So A_Chinese_Kid thinks peasant strat is almost impossible to counter. I tell you this. Peasant strat is the easiest to counter in 1v1 game. The reason why? Its cause the opponent has no aoe or hero killer
The following steps:
1. Load your code wins (YOU NEED 25 GOLD AT THIS STATE)
2. Get a INTELLIGENCE HERO with frost nova and impale and soulburn [Dont get medivh or captain bond]
(I know soul burn sounds absurd in peasant strat but believe me. If you dont get this, your going to get fked up by jammy on levels)
3. For ultimate, I suggest DONATION or FORCE FIELD because $$$ and shield from bk is necessary during pez strat (I would chose Donation in this state cause win)
4. After you chose your hero, YOU MUST sell your boots. If you dont, ur only hope is to harass with frost nova and not attend mass
5. With selling boots + 25 gold + 300 -1v1 gold, you should have enough for deadly wards. I HIGHLY encourage you to get this for it will be op against pez strat
6. When attending mass, get soul burn and go soul burn the stupid jammy that would be waiting to dispell you
7. UPGRADE your units in attack and in level 2, SPAM impale at the end of the line
8. At level 3, SEND ALL UR UNITS BACK TO BASE as you only use frost nova and impale
9. Get cannon on the way
10. Just KEEP SPAMMING AOE all game. (if the enemy gets 2 frost instead of 1 frost and 1 cannon..u won cause u can shockwave and level like 2-3 levels).
11. Stay in base and use donation secretly while toming once a while
12. Until level 16
ur spells should be:
Frost nova level 6
Impale level 6
Soul burn level 1
Donation level 3
(ps. if u know the enemy is not getting jammy, get swarm or firestorm -saying u know u will go lvl 3 w/ firestorm easily-)
(pps. if enemy gets dispell instead of jammy, first thing u do is QUICKLY repick hero and get ALL THE STUN AOES IN GAME! Impale, Firestorm, Nova and not attend mass) <= wait in base so u have additional 3+ defense while you spam nova on units to get 26 gold once a while)Added (2012-04-04, 8:13 PM)
I suggest get cannon even if u have donation in CASE u lose mass
if u win mass because of deadly wards -op as fk since it makes units miss 75% of time and lose dmg per sec for no apparent reason-, just save the gold and get shockwave item or tome for level 2 nova impale
BTW. if u know ur enemy is stupid with pez strat, nova swarm is always a better choice than nova impale or nova firestorm or firestorm impale
Added (2012-04-04, 8:14 PM)
and PS. Pez strat is the only strat ur hero SHOULD NOT HAVE AURA -including drunken haze-. iDC if devotion or unholy or other aura is OP as fk ..welll, Howl of terror is different story cause well...its op with deadly wards no matter how upgraded the enemy is