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KinGDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 0:32 AM | Message # 346
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Quote (Arctty)
Thank you bikini for filling the void that was left by Masta Bradley. I hope one day I can be as skilled, handsome and profound as you. I can only dream that I go to sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow as Bikiniandpunani... only dream

Arctty just cut u the f@#k down why would u respond ?? BAHAHAHAHA F@#$IN BIK ur a fourms bully ?? wtf get a life nerd......... RAGE =P
one day u might get on my level but by then ill be SSM-GOD

I'm still winning ....... Like charlie sheen
BikiniandPunaniDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 1:19 AM | Message # 347
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C what im talking bout arctty now this one has no brain what so ever! This is why i give u props for ur knowledge!!! A simple example of a brainless tough chf rookie! Thanks king for commenting, i needed an example to make things clear... afterall an example is worth a million words!! smile

Added (2011-03-11, 2:19 Am)
Just wanted to add somethig else... Does it look like im raging or ur raging? Read ur comment and read mine! Im cool as a penguin and ur trying to hide ur anger... Wait i guess words can aslo mean a thousand pictures!!! smile

LittleBDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 2:10 AM | Message # 348
Robotic Ninja
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LOLlololololol bikiini u never stop cracking me up lolololloololoolllolol
stoogeDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 6:36 AM | Message # 349
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lol ur all gay...

Added (2011-03-11, 7:36 Am)
also biki u r trying very hard to be like masta bradly lol...calm down dudes...

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
lspiderlDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 8:38 AM | Message # 350
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this is NOT a place for this discusion , do not continue it here make a seperate thread for it this is a place to post and discuss member pictures

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
LittleBDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 10:25 AM | Message # 351
Robotic Ninja
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ya pot these stuff at randomisiss thread
CouDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 10:41 AM | Message # 352
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lol a remembered and famous quote from Masta killa Bradley.

"Don't talk to me bitch until you get to my level"

lmao aww the good times.

Anywho, back on topic. Pics pl0x.

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
LittleBDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 10:58 AM | Message # 353
Robotic Ninja
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hahahaha tell me about it
BikiniandPunaniDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 12:18 PM | Message # 354
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stooge, my babe, just cuz u get laid more than me dont mean u can start accusing me of bein someone else!!! ... i love how everyone thinks im like killa, come on just look at me and him... Look dont match, add personality doesnt either, what does is that we both dont like ppl who talk tough and cant back it up!!! if i come to realize that ur a good player and deserve respect ill give u, otherwise ur a rookie! ps. This happened to stooge long time ago sad but now this lil sex magnet has my respect cuz saw his gameplay!

... Again theres nothing same withe me and masta, except that we only respect those that deserve it!!!


PS lets not change this beautiful threads meanig... Some hotties that have placed their pocs up might get pissed!!! Lol

HashDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 1:06 PM | Message # 355
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OMG! we all get off topic so easily. And no Stooge, I was not thinking that you were directing at me. But please believe me, there are a lot of people thinking that I don't belong in HPMM cry And now you say that you won't be playing wc3 as much anymore, I am really sad cry :'( cry
ArcttyDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 2:09 PM | Message # 356
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there is NO discussion allowed in this thread WHAT SO EVER.

Hash you left your pants at my house last night if you want to come pick them up later, and some plan B...

PS: Bik please send me some good pictures of you so my plastic surgeon knows exactly how to change my face.

ItSoVeR9000Date: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 2:41 PM | Message # 357
Blonde Ninja Mod
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Geesh! Things are getting rather crazy in this thread spiteful spiteful spiteful

BikiniandPunaniDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 4:46 PM | Message # 358
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LMFAO arctty... U also have jades pants????? Wtf jade u lil piece of $&$@$!!!!!!

ps. K bro np ill send u a couple pics ill try to also take some below my waist cuz u need to get plastic surgeory there too...

ArcttyDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 6:59 PM | Message # 359
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this is all a joke bro, we just trollin, no hate here
HashDate: Friday, 11-Mar-2011, 10:42 PM | Message # 360
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Arctty and Bikini, shame on you. don't post those kind of comments on here. Even if they are jokes, I don't like it. angry2
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