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Official Signature Request Thread - Page 2 - Forum

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Official Signature Request Thread
NjagDate: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 9:13 AM | Message # 1
Group: Investor
Messages: 370
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Requirements as follows:
You must be a member of Clan H.P.M.M. or C.H.F.
You must not abuse other players at all !!
I must like you somewhat cool

I just wanna help you guys by helping to express your individuality and tastes by making sigs for freinds and clan members alike.
Let me know what you want!!!!

I make custom sigs for free / if you are a friend. Gimme a shoutout and i 'll hook you up.

Message edited by Njag - Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 11:56 AM
AntyoneDate: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 2:40 PM | Message # 16
Development Director
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you need to practice njag

HashDate: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 2:43 PM | Message # 17
Group: Users
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cry too scary!!! And it is not pink either cry
NjagDate: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 2:47 PM | Message # 18
Group: Investor
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or how about this. I like the way i made her take off the devil's face and underneath is the face of "HASHORYUKEN the QUEEN of DARKNESS" !!!

Added (2011-06-29, 3:47 PM)

Quote (Antyone)
you need to practice njag

Yo ant. sup buddy. Don't be jocking me skills hommie biggrin

I make custom sigs for free / if you are a friend. Gimme a shoutout and i 'll hook you up.
HashDate: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 2:51 PM | Message # 19
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I love it!!! smile You forgot to put Queen of Darkness in it cry

PS I also need a new Avatar, then I will become full flesh Queen of Darkness. Muwahahahahahahaha!!!! devil devil devil devil devil

Message edited by Hash - Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 2:58 PM
NjagDate: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 3:26 PM | Message # 20
Group: Investor
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Quote (Hash)
PS I also need a new Avatar, then I will become full flesh Queen of Darkness. Muwahahahahahahaha!!!!

@@@ = copy and paste that link in between for your ava smile

I make custom sigs for free / if you are a friend. Gimme a shoutout and i 'll hook you up.
HashDate: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 3:38 PM | Message # 21
Group: Users
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It does not allow me, because it is bigger than what it is allowed for avatar cry
NjagDate: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 4:34 PM | Message # 22
Group: Investor
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I'll work on that in a min.

I make custom sigs for free / if you are a friend. Gimme a shoutout and i 'll hook you up.
BikiniandPunaniDate: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 4:36 PM | Message # 23
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Dude that chick on the cover of this thread is Freaking gorgeous! Now That's a 10/10 tongue good job
NjagDate: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 5:14 PM | Message # 24
Group: Investor
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Quote (BikiniandPunani)
Dude that chick on the cover of this thread is Freaking gorgeous! Now That's a 10/10 tongue good job

lol thanks Bikini

I make custom sigs for free / if you are a friend. Gimme a shoutout and i 'll hook you up.
NoBrainDate: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 5:23 PM | Message # 25
Group: Clan Members
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I make signs too.

je l'ai rêvé si fort... que les draps s'en souviennent..
DragonWarriorDate: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 6:35 PM | Message # 26
Group: Clan Members
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Alright, can you make me a sig that includes a warrior and a dragon 0.o?

As of now, I have a friggin peon riding a nubbish pig as an avatar. Shows no warriorism at all lol.

"It's not how many hours you put into it, but what you put into the hours."-Micheal Jordan
"Be the change you wish to seek in the world"-Ghandi

Message edited by DragonWarrior - Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 6:35 PM
NjagDate: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011, 9:11 PM | Message # 27
Group: Investor
Messages: 370
Awards: 2
Reputation: 252
Status: Offline
Can I get one? I already have the pic, but idk how to make it smaller and to add my name,,,i gave the task to arctty a month ago, but im thinking of firing him : )

let me see the pic
Quote (DragonWarrior)
Alright, can you make me a sig that includes a warrior and a dragon 0.o?

As of now, I have a friggin peon riding a nubbish pig as an avatar. Shows no warriorism at all lol.

kinda like your game style ( just joking)

sure man let me see what I can do.

I make custom sigs for free / if you are a friend. Gimme a shoutout and i 'll hook you up.
AntyoneDate: Thursday, 30-Jun-2011, 7:29 AM | Message # 28
Development Director
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there u go masta

NjagDate: Thursday, 30-Jun-2011, 7:51 AM | Message # 29
Group: Investor
Messages: 370
Awards: 2
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Quote (Antyone)
there u go masta

rofl Ant

I make custom sigs for free / if you are a friend. Gimme a shoutout and i 'll hook you up.
PinasDate: Thursday, 30-Jun-2011, 9:12 AM | Message # 30
Group: Investor
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Can either nobrain or anty make me a sig. Your skills in graphic art is amazing :O

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