)
------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1: Solo Intelligence Hero with Pub Teammate
In most games, you are stuck with a few players that are not that great. In this situation, AOE really helps you a lot. (Frost Nova, Windalk, Swarm, and Mindrape) shall be used for this guide.
[STARTING FROM MASS] Before attending mass, I highly recommend you to upgrade frost nova and upgrade attack to 1. Also, i highly recommend to make the pet follow your hero ALL THROUGHOUT the game (if you don't own pet, kill your allies' pet and resurrect it to yours)
During mass, if you see a team with lots of AOE, quickly buy a rat and silence them. Otherwise, upgrade your footmen's attack by 2 or get a healing ward.
Now after mass, you should be level 4 and should have Frost Nova level 2 and Carrion Swarm level 2. As soon as possible, spread out your armies throughout your base and buy yourself a shockwave. If you have gold after this, buy yourself a rat and use discover on all 3 bases. Quickly use invisible potion and use shockwave in the base with the most foots.
If I am correct, every pub games should level you at least 2 levels and at most 3 levels. Also, you should get around 1.4 to 1.8k and AT MOST 2.2k.
Quickly run back to your base or teleport back and then go buy tome of level. Frost Nova: Level 3 Carrion Swarm: Level 3 Windwalk: Level 1 Mindrape:Level 1
Also, buy yourself at least 1 frost tower and if you have enough, 2. Find the highest level in the game (Excluding you) and mindrape the hero (must have teleport though)
Quickly use ALL the teleport and potions and crowd the mindraped heros with foots (use his ult/spells/blink) **Attack the hero before he's out of mindrape again so it is easier to kill him You should have leveled another level by this act and if you are not at least level 10, do not upgrade anything (keep skill point)
Finally, buy yourself a mana precept (450) and go windwalk as you start using nova and swarm(to unit kill and steal hero kills) **Suggestion: Get used to using hotkey : "N" "Z" "W" in that order
Every time you have over 1k, just buy a level up tome or if you see another base with a lot of units, go use SHOCKWAVE again. Use whatever you can to get levels (keep using your ultimate right away)
By the time your level 10 to 12, here is what your skills should be: Windwalk: Level 1 Frost Nova: Level 4 Carrion Swarm: Level 4 Mindrape: Level 1 to 2
Once you have level 4 frost nova and carrion swarm level 4, start spamming aoe on footmen since you shall be able to kill them right away
Now once your level 13 Windwalk: Level 1 Frost Nova: Level 5 Carrion Swarm: Level 5 Mindrape: Level 1 to 2 Go get hero kills mainly while getting a lot of unit kills.
From toming and everything , when you reach level 16: Windwalk: Level 1 Frost Nova: Level 6 Carrion Swarm: Level 6 Mindrape: Level 3
DO NOT TOME ANYMORE! Just start saving gold or tech at least once (from basekill) and collect base shields
Forgot to mention but you should by logic: Sentry Wards Owls Shades Cannon Tower (Frost Tower was mentioned btw) Hero => #1 Hotkey Pet => #2 Hotkey Frost Towers => #3 Hotkey Rat => #4 (Highly useful for INSTANT discover at one spot if you see low hp doing windwalk)
**ALSO NOTE: Take note that this build works only if enemies are ALL pubs and doesn't raid someone's base right after mass (like the ways pros do..if this happens.. u have to start nova-ing every footy with low hp there)
Added (2012-02-20, 8:39 AM) --------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: WHAT TO NEVER GET AND ALWAYS GET
Never get in normal 1st hero: Brilliance Aura, Death Pact, Evasion, Drunken Armour
Good spell choices: Frost Nova, Windwalk, Swarm, Unholy, Serpent Wards, Bears, Pheonix (they are better than Chimeras in normal), Chimeras, Chain Lightning, Cold Strike, Bolt, Coil, Roots, Shockwave, acid bomb
Nice ults to level you: Mindrape, Torrential Tribute, Yamato
Good ults that doesnt level you but give you CACHING! $$$$ : Pheonix (highly dont recommend chims in normal unless you have good team), force field, inferno (better than tower), explosion, thunderstorm (w/ ww in pub games), avatar (maulers)
Rest spells depend on HERO. But the ones listed works on ALL HEROS
Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Monday, 20-Feb-2012, 8:20 AM
Sorry if the strategy is lame but this is for beginners who truly dont know about warcraft and is desperate for wins through AOE.
If you become good at this, I suggest making owls follow your hero all the time and getting mana dragons (Hotkey replace pet to drag (#2)) if ur keeping up with this build.
I do this: Owls, Hero, Mana Dragons (Hotkey #1) instant hotkeys: "N" " Z" W" Mana dragons or pet (Hotkey #2) "F" Frost Towers or rat (Hotkey #3) "D" or "C"
and if your teching with the gold you get, I suggest upgrading to Troll Beserkers and upgrading hp and attack with at least 3 defense OR go straight tier 3 raiders and upgrade ATTACK alot [go beserk and speed scroll and scroll of beast and attack only enemy base straight] OR rush tier to 5 (suddent tier = u need 22k) if there is transmute and go taurens for UK abomination for BK Mortars for Teleport mass BK Dryads for spell resistance
But usually, I suggest if possible to buy penguins of chaos
Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Monday, 20-Feb-2012, 8:32 AM
If you havent noticed, pheonix is good early levels but horrible late levels.
Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
Pheonix (they are better than Chimeras in normal
This is due to the fact that pheonix are great at unit killing thus leading you to level. Any questions, feel free to ask me
Pheonix level 1 > Chimera level 1 in splash and damage and hp Pheonix level 2 > Chimera level 2 in splash only Pheonix level 3< Chimera level 3 in stats damage and hp
this is the most legit and worthful tip for pub and newbies, compare to the manual from pussy-gordia under the alts.
My thing isn't a common sense guide QQwaves. Comparing this guide to my thread is like comparing an apple to a banana. Idk about you since you got chink eyes, but they seem pretty fucking different.
My thread is mean't to answer questions that people have, mainly to teach them never to do the same mistake they've been doing for a long time again. Something you can't seem to pass on.
The purpose of rosario here was to guide under skilled players and show them a way they can master a build. This thread is a guide, mine is a "fill in the gap".
Under the alts? Bitch get your facts right, but its flattering seeing you always blame me even if you get your ass whooped by others.
The only thing you can teach anyone is to pool you and go bitch too bond if you can't counter something that has almost 1000 things to face it.
Added (2012-02-20, 5:32 PM) --------------------------------------------- Phoenix does not have a bigger splash radius compared to chims. In normal games its all about getting the kill fast and chims do it better. Too me Phoenix is better at 1v1 situations or an inhouse.
I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES
You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Monday, 20-Feb-2012, 9:24 PM
Pheonix level 1 > Chimera level 1 in splash and damage and hp Pheonix level 2 > Chimera level 2 in splash only Pheonix level 3< Chimera level 3 in stats damage and hp
ill get a replay so u can get ur facts straight. dont forget that phoenix are much easier to kill.