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Forum moderator: Bond009  
Time to Think
ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 02-Mar-2014, 5:40 PM | Message # 16
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
[Purging Bill K with like 2-3 wizards is GG]

rosa, i recall u mentioning that using more than 2 newts was beyond noobish, how ridiculous is it that you want to use 3 wizards to purge bill? 2 is more than enough; they have sleep. . ..
Bond009Date: Sunday, 02-Mar-2014, 10:19 PM | Message # 17
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
BTW, once Bill K gets his ult and uses it AT LEAST ONCE
Then the PURGE wars begin

yea that happens becuz of the way i coded it to make sure bill died after using the ulti even if he used invuln pot or tp now he still dies from adding a 1sec timed life to him after but the wc engine is retarded sometimes and becuz of that added timed life thing the game thinks hes now a summon but that is also fixed already.

Adam_CZDate: Monday, 03-Mar-2014, 9:58 AM | Message # 18
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Quote Adam_CZ ()but revieve hero is less time than ultimate spells CD... so for example if you have donation ulti its good cast donation, then kill your hero with arcane tower, revieve and then use donation again
That tbh is just waste of time for me. Most people can do this but dont do because
1. It's boring
2. It's annoying
3. It really is annoying....

Whole point of ultimae "donation" is very boring and annoying. Look how play 90% players who pick dono = they just stay in base with interchange. This ulti is sad because you dont need leave your base, you dont need fight in middle map. This is very boring and if you have donation you just day in base and you dont need hero anyway. So why is boring buy time to think, kill him with arcane, revieve and use donation again?
FireHartDate: Monday, 03-Mar-2014, 10:49 AM | Message # 19
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I need more time....

[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Monday, 03-Mar-2014, 2:35 PM | Message # 20
Group: Clan Members
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Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
U aren't playing inhouse all the time. most of time it's 3 vs 3. If you kill 1 hero your allies can gang the 2 other enemie. 1 will die, and the other one will run away. + you can use pot right after in less than 1 sec and still pot 250 better than tp + pot invul.
vs pubs ok use  in full house use ???   fullh = all invicible ready for final blow 
Quote F00ty_R3b0rn ()
Quote [-FTL-]RoyStoM ()vengeanzex2 + ankulti = more gift gold and exp for enemy = anti 1 troll or dispel+400
Jamy can be silenced and then quickly killed or mana burn. So it's usefull
in vengeanze = no usuable   venx2 much fed  + exp

venge is skil for defense >>> fenix/chimera - anti dt - anti  infernal  : out another ankulti = and go  enemy base = is gift fed

Added (03-Mar-2014, 2:20 PM)

Quote Adam_CZ ()
if you think Vengeance is bad (because troll dispell spirit vengeance = gold for enemy) why you all time play black arrows with vengeance? you pick  vengeance maybe 60% games, 20% games you pick death tower and 20% games you pick druids... i promise i never see you picked different ulti than these 3
 I can explain you why?  but are not because it's a tech against the arrow / 1 and could affect   

Quote Adam_CZ ()
btw i still dont understand why vengeance duration = CD (both 180 seconds) why for example infernal is duration less than CD? because infernal is not more OP than vengeance
you should know that all this against the base

veng = anti troll 

infernal = anti 1 turtle  

none op

Added (03-Mar-2014, 2:35 PM)

Quote ic3dt3a ()
Quote [-FTL-]RoyStoM ()time to think + bill = easy rape
bill is bug dispel or use burn mana in bill lose and fail ulti

roystom idiot doesnt know about invulnerability potion?
bill use potion/invu + ulti = potion dispel no afect
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