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Adam_CZ Rank #1 ? - Page 2 - Forum

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Adam_CZ Rank #1 ?
O_o]-PrincipVDate: Wednesday, 02-Apr-2014, 8:37 AM | Message # 16
Group: Investor
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Adam revolution ! biggrin

Call Me Messi I was The ex Best Player
LG-WaariDate: Wednesday, 02-Apr-2014, 8:53 AM | Message # 17
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who the f#$k cares about elo or rank? just play it for funz lol  dry

Leader of LG
TicklemonsterDate: Wednesday, 02-Apr-2014, 3:58 PM | Message # 18
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Quote LG-Waari ()
who the fuck cares about elo or rank? just play it for funz lol
So naive..


Adam_CZ "wildjap is the worsest player chf ever"

[-FTL-]RoyStoM "you never win me or win team ftl jajajajaj i god for game"
Priest-Of-SinDate: Wednesday, 02-Apr-2014, 5:55 PM | Message # 19
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Quote Arctty ()
congrats to adam_cz for being #1 he deserves it after all his hard work and dedication to the game. no one can match him. GG
except when he plays ars mode...he is totaly noob.he dont have a clue what to do if he get some new spells(well new for him).but gg for make-ing us belive that you are nr:1 adam.well dont worry we know who you realy are''just another wanna be ''

Quote Ticklemonster ()
Hi guys, i'm gathering a donation for a hit-man. Please if you are willing to donate some money then PM me. We all know the target so i will not say it.  P.S if anyone knows of a good hit-man also PM me.
P.P.S all donations will be kept anonymous.
i salute your ideea  :))

Quote BajsHoran ()
esterday was so fun lol... i join game i come on t1 with adam. team 4 is gondiak and osestinas... adam say to me dont swap urslef on t4... so i go alone on t3 to dont play with adam ... so adam leave and rejoin on t1 swap himself with gondiak and osetinas to have 3 vs me and ose says move this fucking bitch from my team or something like that. so i abort on countdown and swap adam back to t1. and i guess he dont have time to leave or abort before starts... so he just alt f4 or pull internet cable while load lol... thats how scared adam is to play just 1 game alone
thats adam our nr1 elo player.btw baj, when you see ose say hi for me.

BajsHoranDate: Wednesday, 02-Apr-2014, 9:41 PM | Message # 20
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they call him Sad Adam Hussein

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
NexsuSDate: Wednesday, 02-Apr-2014, 10:15 PM | Message # 21
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Elo is shit ..... there are better players who has the worst elo.....example bajshoran.... tk sylele keeper ... and other ...... more simply pay no attention to the system elo.... will break frankly friendship of all .... My english is bad sad


Message edited by NexsuS - Wednesday, 02-Apr-2014, 10:15 PM
AL_GIDate: Wednesday, 02-Apr-2014, 10:47 PM | Message # 22
Zombie Pirate
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Quote NexsuS ()
Elo is shit ..... there are better players who has the worst elo.....example bajshoran.... tk sylele keeper ... and other ...... more simply pay no attention to the system elo.... will break frankly friendship of all .... My english is bad

I created a thread about that long time ago wink

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

TicklemonsterDate: Thursday, 03-Apr-2014, 1:04 AM | Message # 23
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Quote NexsuS ()
Elo is shit ..... there are better players who has the worst elo.....example bajshoran.... tk sylele keeper ... and other ...... more simply pay no attention to the system elo
Yea exactly, even me the God of CHF has very low elo, so obviously elo means nothing! Come on guys, it was obvious from the beginning.


Adam_CZ "wildjap is the worsest player chf ever"

[-FTL-]RoyStoM "you never win me or win team ftl jajajajaj i god for game"
BajsHoranDate: Thursday, 03-Apr-2014, 1:43 AM | Message # 24
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dont forget god of gods the true part has like 600 elo and rapes u all with ravens avatar enraging storm........ and my bitch ic3tea who has 600 elo but 500 apm and some sick retard micro biggrin

Added (03-Apr-2014, 1:30 AM)
ok nexus... i say it one time... but only 1... never again

FAN biggrin

Added (03-Apr-2014, 1:31 AM)
Omg how can reproof ticklemonster? its like reproof ice cream sunday with a lapdance from eva longora while eating it.

Added (03-Apr-2014, 1:43 AM)
and finnaly... about adams admin personally i prefere have adam on forum then as an admin cause its kinda fun at times to read whats goin on in his weird czech brain and i want some news about his fake brother etc.... he is alone the reason for random taking away some admin comands... like open close slot like now when we test 4.1 beta and we make a comp that got wron or someone joins. u cant open the comp u need to rehost the game.... and more so the drop in game when lag... the synclimit command is better tho... but i remember very well this !drop dissapeard shortly after a game  adams team vs me n footy n sylebelle we where winning and footy with all his micro lag 1 second and adam goes !drop. that was the last time i ever saw that command being used. GG well playd

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
MonsterDate: Thursday, 03-Apr-2014, 4:24 AM | Message # 25
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lol fans elo doesnt matter

if elo stated who was best then tdt would be 1 2 3 and 4

BajsHoranDate: Thursday, 03-Apr-2014, 4:37 AM | Message # 26
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Quote Monster ()
lol fans elo doesnt matterif elo stated who was best then tdt would be 1 2 3 and 4

on the separate hack n stack chart yes =)

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
SOUNDWAVESDate: Thursday, 03-Apr-2014, 7:40 AM | Message # 27
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Quote BajsHoran ()
Quote Monster ()lol fans elo doesnt matterif elo stated who was best then tdt would be 1 2 3 and 4 on the separate hack n stack chart yes =)

lol yea that number 1 will be pretty much competitive.

Rest in Peace Rookies
katriel7Date: Thursday, 03-Apr-2014, 12:24 PM | Message # 28
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I really mis !stas sad
go down elo system and his fucking host biggrin

I'm not the better but some day i will rape you!!
AL_GIDate: Thursday, 03-Apr-2014, 4:17 PM | Message # 29
Zombie Pirate
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Yes stats were good, but admins were stacking teams to have better %

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 16-May-2015, 5:00 PM | Message # 30
Robotic Ninja
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F*ck you... I was rank #1 and Cou deletd my elo... give me my ELO back.

ADAM_CZ rank #1 CHF

justice in CHF please !!!!!!!!!!

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Saturday, 16-May-2015, 5:01 PM
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