Prayers and heartfelt sorrow go out to those in Boston today. May they catch the culprits swiftly and bring them to justice I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
stupid sheep! it was planned, the government is the culprit
Added (2013-04-17, 2:30 AM) --------------------------------------------- just like sandy hoax, its just a part of the governments plan to get the public support of the anti gun laws
Message edited by demitri - Wednesday, 17-Apr-2013, 1:29 AM
the lil kid who sits in channel all day and doesnt know a damn thing about what is going on in the world is going to call me a dumbass? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo TASTE MY BULLETS
stupid sheep! it was planned, the government is the culpritAdded (2013-04-17, 2:30 AM)---------------------------------------------just like sandy hoax, its just a part of the governments plan to get the public support of the anti gun laws
while I don't disagree about the possiblility of government involvement that doesn't change the fact that innocent people were brutaly injured and murdered and deserve our support I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
my friend was there, he moved to mass last yr with his wife(his gf, he's whipped, lol). he said it was like a bombing in iraq, except that people here had no idea how to react, there was too much chaos. there, it is more common and the civilians have somewhat of an idea of how to proceed.
Quote (lspiderl)
Quote (demitri) stupid sheep! it was planned, the government is the culpritAdded (2013-04-17, 2:30 AM)---------------------------------------------just like sandy hoax, its just a part of the governments plan to get the public support of the anti gun laws
while I don't disagree about the possiblility of government involvement that doesn't change the fact that innocent people were brutaly injured and murdered and deserve our support