"pubs" and why good players "stack"
genkiamerica | Date: Sunday, 15-Feb-2015, 9:48 AM | Message # 1 |
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| I've been playing some solo games without checking allies stats lately. I often end up with very bad allies. Good players often call these kinds of allies "pubs". Lets discuss what makes someone a "pub". That is, lets discuss what it is that makes it difficult to win with these kinds of players as allies:
Here are some obvious game losing things I've noticed that people we call "pubs" do: - Always teching tier 1 after mass; this kind of player fails to realize it is usually better to pool one player for tech or get useful items, mercanaries, and towers.
- Getting upset and removing shared control when an ally sends tier zero/one/two units to canon tower when the enemy teams have several lvl 3-6 AOE spells.
- Not pooling for wards or rats or jammy before, during, or directly after mass.
- Picking weak or useless skill combinations (e.g. Spiked carapace/Evasion/Thorns aura/Avatar)
- Very little knowledge or awareness of creeps and their abilities (e.g. dying to newts and golems over and over because of a lack of awareness of how powerful their disables are, casting spells under mana dragons, feeding summons to newts and jammies)
Here are some less obvious problems which affect players of all skills levels but are extremely noticeable with low level players:- Picking good spell combinations but not using them well (e.g. picking nova but never casting nova on clusters of red units)
- Poor coordination with allies (e.g. failing to cast AOE spells on the same cluster of units as your allies often leading to enemy teams stealing a huge mass, failing to cast HK spells on the same hero as allies or just reacting too slow)
- Poor map awareness and poor scouting
- Poor game awareness (this becomes especially obvious in uim games when pro players get 5 or more heroes with useful skills and "pubs" stick with only their first hero, not realizing the importance of getting more heroes with skills like death and decay, mass teleport, resurrection, mind rape, transmute, etc.)
- Poor or nonconstructive communication with team
- Not adapting well to different game modes (e.g. trying to go tier 2-3 black arrow teleport build in SSD vs lvl 6 AOE spells)
- Inability to follow through or capitalize on advantages (e.g. when a team of skilled players gets a very good mass, they take control of the game; a team of lesser skilled players often fail to take control of the game even if they have the highest level heroes after mass)
Playing with average players can be a fun and rewarding experience for high skilled players. Average players are usually willing to listen and communicate with high skilled allies; they will let you lead, they will listen to you, you can teach them things and help them improve. But playing with the worst of players, like the ones who don't realize that it's a good idea to kill their own units in SSD vs lvl 5-6 AOE spells and remove shared control, is frustrating, especially when they don't listen, or even flame you when you try to explain that trying to fight vs lvl 16 heroes with human tier 3 is a bad idea. If you play solo on the bot and never check your allies stats and just play with anyone, chances are you will get the worst "pubs" on your team more often than average players. Even solo players are "stackers" in a sense, because they check allies stats to make sure they at least have some 20-30% average player, and not the worst kind of "pub". Discuss.
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BajsHoran | Date: Sunday, 15-Feb-2015, 10:23 AM | Message # 2 |
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| pub a place, especially in Great Britain or Ireland, where alcoholic drinks can be bought and drunk and where food is often available
solid thread
Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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ic3dt3a | Date: Sunday, 15-Feb-2015, 12:11 PM | Message # 3 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| so basically, what you are saying is that due to the elo system and score keeping, people stat check other players then decide on who they want to play with because they have a higher percentage of wins.
yeah, that's about right.
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Web-Ghost | Date: Sunday, 15-Feb-2015, 1:07 PM | Message # 4 |
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| pub mean public players(unknow)
Added (15-Feb-2015, 1:07 PM) --------------------------------------------- Quote genkiamerica (  ) Playing with average players can be a fun and rewarding experience for high skilled players. Average players are usually willing to listen and communicate with high skilled allies; they will let you lead, they will listen to you, you can teach them things and help them improve. But playing with the worst of players, like the ones who don't realize that it's a good idea to kill their own units in SSD vs lvl 5-6 AOE spells and remove shared control, is frustrating, especially when they don't listen, or even flame you when you try to explain that trying to fight vs lvl 16 heroes with human tier 3 is a bad idea. If you play solo on the bot and never check your allies stats and just play with anyone, chances are you will get the worst "pubs" on your team more often than average players. Even solo players are "stackers" in a sense, because they check allies stats to make sure they at least have some 20-30% average player, and not the worst kind of "pub". Discuss. well this is how i introduce myself to they when i vs some pro and i need to win share share!!!!!!! me pro!! i am pro do !cs web or -ss see me pro now share the base pet (mass clicking with alt key) pub: why do you need it? what does it do? me:its cute and i need it or at times i see pubs taking base pet even though they are 100% mauler and they have auras only.
at times you meet the perfect team who pool you and listen to you in return i tell they some epic items/stuff or you meet 1 good player and the other who wants to kill darks with footmen at this moment i do the only possible thing to win and thats do -uim ggogogoogogogogogogo for more gold and heroes xd
Message edited by Web-Ghost - Sunday, 15-Feb-2015, 1:53 PM |
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Adam_CZ | Date: Sunday, 15-Feb-2015, 1:08 PM | Message # 5 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| You should watch this replay: http://www.speedyshare.com/9eWEf/roystom-owned-by-noobs.w3g and you will understand why even pros cant win single game without stacking. That replay is only 10 minutes (no need watch more).
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Web-Ghost | Date: Sunday, 15-Feb-2015, 1:11 PM | Message # 6 |
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| Adam_CZ, can you not be you please
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ic3dt3a | Date: Sunday, 15-Feb-2015, 1:47 PM | Message # 7 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote Web-Ghost (  ) Adam_CZ, can you not be you please
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nzfockr | Date: Monday, 16-Feb-2015, 1:05 AM | Message # 8 |
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| genkiamerica, speak like pub, act like pub, play like pub, you are a pub.
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genkiamerica | Date: Monday, 16-Feb-2015, 2:29 AM | Message # 9 |
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| nzfockr, uim noob (pro), go back to your uim cave, and surround it with 10 vaults and 8 nuke towers.
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nzfockr | Date: Monday, 16-Feb-2015, 2:34 AM | Message # 10 |
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| it was more like 16 vaults lol
you should now write a thread on how to be a uim mauler noob aha
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b3p | Date: Monday, 16-Feb-2015, 3:33 AM | Message # 11 |
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| But.. if chf is still alive, it is because a lot pub play it. U would say thx to pub.
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lotrrotk | Date: Tuesday, 17-Feb-2015, 5:18 AM | Message # 12 |
 Zombie Pirate
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| In that case thanks for keeping chf live Web-Ghost and "web-fans"
Go rage ban love child -This guy that loved me
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Web-Ghost | Date: Tuesday, 17-Feb-2015, 8:27 AM | Message # 13 |
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| lotrrotk, you welcome web-fan
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lotrrotk | Date: Tuesday, 17-Feb-2015, 9:06 AM | Message # 14 |
 Zombie Pirate
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| Lol I'm a y6_2 fan NOT A WEB-FAN
Go rage ban love child -This guy that loved me
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Web-Ghost | Date: Tuesday, 17-Feb-2015, 9:24 AM | Message # 15 |
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| Quote lotrrotk (  ) Lol I'm a y6_2 fan NOT A WEB-FAN xd
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