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Have Fun Noobs - Forum

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Forum moderator: Alex[STAR]  
Have Fun Noobs
ProGlitcherDate: Tuesday, 06-Dec-2011, 7:39 PM | Message # 1
Group: New Users
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Im the most annoying person on forum
CHF footies would be better without me
idc noobs. Anyway srry Alex[star] for pissing u off
Im trying to be the NEXT lamefusion cause flamefusion currently isnt flaming -boring me 100 %-

The reason i play chf footies is because of the drama and flame. And since this is happening less and less -WHERE IS UBER??-, i thought it would be fun to start one. I never knew it could become a serious thread. JAJAJA noobs.

If you see me in game, I will tell you this. I have never glitched a full house recently and have no thoughts to do it. All I am doing is using my brain to take advantage of the game Bond made. -tricks, not glitches-

The Inferno glitch was from me vs computer and i have no thought to redo that glitch. ITS STUPIDEST THING EVER.
I mean by the time you get a hero like this in full house, UR BASE IS GONE 100%

Added (2011-12-06, 8:39 PM)
BTW My new flame account is called ProGlitcher
cause my skills kills the hills

Im leaving officially forums today. See ya noobs
a_chinese_kidDate: Tuesday, 06-Dec-2011, 11:29 PM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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Honest god quit crying for attention
ProGlitcherDate: Tuesday, 06-Dec-2011, 11:36 PM | Message # 3
Group: New Users
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I dont want attention
I jut need a place i can flame and piss ppl off

U guys can all ignore my posts and i wont care
Why? cause i will be the nxt flame

Im leaving officially forums today. See ya noobs
a_chinese_kidDate: Tuesday, 06-Dec-2011, 11:38 PM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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Lolyou have always done this thing where when you don't get what you want you act like you were always trying to get that result.

Like you were trying to get flamed

Or when you lose a game your always like "I let you win"
ProGlitcherDate: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2011, 0:12 AM | Message # 5
Group: New Users
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i nvr verse u

Im leaving officially forums today. See ya noobs
ic3dt3aDate: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2011, 0:55 AM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (a_chinese_kid)
Or when you lose a game your always like "I let you win"

never loses, because leaves before then
ProGlitcherDate: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2011, 2:14 AM | Message # 7
Group: New Users
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Nice idea smile
Will keep that in mind noobs

Im leaving officially forums today. See ya noobs
ItSoVeR9000Date: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2011, 2:18 AM | Message # 8
Blonde Ninja Mod
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Quote (ProGlitcher)
Im trying to be the NEXT lamefusion cause flamefusion currently isnt flaming -boring me 100 %-

As much as you dislike Alex, there are other Mods who frankly don't have the time to read through every post you make. If you want to be this immature and naive, please take it to another website.
You're only disrespecting yourself and bonds amazing game.
Please try to act mature on this forum.
If we don't have any "drama" that you love to read, please be our guests and go find another game and another website that does.

ProGlitcherDate: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2011, 7:02 AM | Message # 9
Group: New Users
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ItsOver i nvr knew there were more than 1 mod cry

im so srry noobs.
Ahh wtvr.. thread closed. Back to being quiet

Im leaving officially forums today. See ya noobs
TrixxareforkidsDate: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2011, 8:50 AM | Message # 10
Zombie Pirate
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If I ever come to Korea, I am going to find you and eviscerate you. That's a promise.

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
slayer666Date: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2011, 10:02 AM | Message # 11
Group: Investor
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Quote (a_chinese_kid)
Honest god quit crying for attention

Correct kid biggrin

You don't stop playing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop playing :)
a_chinese_kidDate: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2011, 4:45 PM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Trixxareforkids)
If I ever come to Korea, I am going to find you and eviscerate you. That's a promise.
Bond009Date: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2011, 5:44 PM | Message # 13
Overall Site Owner
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Quote (Trixxareforkids)
If I ever come to Korea, I am going to find you and eviscerate you. That's a promise.


XXkillerbeansXXDate: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2011, 7:09 PM | Message # 14
Zombie Pirate
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Rosa your still cool and all but settle down?

Added (2011-12-07, 8:09 PM)
O whoops :P... Didnt read whole message.

ProGlitcherDate: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2011, 7:13 PM | Message # 15
Group: New Users
Messages: 158
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only cause its u though cool

close thread
I have no thought about flaming now
-I PASSED MY SUBJECT <= stress relieved now.. srry guys

*hoping my finals are gonna help my grade.. Pray for me killer

Im leaving officially forums today. See ya noobs
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