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How To win Against Familiar Team Vs Stacked - Forum

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How To win Against Familiar Team Vs Stacked
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 25-Feb-2012, 6:18 AM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
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Chapter 2: How to play EFFECTIVELY against Stacked vs Familiar Players vs Pub vs Pub

There are just times when you seem to face stacked teams. Some times, the opponent is so stacked that you think you would lose no matter what. Saying that you have familiar players, here is how to win:
*I cannot guarantee win in this case cause STACKED > FAMILIAR teams

1. Saying that stacked teams are in BASE #1, start out your map with you being in BASE #2, #4
2. When you start your game, LOAD your code no matter what (25 wins)
3. If it is possible, try aiming for Medivh or ANY fast spell casters (listed here):
1. Medivh / Cou
2. Blood Mage
3. Purple Alien Female
4. Dark Ranger
5. Crypt Lord
6. ALL INTELLIGENCE HEROS (that you know for fact they uses spell fast)
4. Make sure two of your familiar players get FAST cd heros too
***Make sure at least 1 hero is ranged in case of healing wards during mass
5. Try cooperating with your team to get certain spells
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale
As ultimates:
1. Mind-rape
2. Mind-rape
3. Transmute
6. When attending mass, try pooling each other for healing wards OR if not possible, buy rat.
7. Level 1 spells
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Nova
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Nova
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Impale
8. SPAM AOE against TEAM 1 (Impale should do in rows)
9. When your level 2:
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Cold Strike
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Unholy
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Serpent Wards
10. Spam ALL AOE, Serpent Wards, Cold Strike
****Make sure to buy 1 rat and upgrade each footy from each teammate to attack level 1
****Serpent Wards could be controlled to target healing wards far away from hero

11. Level 3:
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => NOTHING
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Cold Strike
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Nova

12. Level 4:
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Nova, Cold Strike
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Nova
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Nova

13. Level 5 and MASS ENDS NOW! :
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Banish
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Cold Strike
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Impale

14. Target HEROS TOGETHER doing the following steps:
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Banish => Cold Strike => Frost Nova
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Cold Strike => Nova
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Impale => Nova
*Impale should go first or Banish
Player 1 "B"
Player 3 "E"
Player 2/1 "Q"
Player 1/2/3 "N"

15. If team 1 is trying to rush army to pub base, just KILL their heros and then NOVA all LOW HP units TOGETHER:
*ALT Key shows Footmen HP

16. For Player 1 (Banish, Nova, Cold Strike), get SHOCKWAVE, and TOME all game NO MATTER WHAT

17. Level 6 (Keep Leveling)
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => NOTHING (Unless you are lower level OR you see golems)
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => NOTHING (Unless you are lower level OR you see golems)
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Transmute
***If you see golems or signs of golem, get 2 mandrake and USE THEM ON GOLEM AT SAME TIME (to kill)

18. Level 7 ***Remember, Player 1 should be the highest level cause of SHOCKWAVES, and TOMES
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Cold Strike + Nova OR if you have mind-rape, Cold Strike
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Cold Strike + Nova OR if you have mind-rape, Cold Strike
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Frost Nova

19. Level 8
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Frost Nova OR nothing
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Frost Nova OR nothing
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Impale

20. Level 9
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => NOTHING
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Unholy
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => NOTHING

21. Level 10
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Cold Strike AND Nova
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Cold Strike
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Impale AND Nova

22. Level 11
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Mindrape
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Mindrape
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Transmute

23. Level 12
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => NOTHING
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Nova
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => NOTHING

24. Level 13
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Cold Strike AND Nova
(BTW. From Tome and everything, this should be level 16 AT LEAST by now and should have banish 1, cold strike 6, nova 6)
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Nova
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Impale AND Nova

25. Level 14 to 15
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Just make sure Nova and Cold Strike is level 5, mind-rape level 2, banish level 1
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Just make sure Nova and Cold Strike is level 5, Unholy level 2, Mind-rape level 1 - 2
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Just make sure Nova and Impale level 5, Serpent level 1, Transmute level 2

26. Level 16
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Nova level 6, Cold strike level 6, Banish level 1, Mind-rape level 3
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Nova level 6, Cold strike level 6, Unholy level 2, Mind-rape level 2
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Nova level 6, Impale level 6, Serpent Wards level 1, Transmute level 3

27. NO MORE TOMES FOR PLAYER #1 [Level 17 to up]
1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Banish level 5
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Unholy level 5
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Serpent Wards level 5

28. Save gold (Transmute + etc) => Tech OR Peng
***This tactic should work since Banish + ColdStrike/Nova/Impale => Hero Kill (Team 1)
***It should counter golems 'cause of mind-rape
***It should give you gold from transmute
***It should level you from mind-rape
***It should counter tech from 3 FROST NOVA
***It should beat you mass against team 1 because FROST NOVA/COLD STRIKE does AREA dmg/effect AND Serpent Wards to counter Healing Wards
***It should help you dodge heros from maiming because of impale (Stun at area)
***It should help you catch heros (Unholy Aura)

29. Thats it!
btw. If your actually doing this, your worse than pub LIEK ME!!!! cause Banish is cheap

IMPORTANT=> Throughout the game, don't let team 1 leave their base by hiking with:

1. Banish, Nova, Cold Strike => Banish => Cold Strike => Frost Nova
2. Nova, Unholy, Cold Strike => Cold Strike => Nova
3. Nova, Serpent Wards, Impale => Impale => Nova
*Impale should go first or Banish
Player 1 "B"
Player 3 "E"
Player 2/1 "Q"
Player 1/2/3 "N"
Logic I forgot to mention:
Sentry Wards, 5 Frost towers, 1 Cannon Tower
Cold Strike at units for mass (Area slowness = Effective)
Precept of mana on each (each hero NEEDS mana) or any other MANA items
Player 1 carries PET ALL THE TIME (For hero kill)
Carry TP and potion (if you have gold)
Farm off pub teams with your nova and SHOCKWAVE
Bugging team 1 till they leave
Teching at least once if team 1 likes to mass raid with speed scroll
Peasant to have spell shield if team 1 has transmute

Added (2012-02-25, 7:18 AM)
If your too lazy to read this and want to win, the whole point is:

1. Get Banish Level 1
2. Get 3 Nova
3. Get 2 HK Spell
4. 1 unholy for speed
5. Locking Hero like impale or roots (locking far away for longer period of time than firebolt)

FirNesSDate: Saturday, 25-Feb-2012, 6:27 AM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 2446
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I may be lazy, I stopped at 9. biggrin

Message edited by Fir - Saturday, 25-Feb-2012, 6:27 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 25-Feb-2012, 6:39 AM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 2113
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Quote (Fir)
I stopped at 9.

Thx for reading smile
The effort is what it

and nice sig! I love it. Clearly
Fire => Firness

**GJ Alex[Star] w/ PS. I may not like u but gotta admit, u make nice sigs and ur the best mod here

FirNesSDate: Saturday, 25-Feb-2012, 7:20 AM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 2446
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3754
Status: Offline
Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
and nice sig! I love it.

Yep Alex does nice ones.

a_chinese_kidDate: Saturday, 25-Feb-2012, 9:43 AM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 3952
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this is a sig i made for you furnace
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