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Should we unban Masta? - Page 2 - Forum

Forum moderator: Alex[STAR]  
Should we unban Masta?
Who do you like the most?
1. Jamie (is cool) [ 2 ] [12.50%]
2. Jade (is weird) [ 0 ] [0.00%]
3. Bond (is a nerd) [ 2 ] [12.50%]
4. Spider (Best Mod!) [ 1 ] [6.25%]
5. JohnSmith (For president!) [ 1 ] [6.25%]
6. Wilz (is NOT sexy) [ 3 ] [18.75%]
7. Trixx (is a FREAK) [ 0 ] [0.00%]
8. Dragon.Warrior (is the awesomer then all of you (this one's gonna get no votes)) [ 3 ] [18.75%]
9. a.chinese.kid (For Mod!) [ 1 ] [6.25%]
10. Masta_K1lla (should be unbanned) [ 3 ] [18.75%]
Answers total: 16
lspiderlDate: Sunday, 02-Oct-2011, 11:54 PM | Message # 16
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masta will get unbanned .......eventualy

and chinese ... never gonna happen

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
Alex[STAR]Date: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 1:17 AM | Message # 17
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Quote (a_chinese_kid)
btw this thread is ***

You want mod with that sort of language lol

dagottoDate: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 3:35 PM | Message # 18
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wilz is not sexy cool
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:04 PM | Message # 19
Zombie Pirate
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STOP making stupid threads dragon.
DragonWarriorDate: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:17 PM | Message # 20
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you mad bro that everyone says that you're not HPMM eligible either?

"It's not how many hours you put into it, but what you put into the hours."-Micheal Jordan
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XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:32 PM | Message # 21
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no.(btw was you and dk, mebbe gameover)

but srsly dude all of these things have been made by john alrdy. its like u want attention but cant get it.


Message edited by XXkillerbeansXX - Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:32 PM
DragonWarriorDate: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:40 PM | Message # 22
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LOL you think I want attention?

It's people like you who create the drama around here. You guys talk sh!t about other people because it makes you feel better when you beat down other people.

I do this stuff for fun idiot, i dont care about rep. More people think you aren't eligible for clan because-
a. you abuse
b. you QQ when i beat you (twice already because you cant stand it when a person who used to be a noob got better all of a sudden)
"should i list more?"

And you're the one telling me that I cry for attention

"It's not how many hours you put into it, but what you put into the hours."-Micheal Jordan
"Be the change you wish to seek in the world"-Ghandi
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:42 PM | Message # 23
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Can anyone please listen to this guy seriously? sorry but im starting to hate this guy. dragon you've changed a lot. please back off and stop?(btw i only qq like 10 times total. and it was vs wmw not you. Yes you should list more btw.

Edit: Someone please help this guy lose his ego. its starting to piss me off.

Message edited by XXkillerbeansXX - Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:44 PM
DragonWarriorDate: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:46 PM | Message # 24
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Haha you call me "hyppocritical"

Name one time i was being hyppocritical. You told me that I abused by banning Tasuki 4 months ago because he kept pausing the game every 2 seconds.

Look at the other thread. "KILLERBEANS IS THE BEST RED HOST". Looks like you have more of a abuse spree than i do.

Guess your the hyppocrite smile cool

Added (2011-10-03, 8:46 PM)

Quote (XXkillerbeansXX)
dragon you've changed a lot

nah, you have bro. I told you, ever since I joined HPMM, you started saying mean things about me. I guess your jealous that I used to be a LOT worse (I even admit I was bad) and that I improved my game.

Added (2011-10-03, 8:46 PM)
I'm going to back off this thread now because spidey is going to close it for flaming and drama.

"It's not how many hours you put into it, but what you put into the hours."-Micheal Jordan
"Be the change you wish to seek in the world"-Ghandi
TrixxareforkidsDate: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:50 PM | Message # 25
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The new generation

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:52 PM | Message # 26
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again this is just boring. dude i get called noob for making modes? you think im jealous you joined hpmm? didnt i congratulate you after cheesy invited you? i think they think its admin abuse to swap on same team lol. btw its called red abuse not admin abuse. ur also hypocritical about calling abuse. arent you the one that banned holyapple on weed because him and a friend would 2 hero and u didnt like that?
DragonWarriorDate: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:54 PM | Message # 27
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The next generation is the people who get angry over the end result of games. Too many of these people in HPMM. Sorry to say, but the "next generation" is gonna bring the downfall of CHF if this keeps up.

Added (2011-10-03, 8:54 PM)

Quote (XXkillerbeansXX)
didnt i congratulate you after cheesy invited you?

Um no because a. Bond invited me and b. there was a rumor that i sucked ass and you began to follow it
Quote (XXkillerbeansXX)
banned holyapple on weed because him and a friend would 2 hero and u didnt like that?

HolyApple was my friend?
and I've never banned anyone except for Tasuki, which I unbanned after you told me it was abuse

"It's not how many hours you put into it, but what you put into the hours."-Micheal Jordan
"Be the change you wish to seek in the world"-Ghandi
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:55 PM | Message # 28
Zombie Pirate
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hi trixx

Added (2011-10-03, 8:55 PM)
o sry thot it was apple but i knew u banned someone.

DragonWarriorDate: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:58 PM | Message # 29
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Dude I don't want to be mean, so I think that we should stop the fighting and get over it. This stuff has gone on for too long. Because idgaf now what you guys think of me. This is an online game... You guys are too self-conscious over how you seem online.

"It's not how many hours you put into it, but what you put into the hours."-Micheal Jordan
"Be the change you wish to seek in the world"-Ghandi
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 03-Oct-2011, 7:58 PM | Message # 30
Zombie Pirate
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o also dragon arent you part of the new generation? can someone tell me how long he's been around? no ive only been in chf for about a year now. 6 months of that was chfg. i have 3k 5.4 games dragon. captain of meh HS basketball team. starting center. i have a life outside of chf and wc3. please stop acting like this is the end of the world.
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