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Forum moderator: Alex[STAR]  
Adam ^.^
[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013, 3:28 PM | Message # 16
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curious says this is something that no longer disturb the 2 days new accounts and more fuck

psd : HOUTUBE <3

Added (2013-03-26, 4:28 PM)
OSETINA team killer LOLLLL

Message edited by [-FTL-]RoyStoM - Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013, 4:04 PM
ic3dt3aDate: Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013, 3:49 PM | Message # 17
Robotic Ninja
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!vote adam_cz ban4life
no ingles xD
[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013, 4:05 PM | Message # 18
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!vote adam_cz ban4life
Adam_CZDate: Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013, 4:25 PM | Message # 19
Robotic Ninja
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Haha Roystom... I was trying apology to you but it was not good idea. But yes... fact is all this shit what I am doing to you (sleep, hammer, feed yur enemies) have reason I really think you are the best CHF player and its not possible beat you by normal way (just my opinion).

Ban forever.... I am banned forever now (banned nickname and my IP) but I still can play. So what are you talking about? I can play with spoofed accounts or with proxy (or buy dynamic IP) but of course is better be unbanned and play with just one regular account. And definitely I dont wanna join EFB or reserve. Anyway people join EFB only for these privilegies (reserve, admin) its not like FA clan or HPMM (but its sad some people from HPMM join EFB too only for admin).
[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013, 4:43 PM | Message # 20
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clearly not good, you only live one day to take time off and I saw all day right in the bathroom every game and if you have no one to bother you're looking for a game and others from that time I began to think that has a psychological trauma because what you do is not normal "FATAL OBSESSION"

Message edited by [-FTL-]RoyStoM - Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013, 4:46 PM
Adam_CZDate: Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013, 4:59 PM | Message # 21
Robotic Ninja
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Sorry I dont understand and Google translator dont help me too....
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013, 6:37 PM | Message # 22
Robotic Ninja
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Ahhh I miss the drama <3

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013, 10:14 PM | Message # 23
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Today adam showed me he can't change. we gave him a chance and he waste it...

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 27-Mar-2013, 2:41 PM | Message # 24
Robotic Ninja
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Yo guys follow my advices, just stop even thinking about him and he'll stop it. Just please talk about anything else and don't ever mention him.

lspiderlDate: Wednesday, 27-Mar-2013, 8:12 PM | Message # 25
Site Manager
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adam no longer on these forums so lets justĀ  remove him from memory

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
ripplesDate: Thursday, 28-Mar-2013, 1:29 AM | Message # 26
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I will start playing again.

Added (2013-03-28, 2:29 AM)
aka mr_dark

FireHartDate: Thursday, 28-Mar-2013, 8:43 AM | Message # 27
Group: Clan Members
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Yesss he's gone thank you spidey

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